
13-03-2025 Vol 19

Back to school #humor with Friendly Fill-ins & CTST

Howdy, kittens and dawgs! TGIF, right? I know, I know it was a short work week for y’all and that makes for a very super-duper week.  Anywho, today’s inspired giggles come to you after boogieing with Stacy Uncorked Monday, so here’s some Back to school humor for y’all! Stacy Uncorked Monday, so here’s some Back to school humor for y’all!


teacherb2s dennisthemenaceb2s b2sPicture1 b2sKFC

What sorts of funny stuff is going on in your life? If you have kids/grandkids, then I know you have stories to share! Otherwise, you’ll have to poke fun of the hubs or yourself. 😉

Please share your funny post with me (and others) by leaving a direct link in comments. Now, I invite you to email me your giggles (funny picture, joke, video, song, …). If it makes you laugh then I want to see it! In the subject line say Friday Sillies and if I use it, then I’ll add a backlink to your site.

Got laughs? Share your giggles!

Let’s continue the fun with Friendly Fill-Ins with Annie and Ellen. Every Thursday, she posts four fun and easy blank statements for us to borrow, complete, and post on our site. The point is to simply have fun linking, reading, and meeting others who enjoy this sort of thing.

Here’s my response to this week’s fill-ins:

(1) I can’t wait for the new season of The Walking Dead (season 6) on television. Actually, this is last year’s season that I’m waiting to show up on Netflix on September 15th. YAY!


(2) In my home, at the moment nothing needs to be repaired. However, the refrigerator is acting up again and if it gets any worse than it is then repairs won’t be needed. Instead, we’ll have to buy a new one and chances are strong we will not buy another Kitchenaid. This one has given us headaches ever since we bought it in the early millennium.



(3) I thought I lost for good the diamond in my engagement ring when I noticed the prongs broken and the stone gone. I frantically retraced my steps to try to find it to no avail, but just as I was about to give up ever finding it I pulled a hand towel out of the linen closet and that’s where I found my diamond laying on a stack of towels I put away earlier. This is really a miracle. Earlier, I was clearing the bathroom when the commode seat fell hard on my hand. It didn’t dawn on me until after I noticed my diamond missing that I might have accidentally flushed it away. I think what happened was the prongs got bent and when I put the towels away the prongs caught on a towel pulling the stone out leaving it on the towel. I was one happy girl to find it!

DH took my ring to Jared’s where he got my ring. He had them to replace the original prongs with platinum mounts which are stronger and will keep my diamond seated more securely. I have my ring inspected twice a year.

(4)  Once, I found a twenty-dollar bill laying on the mall floor. I looked around to see if anyone was looking for it but no one was, so I got it. This was in the late 90s when DH was out of work and with three young children then this was a huge blessing sent down from God!


You’re welcome to tag along, as I hop over to link up with the Friendly Fill-Ins crowd.



I’m joining Lexa in Celebrate The Small Things. Here’s my list of celebrations!

I’m celebrating…finally getting a chance to make home-made donuts for the first time in a long while. I used a baked pumpkin spice donut recipe I found on Pinterest.  For my first attempt they were quite good. We actually like them better than the ones from Krispy Kreme we got last week. So, yay me! I made some adjustments to the recipe and hope to try a second time next week. Once I nail the recipe down, then I will share it with you. Meanwhile, here’s a sneak peek…


What are you celebrating?

See what others are celebrating this week below and if you want to join the linky, then visit Lexa!


To continue the Friday fun, you may want to consider joining Friendship Friday,  Friday Features , and Skywatch Friday linky parties where you’re sure to make new friends and get lots of inspiration. If you’re visiting from SWF, then you’ll find my photo contribution, here.

The weekend is just starting, so I invite y’all to hop back tomorrow for some mewsic with Saturday Songsuasion!

Have a super funtastic Friday! ?











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22 thoughts on “Back to school #humor with Friendly Fill-ins & CTST

    1. Les, Minecraft is a very popular game but I have not tried it. Thanks for the funny tweet! 😀 Hopefully I can share that recipe with ya soon! Have a good weekend, dearie!

    1. Annie, God is in the miracle business. It’s up to us to recognize this truth and give Him praises for these blessings. I’m glad you’re a believer, too. ?

  1. Better than Krispy Kreme?!? In some areas of the South, that could get you deported for such a statement. We don’t have Krispy Kreme around here. We live in Texas. Back when we lived in civilization, we had them. We had to drive about 50 miles to get to one but that was just a good little trip.

    1. David, Krispy Kreme is good but they aren’t as good as they use to be. Their hot glazed are almost as good but it’s their other donut varieties that have slipped in quality. Often time they skimp on flavor either cutting down on the amount or using poor spices. That was the biggest problem with their pumpkin spice donuts. It was hard to tell what it is if you didn’t know. We have a Dippin Donuts in town that is very good and they put their pumpkin spice donuts out in October or November which we are looking forward to trying. Krispy Kreme can’t pull the wool over true donut connoisseurs taste buds. lol

      1. I only eat the glazed and the chocolate frosted. I don’t eat fancy doughnuts and I buy my coffee from the gas station.

        We have a local donut shop that puts them all to shame.

    1. Suzanne, me, too! This happened somewhere between 2002-2004. The kid were helping me to look and I told everyone to not run the vacuum cleaner until I cleared it. From the time I noticed it gone it took me a couple of hours before accidentally stumbling on it. The good news is DH did buy lifetime insurance on it. The only thing I have to do is have it inspected twice a year to keep it under warranty, which I do. After the lose of my first one, he figured that was a good idea and he’s right with such a near lose a second time.

      1. I’m glad that you found it so quickly and that it is insured, though I know a replacement wouldn’t be the same as having the original. There have been times that I couldn’t find mine, but thankfully, they eventually turned up. I don’t wear them anymore and hopefully that will keep them from getting put somewhere and me not remembering where I put them.
        A lost wedding ring happened to an elderly couple that is friends of ours back home about a year or so ago. The lady had to be in the hospital. Her husband took her wedding ring with him for safe keeping. He put it in his pocket. When he got home, he couldn’t find it. He looked everywhere for it and set all of us to praying that he’d find it. He looked for a long time, in the car, the hospital parking lot, through his clothes, everywhere he could think of to look. Months went by, no ring. Then, one day, he was in the back of his car for something, and there it was, in the floorboard behind his seat. Now, it would sound like he just overlooked it, but the car had been to the car wash, been vacuumed, the works, since he originally misplaced that ring. And, there it was, pretty as you please. Heavenly Father answered all our prayers and gave them her ring back. It was great!
        Have a blessed weekend!

        1. Suzanne, oh that’s a fabulous story! God made sure that ring didn’t go anywhere until the gentleman found it. Amazing! Thanks for sharing such a happy ending story. 🙂

  2. I love that first teacher comic! LOL! I hope your fridge doesn’t die, and thank goodness you found your diamond! Those donuts look absolutely fabulous. Go you!

  3. Hi, Cathy!

    The highlight of this post was the incredible story of how you found your missing diamond. You are very lucky. To think that you could have accidentally flushed it away! 🙂

    My 19 year old granddaughter’s back to school story involves being in the path of that hurricane. She attends college at FSU in Tallahassee. The storm came ashore near there and the area was hit hard. It knocked out power to our granddaughter’s apartment. Everything in her refrigerator and freezer spoiled and, of course, she had no a/c to offer relief from the Florida heat. She needed to drive to a friend’s place where there was still electricity and crash there until the lights went back on at her apartment building several days later.

    I’m celebrating being a night owl with another Midnight Special tonight and you’re invited! If you can’t stay up past midnight eastern time then I hope you’ll come join the party later in the weekend or next week.

    Have a safe and happy weekend, dear friend Cathy!

    1. Tom, I am very glad for this miracle. I pointed out to Ellen that this isn’t my first engagement ring. I actually lost it and did without for many years until DH surprised me with this one. If you want you can read about it here. Oh, gracious I’m glad your granddaughter is ok. We saw hurricane’s path was headed for the western panhandle, which is rather unusual. I can’t imagine doing with AC in Florida. That’s definitely no fun. At least she’safe. Thanks for the invite. I will probably be in bed by midnight, but I will catch you tomorrow or Sunday. Have a good weekend, my friend!

  4. Thank you for participating in the fill-ins, I always enjoy your answers. I am glad you found your diamond, that was very lucky. I can’t wait for you to share that donut recipe, they look so good. Have a great weekend!

    1. Ellen, I’m so glad I found my diamond, too. This is actually my second engagement ring. I lost my first one and did without for many years until DH surprised me the Christmas of 2001, which you can read about it here. 😉

  5. Those donoughts look so good……I almost licked my screen but that wouldn’t taste as good. Yes, I spelled donoughts the old fashioned way:) I like the teacher under the covers and i had to laugh at the last picture-forgetting what one has learned because, in the bottom right-hand corner it looks like the kid spelled KFC…another yum! I bought my fridge back in 1999 and within 6 months the cheap plastic blocker that holds in the juice and milk on the door crackled and gave way. Nothing that a bungee cord won’t fix and it has been that way ever since:) I am so glad you found your ring stone. It was meant to be found like that $20 bill now if only I could find the marbles that dropped out of my ears, I would be happy.

    1. Birgit, I haven’t seen the spelling you used. I use either donuts or doughnuts and you just never know which way a business will go. So, when we’re looking for these while out running around on Google Maps then we use both spellings to try to find a donut/doughnut shop nearby. You’d think no matter which way you spell it that you’d get all hits, but you don’t. You have to try both ways because you sometimes get something new that the other doesn’t pull up. Oh, yeah I thought the kid was spelling KFC. Do you mean, there really is a formula using that equation? This old refrigerator freezer door never sealed properly and causes ice to form. Now, it’s just so old that you can’t buy certain replacement parts. When it goes, then it goes because there is nothing more we can do for it. I can’t find my missing marbles, either. LOL

      1. Well…um…..I hang my head in embarrassing shame. You were so sweet not to outright come out and say I’m a doofus for spelling the doughnuts so, so wrong. I know better…..I really, really do but I have a few words that I still will spell incorrectly from my days when I was very young and this is one that I kick back to. This is why I would never classify myself as a writer and, at times, classify myself as a blond.

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