
21-03-2025 Vol 19

Chief Junaluska and General Jackson #history #art theme

I’m feeling blessed and inspired to participate in Rain’s Thursday Art Date.  Yesterday’s post inspired my doodles for today’s theme HISTORY.  Before I share with you my pencil drawings let me go on record in saying I’m not a portrait artist and I admire those who can illustrate life-like images.  My hat is off to you. Wait, I’m not wearing a hat but if I were then I’d tip it your way. 

I thought I’d take a stab drawing Chief Junaluska and General Jackson. 



If you checked out my reference links that inspired my creative attempt, then you’ll see I have much improvement to go but that’s okay. Practice makes purrfect and I’m eager to practice, practice, practice!

Thanks for stopping in with your coffee for a peek at my masterpiece and …oh yeah for not spilling it on my artwork! lol  It’s been a super pleasure to share my sprinkle of talent I have with you this morning. 😘 If you like to see what others are bringing to the art play date, then I invite you to high tail it over to Rain’s Garden to browse through the gallery of artistry!

I’ll be back tomorrow with an edition of Friday Fun Stuff chockful of giggles, fill-ins, & more! Come join the fun!

X💋X💋, Cathy

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23 thoughts on “Chief Junaluska and General Jackson #history #art theme

    1. Arnoldo,

      I apologize for just now seeing your comment. WP put it in my spam folder. I’m unsure why this happens. Anywho, thank you for your very kind compliment. Ethnicity is hard to capture but so is drawing the face. Both are challenging but I’m eager to tackle it and do my best. Thanks for dropping in for a visit.

  1. I’m not sure I would have recognized your chief and general … a page in history Imust have missed, but I still believe your drawings are good and they definity look the part. Your Calendar girls, however, are a touch of history in themselves, dating before my time, I believe. Your post was historic in many ways and fun … enjoyed it, Cathy …

    Andrea @ From The Sol

    1. Andrea,

      The only reason Chief Junaluska was on my radar is from a recent day trip in western North Carolina. The hint for my inspiration can be found in Wednesday’s post which I forgot to provide a link to call attention to for those who had not checked it out already. Chief J saved General Jackson’s life. I know Jackson by name from history class long ago. So, don’t worry about your unfamiliarity of these historical figures. I hadn’t thought about my pinup gals having their own history but you’re right. 🙂 Thanks for visiting, darlin’!

    1. Jacqui,

      Virtual coffee…hmmm, what a bummer! Go ahead bring the real McCoy, I’m confident my illustrations will be okay except…you have to worry about not frying your computer. Okay, maybe that’s the real issue here, you think? lol Thanks for visiting, darlin’! 😉

  2. I think you’re most talented and I enjoy your drawings. I sure wish I could draw.

    Have a fabulous day, my friend. Love and hugs. ♥

  3. I LOVE what you did here Cathy!! I looked at the links, and for someone who doesn’t do portraits, you did a VERY good job of it! You got the General’s profile done very well! The only portraits I can really do are of cartoons lol…actually I’m working on a portrait for a future art date and it’s really hard! I just don’t have that perspective, but as you said PRACTICE PRACTICE PRACTICE!!! Thanks so much for joining in!!! 🙂

    1. Rain,

      Ahh, everyone is sweet to me. Why are we are own worst critics? 🙂 I appreciate the boost of support. That means so much to me. Thanks! Hey, I love your cartoons!! I wish I were as good as you. Thanks for dropping in to check out this week’s contributions.

    1. Christine,

      You way too kind. Thank you! All I can say is I tried. Drawing people is difficult. I hope some day the people I sketch actually look like the people I’m modeling my drawing after. Practice. Practice. Practice. That’s what I need! 🙂

  4. Hi, Cathy!

    Happy Thursday, dear friend! I am excited to see your latest art renderings. “Sprinkle of talent”? Nay, nay… I said it before and I will say it again. You possess a torrent of talent! You are too modest. These are fine sketches. The way you drew them, the eyes are as compelling as they are in the original images. The eyes of both warriors reflect the trouble they have seen and also convey strength. If I were wearing a hat as I sip my coffee, I’d tip it your way. 🙂

    I look forward to enjoying your Friday Sillies tomorrow. In the meantime have a wonderful day, dear friend Cathy!

    1. Tom,

      You’re much too kind. I don’t deserve friends as good as you. Thank you, thank you so much! Your generous words are treasures for the soul and lift my spirit above the tops of the Appalachian mountains that Chief Junaluska once called home and men of battle crossed during perilous times of our great country’s dark history. Great lessons we need to learn from our past is we are all equal in the sight of the Lord regardless of skin color and hatred is an ugly thing bent to divide people. Allow love to conquer hate for a peaceful, beautiful tomorrow. Have a beautiful day, my dear friend! xx

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