Monday's Music Moves Me

Fly me to the moon

A clear night with nothing but the moon, taken in 2016 with my big girl camera (Nikon D7000)

Welcome to Monday’s Mewsic Moves Me!  It’s not frequent that we’re outdoors late enough for me to capture celestial entities in the sky, so when I’m able to attempt it then I’m eager to give for the moment.  This week’s theme is “songs about the moon“.   


My various artist ‘Fly me to the moon’ playlist includes these song tracks:

  1.  FLY ME TO THE MOON ~American Idol hopeful, Casey Abrams.  If you’re like me Sinatra comes to mind when you think of this song but did you know it was first released under the title, In Other Words, by Kaye Ballard in 1954? Also, its been covered an impressive 599 times to date.
  2. EVERYONE’S GONE TO THE MOON ~ The Lettermen (1970) is a new discovery from nearly two dozen covers. I loved their sweet sound of this version but it was written and recorded by Jonathan King in 1965.
  3. DANCING IN THE MOONLIGHT ~Boofalongo is the original 1970 recording artist made popular by King Harvest in 1972
  4. BAD MOON RISING ~Janiva Magness (2019) covered Creedence Clearwater Revival is only one of handful of women to cover this late 60s hit and happens to be last week’s BoTB’s featured song, vote now if you haven’t!
  5. NEW MOON ON MONDAY ~Duran Duran (1983) hit the US Billboard Hot 100 charts January 1984. A song I forgot about until now.



This month’s honorary co-hostess is Alana at Ramblin’ with AM!!


DISCLOSURE…this is a mewsic linky party, which means all participates are sharing songs that one can listen to from YouTube or Vimeo and a not a post about mewsic or mewsicians.  Failure to meet this basic guideline puts your URL in danger of being removed or labeled – NO MUSIC.

[tweetthis]Hit the #MondaysMusicMovesMe dance floor with me! @xmasdolly [/tweetthis]

Before I leave let me mention my mid-month BoTB, I used one of the songs on my playlist and I’d love it if you’d cast your vote for your favorite artist. Go ahead do that now, I’ll wait….Done? Good! Okay, that’s a wrap for this time, I’ll be back on Wednesday with the results from my showdown and I hope you’ll pop back in to see if your pick is named the winner. Have a boogietastic week! X💋X💋, Cathy

Photo-art creation using a Google borrowed image adding a Helen Keller quote for Sparks of encouragement and Awww Mondays hosted by Sandee at Comedy Plus























  • Alana Mautone (@RamblinGarden)

    I’ve been enjoying the moon posts, and some of the covers of “Fly Me To the Moon” that I had never heard. One selection of interest was the Lettermen’s cover of “Everyone’s Gone to the Moon”; have never heard that particular cover of a song that has some personal meaning for me. I must admit the cover of Bad Moon Rising wasn’t that much to my liking, but there was a quick recover with a Duran Duran song I had totally forgotten about (shame on me)! Have a great week!

    • Cathy Kennedy


      The Bad Moon Rising cover is different and that more or less is what drew me to use it. Everyone other than me is familiar with the Duran Duran song. I guess I was living under a rock when it came out. 🙂

    • Cathy Kennedy


      I love the night sky! We can see the moon from our living room window most of the time and these past months we’ve gotten some good views. For the last little bit, we can see Jupiter when it rises and for awhile even Saturn. Jupiter is still quite visible and bright at nights.

    • Cathy Kennedy

      Athena & Marie,

      I was surprised how many covers there are of “Fly Me To The Moon”. This song has been stuck inside my head for the past couple of days now. 🙂 Thanks for boogieing by to catch my tunes spinning on the turntable, my friend. 😉

  • 15andmeowing

    I did not know that about Fly Me to the Moon. It will always be Frank’s song to me 🙂 XO

  • XmasDolly

    Great songs girlfriend! So many I had forgotten, but use to love. Especially Duran Duran. I use to play that one all the time via cassette. haha remember those? Have a great day sweetie! Sit down on your porch, take a deep breathe and look up to the stars because believe it or not it’s the same world we were born into, the same world we use to play in when we were little and the same world so many, many good things happened to us… like the day I met you. HUGS

  • angelswhisper2011

    We’re lucky with this Theme, right CK? We always love to see the Moon in her different shapes and living with the Moon is a magical way of life, it’s even easier when you hang out with the Moon, don’t you think?🌚We loved your playlist. Duran Duran is our favourite this week. Almost forgot about this song, but such a great choise! Now let’s swing into the week, my furriend, with some Musical Pawkisses of course😸🐾😽💞

    • Cathy Kennedy


      Sure steal the Helen Keller meme. I borrowed the image and the quote to create the meme. IMO it’s a great fit. Thanks for boogieing by!

  • tomthebackroadstraveller

    …Casey Abrams and that bass line is FABULOUS!!! The Lettermen sure are a throwback. Dancing in the Moonlight is a classic. I’ll stick with Creedence Clearwater Revival and if you don’t mind I’ll skip right over Duran Duran! Thanks for sharing Cathy!

    • Cathy Kennedy


      Casey Abrams is a talented artist. He got his big break on American Idol several years ago. He was a bit a wild man and his potential really shined through. Oh yes, I love CCR! They totally rock but I was trying to do something a little different from the obvious. Duran Duran is an okay group. They didn’t have a lot that I liked even back in their heyday but this song title worked for the theme and it was a new one on me. Thanks for joining me on the dance floor, my friend. Have a good evening!

  • Arlee Bird

    I’d forgotten all about that Jonathan King song. I used to like it when his version was on the radio. It fits the Lettermen style well.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

    • Cathy Kennedy


      ‘Everyone’s Gone to the Moon’ was a nice find. I love a good theme challenge and then to try to figure out songs that no one else will use. I don’t know if I’ve ever been able to have songs that no one else thought of but it’s fun to try. Thanks for boogieing by today.

    • Cathy Kennedy


      I’m not very good with photographing the night sky. It’s really tricky. I got lucky a few shots but I took a ton so I could check them once I was indoors. 🙂 DH keeps saying, you gotta learn how to use your camera and I really do need to put more time in figuring things out instead of flying by the seat of pants like I do.

  • Sandee

    Love the video. Love Jazz.

    Awww on the owl. So adorable and the words are spot on.

    Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Awww Monday and week. Love and hugs, Cathy. ♥

        • Cathy Kennedy


          It took me a bit to figure out that little snow owl might not be real but it’s awfully cute. I do think real snow owls are more cute than other types of owls. They have friendlier faces.

  • John Holton

    Good selection here! I used Kaye Ballard’s original in my list, so it’s out there. Good pick up on King Harvest and The Lettermen’s cover of Jonathan King’s beauty.

    • Cathy Kennedy


      Oh that’s cool! I was going to listen to that version while building my playlist and then forgot. I’m eager to catch on your blog today. Thanks for popping by, heading your way now!

    • Cathy Kennedy


      Tonight, there’s a new moon which is interesting given our theme, since we won’t be able to see it with the unaided eye. 🙂 Things like this amuse my simple mind. 😀 Thanks for visiting!

  • DrillerAA

    Excellent choice in music today. I had a brain freeze and posted my moon music last week. I actually considered Fly Me to The Moon and you picked an awesome arrangement of that classic. Both of us selected Bad Moon Rising, but by different artists. The Duran Duran song is new to me. I had forgotten about your other two selections and it was great to hear from The Lettermen again. Have a blessed week.

    • Cathy Kennedy


      No problem with your mewsic lineup. We’ve all done that and as I say, as long as you have tunes for us to boogie to then that’s all that matters. Thanks for popping by!

  • Thomas Anderson

    Hi, Cathy!

    Happy Awww-some 4M Monday, dear friend! Helen Keller was wise as an owl, a woman denied of sight but blessed with vision. I appreciate her inspiring quote. Your spectacular picture of the moon reminds me that the earth also appears that small when viewed from a distance, a tiny dot in the vastness of the universe. We as a people must learn to get along and save this planet, our home, from destruction. At this point in time we have nowhere else to go.

    I thoroughly enjoyed your set of songs about the moon, beginning with the clean, uncluttered jazz arrangement of “Fly Me To The Moon” performed by new to me artist Casey Abrams. I know The Letterman but this is the first time I heard their 1970 cover of “Everyone’s Gone To The Moon.” Released in the summer of 1965, Jonathan King’s single was a worldwide hit that sold nearly 5 million copies and was played often on my local York radio station. The King Harvest version of “Dancing In The Moonlight” was played so frequently that I got tired of it. I enjoyed the refreshing cover you posted by Boffalongo, the late 60s rock band from Ithaca, New York, that reformed in the early 70s as Orleans and had two more big hits in the middle of that decade with “Dance With Me” and “Still The One.” “Bad Moon Rising” is another song I grew tired of hearing. Therefore it is a delight to hear a different version this morning, especially by a female artist. I like this version by Janiva Magness and would have voted for her in your band battle. I never heard Duran Duran’s “New Moon On Monday” but it sounds a lot like “Union Of The Snake.” I suppose if you have a great sound going fans don’t mind if some of your releases are derivative.

    Thank you for the morning entertainment, dear friend Cathy. I hope things are going better on your side of the screen. Today is my 12 year blogging anniversary and I would be honored to have you, one of my greatest friends, join me for the celebration. Thank you!

    • Cathy Kennedy


      I appreciate you early morning visit. You always provide such good insight to my mewsic choices providing me with some wonderful tidbits. I’m glad to know that you like my covers of some great oldies, except for Duran Duran’s original. Thanks for the invite to swing by to 12th blogging anniversary party. Have a good day, my friend!

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