Chats on a Farmhouse Porch

Chit Chat on Patrice’s Farmhouse Porch

For some time, I’ve admired my blogging friend, Empty Nest. She has faithfully posted her diet journal weekly. Weight issues vary from person to person, but regardless if you have a few pounds or a lot to melt away; it’s a hard job.

Yesterday while I rode my exercise bike as I watched Days of Our Lives I made a resolve to a diet/exercise journal. Today is the beginning of my challenge. My goal is to visit Patrice’s each Wednesday with my report.  After all, it was she who first inspired me to join a group of ladies seeking encouragement with their battle of the scales.

I’m going to stroll over to Patrice’s now to visit her on….

Patrice: Are you afraid of heights or small places?

Cathy:  Small places don’t bother me too much, but the fear of heights paralyze me.  I get that whole vertigo thing – dizziness going.  I recall one time, I climbed on the roof of our house to help my daddy for some reason and when it was time to go back down, I just couldn’t move. It took forever to find the courage to get off that roof. I don’t like heights too much today, but I’m a ton better about getting myself motivated quicker to face my fears.

Patrice: What was on top of your wedding cake?

Cathy: I’ll do one better, Patrice. Here’s a picture of our wedding cake.

Did you save the top part of your wedding cake for your first anniversary, Patrice..ladies? Well, we did. Unfortunately, it wasn’t worth eating. I’m not sure what went wrong, but my darling MIL wrapped it and stored it in their freezer for us. By the time we were ready for it, it was awful tasting. All we could do is throw it out.  I believe the topper was returned to the bakery.  I only wish now we had been able to keep it. It may have nice to pass it on to our children.

Patrice:What was something you took for granted in school that you’d pay better attention to now if you could do it over?

Cathy:  Definitely math! I hate math and thought it was such a waste of time. What I didn’t understand is math requires logic skills and let’s just say I didn’t have too many of those skills in my younger years. Actually, I acquired a more logical thinking mind once I began college. I was taking a 2-year course in computer programming but I became more a more logical thinker after college. You’ve heard the expression, you grow to be more like your partner over time, right? Well, this fits me to a tee. I’m developing into more of person like my darling husband with each passing year. I hope this doesn’t mean I’ll be losing my hair, too.

Patrice: What’s your favorite type of tea or coffee?

Cathy: That’s a toughy for me, Patrice. I can’t say I have a favorite of either. I sometimes have a cup of both each morning, but more often I will have a cup of instant coffee each morning. Whenever I do have tea, I like Celestial Seasoning Tangerine Zinger. On the weekends with my darling husband, I’ll make the extra effort of brewing the morning coffee. We prefer a light to medium roast for breakfast (Currently, we’re enjoying Target brand Archer Farms House or Breakfast Blends ) and sometimes in the evenings, I’ll make a dark roast coffee (French or Italian). I enjoy using the darker roast coffees to turn into a Latte. I’ll  mix about three-fourths of an ounce of Torani Sugar-Free flavored syrup in a 12-ounce cup of coffee and top with Reddi Wip. Yum is it good, too!

Patrice: Would you rather drive the car, or be a passenger?

Cathy: No question about it, I’d rather be a passenger than a driver. I haven’t driven regularly since 1987.  My confidence is a bit shaken. Usually, I’m quick to rebound whenever I do find myself behind the wheel. Drivers are different today than they were 23 years ago. They are ruder and definitely crazier.  I’d rather sit quietly in the passenger seat during Rush Hour traffic than to have to fight with it. Call me a loser if you want, but at least I’m a happy loser. =D

Before I go, I’d like to invite you to check out Wayback Wednesdays…1993. This is a meme, I’m co-hosting. 😉




  • Suzanne McClendon

    Hi Cathy,

    Thank you for visiting my blog. I enjoyed reading your post. I hope that you won’t be losing your hair either. I’m losing mine, but thanks to anemia, not to my hubby. haha

    I hear you regarding the crazy drivers. I was trying to make a left turn yesterday on a two-lane country road and some creature passed me on the right. Good grief! Still, I’d rather be the driver than the passenger because I know what I’m doing and I can never be too sure of another driver. 🙂

    I’m sorry that you didn’t get to keep your wedding cake top.

    Have a great weekend!

  • Patrice

    Thanks for coming to my porch again. I did save the wedding cake top, but there was a power outage and melting stuff ruined the cake. I don’t have a picture to show without some real digging, but there were fresh flowers on my cake.

    I have a family member who freezes with heights and two others that can’t handle tall bridges.
    Have a good week.

  • Deb

    I wanted to let you know how much I appreciate your visits to Wise Old Owl. I’ve decided to combine my blogs so you can find me now at Jeremiah 29:11. There’s a page at the top called Wise Old Owl!!! If you get a chance, I would love for you to visit me there!!! HOPE you have a great week!

  • My Kid's Mom

    I just looked at your profile and realized you’re from the Knoxville area – that is HOME to me. I hail from Kyles Ford (wide spot in the road) and would love to be back there.

  • Stephanie V

    I know I’m peculiar but I love to drive in traffic. Long stretches of highway driving are no fun at all. In fact, I’ll do anything to avoid them.

  • Farm Girl

    It is so weird when you find out your are afraid of heights. When you had not been before. I like the top of your cake too.
    We saved our and had pretty much the same luck with it tasting yukky.
    I always enjoy reading your answers.

  • My Kid's Mom

    I wouldn’t want to drive in rush hour traffic either – luckily we don’t have to worry about that here. The closest thing we have to “traffic” is when one of the small towns has a festival.

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