Challenge,  Get To Know Me (g2km)

A Touch of Romance – Day 21 G2KM Blog Challenge

For months leading up to Christmas 2001, I dropped hints like a lead ball.  “Boy, I sure could use a printer,” I give one of those cheesy smiles, “Hint-hint!” Our old printer died a few years earlier and I REALLY wanted one.

My darling husband would bring things home as Christmas approach. Each time, he made a big production out of it announcing to me, “Please, go into another room.“  I obliged every time. The excitement was mounting. “Oh joy,” I thought, “At last a printer!”

What was puzzling is why all the ceremony over a printer? I dismissed it. I chalked it up to Christmas fun.  Robin LOVES to surprise me just as much as I like being surprised. He’s sweet this way.

At last, the long-awaited day arrived. It was time to open Christmas presents. Nope, it wasn’t actually Christmas Day yet, but we opened our gifts a few days early because we spent Christmas with family.

The children were so thrilled. The soft ambiance of the lights filled the room casting a bubbly sense over each of us as we gathered in the living room. The sight of the beautifully wrapped presents under the Christmas tree wrapped in festive holiday paper thrilled the children both young and the young at heart. The kiddies took turns handing out the gifts. I patiently watched my little darlings open theirs first.  I didn’t want to miss a thing.

After they finished, I started on mine. I opened the gifts the children’s got me. We made a point to let them get inexpensive presents for us and each other. Finally, they pushed the largest present beneath the tree over. “My printer,” I said to myself, “Oh goody, goody, goody!”

I slowly peeled off the wrapping paper building the suspense. After all, I’m an adult and can maintain my enthusiasm appropriately (barely). I lifted the lid of the box, “What’s this?” Shocked to see it wasn’t a printer at all!

Inside soft black crushed velvet lined the interior with a tiny string of twinkling Christmas lights around the mouth that came on the instant I removed the box lid. In the very center, mounted so lovely was the most stunning sight – an engagement ring!

The picture doesn’t do it justice, but you get the idea.

My eyes got big…I mean huge! My jaw dropped open in stunned disbelief.   Once the shock wore off, my eye sparkled brighter than my new quarter-caret princess cut solitaire.  My voice became shrill as it raised a few thousand decibel, “I can’t believe this! I can’t believe this!”

The children had no clue what madness possessed their mommy, gazing into the box like deer do at headlights. They couldn’t see what excited me. Maybe, the colorful lights distracted them too much or who knows what but when I lifted my precious ring out of the box there was, “Ooooo, pretty Mommy!”

With trembling fingers, I handed it to my darling husband and said, “Would you put this where it belongs?” He smiled and slipped it onto my finger, “Cathy, I’d marry you a second time.”

For those who do not know, I lost my first engagement ring in 1996. You can read about it here.

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