Battle of the Bands

Best of My Love #BOTB showdown

Hello kittens & dawgs! Last month I paid tribute to the late great former Eagles band member, Glenn Frey. If you missed that, then you’re welcome to check it out, here.

The Eagles were an important part of my musical life beginning in my early teens then following me well into adulthood until the group broke up.

Don Henley, J.D. Souther, and the late Glenn Frey collaborated this Billboard Hot 100 and Easy Listening chart topper in 1975 and perhaps is my most memorable song by the Eagles, Best of My Love.

Don Henley of the Eagles did the lead vocals. This version is for your enjoyment, so please refrain from voting for them.

That being said, I am going with Best of My Love for this round of BoTB. If you’re new, then what this means is I will share two artists doing the same cover song, then it’s up to you tell me which one gets your vote.

My first contender brings a little island flavor to the Eagles #1 hit. Listen to Aswad to see, if his style earns your vote.

Nice job, Asward! I like it for variety, but I wouldn’t say enough to give him my vote. How about you?

Contender #2 is a legend in the music industry. The question is will his unique vocals insure a victory this round? I  give you… Mr. Rod Stewart!

Everything Rod does, he does well. His rendition is closer to the original verses Asward’s version. There’s no question, Rod’s cover grabs my vote!

Who did you like best? Aswad with his touch of reggae or Stewart with his pop vibe? Please leave your answer in comments; if you have time and want to share what makes your pick the “best” of the two, then I’d love to hear about it.

I want to thank the brain child of this cool, bi-monthly meme, Fae.  The fun continues with more epic battles underway; I invite you to visit, Stephen, who manages the ever-growing list of BoTB players.

Don’t forget, the polls close midnight of the 7th and I’ll share the results of this competition next week this time, so mark your calendar and stop by to see if your pick gets named!

I’m stepping on the dance floor with the 4M crew and you’re welcome to join me. This is Curious as a Cathy signing off with have a bandtastic day!

groundhog day
What will Phil predict?


  • Cherdo

    Great battle, Cathy. Sorry I’m so late, but I have to go with rod! I don’t know why I like his gravelly , rocky Brit – voice but I do. I’ve seen him in concert and he’s awesome. Thanks, girl.

  • Kim

    Dang, Cathy, this was a tough battle! I, too, grew up with the Eagles. They were actually one of my Mom’s favorite bands, so I always associate them with Sunday drives to and from the lake. Good times! They are a favorite band of mine, and I liked all their solo stuff, too. Especially J.D.’s and Don Henley’s. Loved Glenn, too.

    So…..I love reggae, so I’m going with Aswad’s version – though Rod Stewart is indeed legendary, and he was also a frequent sound coming from Mom’s car stereo speakers back in the day!

    • Cathy Kennedy

      Kim, The Eagles is a favorite by many. That’s nice you associate the band with Sunday drives and your mother. I wonder how my children think of me, other than a little nutty. lol I put you down for Aswad. Thanks for voting. I hope you have a good weekend and I’ll see on Monday with the results! 😉

  • Birgit

    OK bummer! I can’t listen to Rod Stewart’s rendition. I went to youtube and can’t locate it there either. I have found this happens sometimes since I live in Canada. I am beginning to think Trump is already starting to build his wall

  • Stephen T. McCarthy

    Hello, CATHY! ~
    Well, I’m decidedly NO FAN of Rod Stewart’s. Although he does do this song better’n he does most songs (IMO).

    But I really enjoyed ASWAD’s unique take on it. I’ll admit it’s a bit too upbeat for the lyrics but I enjoyed it so much that I say: Who Cares?!

    I do like The Eagles (‘Desperado’ and ‘I Can’t Tell You Why’ are my top two favorites), and I like ‘Best Of MY Love’ but, believe it or not, I think I like the ASWAD cover of it as much as (maybe even better than) The Eagles’ original.

    Well made Battle, Cathy!

    ~ D-FensDogG
    ‘Loyal American Underground’

    • Cathy Kennedy

      Stephen, you’re the first person I met who doesn’t like Rod Stewart. Was it the tight pants fashion from the 80s that turned you against him? lol I really hated seeing men in those things! I’m glad you liked Aswad’s cover. It is different and a bit too upbeat like you pointed out, but he pulls the song off well doing it his way, though. I’ll put you down for the reggae version of BOML! Thanks for voting, my friend!

    • Cathy Kennedy

      Collette, thank you for playing along in this round of BoTB! I love it when my fellow 4Mers participate in showdowns!! I got you down for Rod, but I’m a bit surprised you didn’t go with Aswad because I know what a fan you are of reggae music. Oh well, either way I’m delighted that you voted, girlie! 😉 Punxsutawney Phil says we will have an early spring AND that makes me wanna dance. 😀

  • Robin

    I feel somewhat torn on this one. I absolutely must give props to Aswad and his reggae styling on this song. He took a song and arranged it so that it sounded very different from the original. My difficulty lies in the fact that I hear the song with a hint of sadness and it loses that in Aswad’s version. I kinda wish Rod had taken some risks with his arrangement, but he did keep that melancholy sound that I think goes with this song. For that reason, Rod gets my vote.

  • Far Away Eyes

    I like rod and even voted for him at another BATTLE, but I’m gonna go Reggae on this one so give my vote to that guy whose name I can’t even type without giggling.

    • Cathy Kennedy

      Fae, the reggae guy does have a funny sounding name. The first time I read his name, I don’t think I’ve heard it pronounced before, I just thought it was plain weird. Well, I’m actually glad to see this ole boy get another vote. It’s still early in the game and the tables can turn, but Rod has a commanding lead.

  • XmasDolly

    Well, girlfriend aren’t you ROCKIN’ THE HOUSE today for sure! Oh yeah, thanks for sharin’ with us and for the dance! Whew! I worked up a sweat! How about you?

  • Jeffrey Scott

    Both version are great in their own way, but I can’t vote against Rod Stewart. Obviously, of course, the Eagles are legends. Who could compete against them? I’m glad you picked two differing versions other than the Eagles. So yes, give my vote to Rod Stewart.

    • Cathy Kennedy

      Jeffrey, the Eagles are a legend! There was SO much talent in that band. They were kinda like the dream team of bands. lol I have your vote recorded. Now, let me hop over to your place.

  • dcrelief

    Cathy, dear. call me quirky but I can’t do this song in Reggae. Who knows? Maybe I want the dreaminess… so I’m voting Rod Stewart.

    • Cathy Kennedy

      Dixie, BOML in reggae didn’t win me over, but it didn’t lose me completely. The best I can say is I appreciate the style. I have you down for Rod! 😉

  • greyzoned/angelsbark

    I love the Eagles and Best of My Love is a favorite of mine too! I enjoyed Aswad’s version but he’s just not my cup of tea. I love Rod Stewart’s voice and he did justice to the song so please give him my vote.
    I just can’t get enough Eagles! Thanks for featuring them (and Glenn Fry) today. Sad loss.

    Michele at Angels Bark

    • Cathy Kennedy

      Michele, I like reggae for some songs, but this wasn’t one of them. Not that it was bad because it wasn’t. I actually enjoyed it. The thing is reggae isn’t my go-to kind of music. I have you down for Rod. Indeed losing Glenn Frey was a sad.

  • Guilie Castillo

    Oh, absolutely ROD! I couldn’t play the video, then couldn’t find an alternate version on YouTube (usually I can), and I was on the verge of desperation—when I found a weird site that looked totally spammy BUT PLAYED THE SONG!!! Yes, yes, YES! Now, don’t get me wrong. Aswad did a great job with it, but Rod… No, no contest for me 🙂

    Great battle, Cathy!
    Guilie @ Quiet Laughter

    • Cathy Kennedy

      Guilie, first up…sorry Rod’s vid didn’t work for ya, but glad you found one that did. If you’re a Rod Stewart fan then it’s hard to vote against him no matter what the song is, right? Gotcha down for the man!

  • Thomas Anderson

    Hi, dear Cathy!

    This is a timely band battle in the wake of Glenn Frey’s death. The Eagles hit version of “Best of My Love” is one of those recordings linked in my mind to a nondescript event in my life, the day in 1975 that Mrs. Shady #1 and I painted our first apartment. We listened to the radio all day long as we worked and “BOML,” at its peak of popularity then, played at least once every hour. I became anchored to it and all these years later associate the song with that painting day.

    In your battle I am hampered by an innate dislike of reggae, although I am working on that. I must admit that I enjoyed the British group Aswad’s rendition. However, I am a big Rod Stewart fan and can’t get enough of his gravelly voice. Rod won me over with his take on “Best of My Love.” I vote for Rod!

    Thank you, dear friend Cathy!

    • Cathy Kennedy

      Tom, It’s such fun to hear how others associate a particular song with events in their lives. Thanks for sharing your sweet memories! I’m like you in that I’m learning to appreciate reggae music. Aswad (oops, I just realized I misspelled his name) did a nice job and I kinda like it, but again like you Stewart’s gravelly vocals are hard to beat! I have your vote logged and as always, it’s great to hear from you!

  • Arlee Bird

    A fitting choice for this round of Battle. These both are pleasant enough versions–I enjoy listening to either one. It’s a tough choice. I prefer the instrumental back-up on the Stewart version, but…

    For overall effect I’m going with the version by Aswad–there’s a dreaminess to it that’s kind of nice.

    Arlee Bird
    A to Z Challenge Co-host
    Tossing It Out

    • Cathy Kennedy

      Lee, Aswad’s version does have that dreamy quality. That wasn’t the first image to pop in my mind, but in retrospect I get what you’re hearing. I have you down for Aswad. Now, I’m off to see what goodies you have in store today!

  • Janie Junebug

    Best of My Love is my favorite Eagles’ song. The first guy seemed too upbeat for me, considering the lyrics. Even Rod Stewart seems too happy in his misery, but he’s better so I’ll vote for him.


    • Cathy Kennedy

      Janie, you made me laugh with your comment, “Rod Stewart seems too happy in his misery…”. I don’t hear the said “happy” tone in Rod’s voice, but I know everyone picks up something different when a tune touches their ears or heart. I have you down for Rod!

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