
12-03-2025 Vol 19

Card Shower for Reid Martin

While I was feeling pretty awful this morning, I have nothing to complain about when my eyes fell upon a blog post, my good friend, Donnie @ New Blessings Everyday has on her right sidebar this morning.

Donnie re-posted Jenny Matlock’s blog post requesting a favor for a young man, Reid Martin, who has Hodgkin’s Lymphoma.

The outpouring of goodwill through this tiny gesture will be a blessing beyond measure to not only Reid but those around him and inadvertently you will receive the same blessing.

Will you show some love today by joining with me to lift this young man’s spirit? If so, then click on HERE to learn where to send Reid a card or you may find his address at the bottom.

Above all, kindly keep Reid and his family in your prayers while asking others to do the same.  There is strength in numbers when we come together before the Almighty.

Please send cards to:
Reid Martin
c/o MD Anderson Cancer Center
Room 1741
1515 Holcomb Boulevard
Houston, TX 77030




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8 thoughts on “Card Shower for Reid Martin

  1. @Charolotte…thank you for the kind words about my blog. It’s always nice to have a new friend to visit.
    You’r mama was a wise woman. I’ve often scolded myself for being a whinner when I felt minor set backs when I know so many others are truly in bad shape. We can all learn from this lesson. Instead of feeling sorry for ourselves, we should choose to pray for someone else who is suffering through a terrible illness or to reach out to them in small way, even if it’s doing no more than sending a card of cheer. Come by again anytime!

  2. Hi Cathy. It’s nice to meet you. I’ve enjoyed your blog. I love that little God’s Blessings picture. This post reminds me of what my mother always said. No matter how bad off she was she could always find someone worse off. It is so sad about Reid and so many others with cancer and other terrible diseases. I sent you the code to the Prayer Request button in an e-mail.

  3. @Saimi…I believe in the power of prayer. Well-wishes are for the immediate lifting up of one’s mentality to get through the rough spots. It’s so comforting knowing others are thinking of you in a special way, don’t you agree? Thanks for stopping by!

  4. Cathy, you are the sweetest friend ever. Thank you and I know Jenny thanks you for such a lovely post about Reid.

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