Wild Wednesdays


I did not take part in the April A to Z Challenge this year.  I was conflicted about doing it and when anything puts pressure on me instead of joy then that’s a sign for me to step away.  For the past two years I battled with this decision. I did what was right for me this time and it actually felt good.  

Had I participated in the challenge, my plan was to build on last year’s Pencil Sketch Inspired Procreate Recreation Art Series theme with part 2.

I thought about sitting on the idea for for next year but why wait? I want to enjoy my passions now instead feeling like it’s a chore.  I started my first Procreate recreation last year of an angel from my A2Z 2017 series. For newcomers, that was the year I jump-started my art passion after many years of dormancy.  To enlarge the images, right click on the illustrations.  In the picture slideshow presentation below, I labeled each of the four drawings.

I believe angels care about their humans, maybe even worry about them.  That’s how I saw this lonely thoughtful celestial being when I sketched him. I do believe in angels and I  believe there are angels living among us. We just can’t see their wings.  


There Must Be An Angel (Playing With My Heart) ~Eurythmics. An interesting tidbit is Stevie Wonder provided the harmonica solo.

I will announce in my Monday’s Music Moves Me posts of new installments in this series, so keep your eyes open for these updates or simply subscribe to CAAC email notification for all posts hot off the press.  Speaking of Mondays, you’re invited to hit the dance floor with me. If you have music to share then this is the party you don’t want to miss out on!  This is CAAC signing off, have a doodletastic day!  X💋X💋, Cathy


  • angelswhisper2011

    You are connected with Angels, CK, we can see it in your beautiful drawings. He’s with you today and always✨ Healing Pawkisses and Purrayers and much strenghts for today. Thinking of you🐾😽💞

  • Eugi

    I love your angels, Cathy, especially the second one. I believe there are angels amongst us and I know angels are with you and your family during this difficult time in your lives.

  • Marie M.

    I had no idea that she had such a great voice. She really showcases it here! The song is new to me, but very nice indeed. How you feelin’ baby girl? Hope all is fine with you! Miss you! You take off as long as you like. Between myself & the girls we got it covered. So not to worry about that. If there is anything you want to forward to the girls just forward it to me and I’ll send it to them. Remember my sweet friend… you have a special place in my heart always! Take care, Marie

    • Cathy Kennedy

      Thank you, dear Marie! I’m holding up okay for now. Tomorrow will be a different story. Continued prayers are needed please, my friend. I’ll continue to be away from my blog for the most part through next week. Thanks for everything, you and everyone has been so wonderful! xo

  • John Holton

    Sorry you didn’t do A to Z with us this year, but I understand. Next year, maybe?

    I like the angel pictures, especially the second one. As for the song: I don’t think I’ve seen Annie Lennox look so attractive (it’s probably the hair, presumable a wig) nor sound so good. She was telling Rolling Stone that she’s thinking of retiring…

    How are you doing?

    • Cathy Kennedy


      We’ll see how I feel next April.

      I’m glad you like the second angel. I might use this design to recreate a new angel in memory of Daddy. I’m not sure why we think our loved ones become angels when they go to heaven and I can’t recall any scripture to support that theory but it’s a nice think to imagine. For some reason, I thought Annie Lenox died. Where did I get that idea? 🤔 She does look really pretty in this video. I never understood why she doesn’t have hair unless there’s a medical reason behind being bald.

      Right now, I’m doing okay. For Friday’s service I’m sure it will be difficult to keep things together. It’s hard enough at times when I talk about him with Mom or my sister, or the kids without getting all teary eyed. I know this is normal and actually healthy. Thanks for asking. I appreciate your thoughtfulness and prayers, my friend.

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