Friday Fun Stuff

Beverage #humor

Purrs and khhhisses, Kittens & Dawgs!  This week has been really hectic.  DH had two doctor appointments. The first one for an eye exam and the following day, he had to go in for oral surgery on the tooth he had a root canal on in 2010.  We were told at the time the tooth might not make it but after years of thinking things looked good, he began experiencing pain and swelling.  The root cracked and the only fix is to extract the tooth followed up with implant surgery to replace that lost tooth.  All of that’s done, now we have to give it a few months before he gets his permanent crown.   It seems another week has bitten the dust. I’m still on semi-summer hiatus which basically means I’m not participating in on my normal hops, so I’m sharing nothing but sillies with you in this edition of Friday Sillies!

This last one reminds of a prank my little brother played on a neighboring kid.  He gave her a soda.  It was yellow and in a Mountain Dew bottle but it was anything but THAT!  No one was hurt by the stunt. The little girl survived and my little brother took a tongue lashing from the folks.  He was made to apologize but I’m certain that didn’t stop more mischief orchestrated by him. Gone are the days of innocence and crazy fun where kids could be kids.

That’s a wrap for now but I hope to see you on the dance floor with songs featuring beverage names in song titles on Mondays Mewsic Moves Me!



 Friday Features Linky Party  



















  • DrillerAA

    Sitting here enjoying my first cup of coffee this morning. Fall Out Boy sounds like they have had their caffeine fix for the day. Have a blessed week.

    • Cathy Kennedy


      I’ll be fixing my morning coffee here in a few and boy, oh boy do I need it! The new day always comes too soon, especially after getting in a bed an hour later than usual. We need to make sure we hit the sheets earlier tonight.

    • Cathy Kennedy


      Yeah, we are, too. It was a gamble but at least he kept it 10 years longer because of the root canal. Unfortunately, medical stuff never comes at a good time and no one likes the inconvenience of it all.

  • Comedy Plus

    I hope your hubby feels good soon. I hate oral surgery.

    Lots of silliness today and that’s great. What a better way to start the weekend.

    I’m off to get my first cup of morning coffee.

    Have a fabulous day and weekend, Cathy. Big hug. ♥

  • Thomas Anderson

    Hi, Cathy!

    I’m sorry to learn that DH has needed to have work done by both ear and oral surgeons. I hope the worst of it is now behind him so that you can both stand down and enjoy life more.

    I got a chuckle out of your Friday Fun Stuff, dear friend, beginning with your sketch of the ticklish kitty! That “Minisoda” riddle is my kind of humor. I laughed out loud at the cartoon – “let me drink my coffee or suffer the consequences.” How true! Mrs. Shady and I are both worthless without our morning coffee. Together we drink a couple of pots first thing every day. I usually arise at 5 am and when the coffee kicks in I enter “the zone,” the most productive part of my day when it is easiest for me to think and write creatively. The “milk gone bad” gag is another great one. I’m afraid to ask what yellow liquid your brother used in place of Mountain Dew, but I don’t think I need to. 🙂

    I enjoyed this encore by Fall Out Boy, the pop punk/alt./emo band from the Chicago area.

    Thank you for this assortment of beverage humor with a beverage song chaser, dear friend Cathy. I wish you and your family a safe and happy weekend!

    • Cathy Kennedy


      Things are progressing better for the both of us. DH had an eye exam. We got his new glasses ordered but they won’t be ready for a couple of weeks while the optical center gets a couple of lens patterns for us to look at before choosing the one we like for his corrective lenses to be cut from. The oral surgery to remove that tooth was the hardest. His mouth is still sore today and I suspect it will be for a quite sometime. I remember how painful my lower jaw was after my pin-hole surgery last year. At least he doesn’t have all that swelling like I did!

      I didn’t think I needed to spell out what my brother put in that bottle. I’m telling you, he was such a stinker! If a kid did that today, the child would be thrown into juvey and sued. Well….the parents would shoulder all the burden no doubt because that’s the world we live in now.

      Thanks for stopping by. I hope y’all have a joyful weekend, my friend.

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