Meet Me on Monday

Meet Me On Monday Blog Hop

This morning has been a rough one for me with a headache and throwing up. A not so very pleasant  experience I can assure you, but each one of you can relate to the occasional ‘under the weather’ syndrome.  This will pass hopefully sooner than later.  Now to get the ball rolling on my normal Monday blog hops amongst other things.  I hope your Monday has started off better than mine. =D

Java’s Questions this week are:

1. What is your favorite way to eat potatoes?  Potatoes fixed about anyway are one of our favorites.  Occasionally for weekend snacking, we love to prepare them in the oven.  I’ll toss some potato wedges in a bag with some olive oil, salt, & pepper then lay them on a cookie sheet to bake.  Once they are nearly done, then I’ll top them sometimes with cheddar cheese.  From the oven to your plate, eat them as they are or serve them with ketchup or ranch dressing.

2. What was the last package that was delivered to your house?  Frankly, this is tough because we got three packages on Friday and I can’t recall what we go for sure.  Think, think, think…okay one package was from JcPenney. I order my DH some slacks for work and the other two boxes came from Amazon.



3. What is your favorite scent that you love to smell?  No question about it, I love the aroma of freshly baked goods – cakes, cookies, and breads!

4. Do you smoke?  Absolutely NO!  I made the mistake when I was a teenager to do start this nasty habit but thankfully abandoned it before it became too much of an addiction.  I count myself VERY blessed.

5. Are your parents married or divorced?  My parents remain married to one another after 50 years.  They’ve had their ups & downs, but have managed through God’s leadership to keep it all together.

Have a good day!


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