Thursday Two Questions

Already Thursday?

Can you believe it, it’s already Thursday?  The work week is just about over.  Oh, be still my beating heart!   The weather has been like a rollercoaster ride.  For the last several days, we’ve had nothing but blue skies and warm temperature, then that all changed yesterday as some rackety thunderstorms scooted into our area with some stout winds.  This morning it feels like the ride came to a rest and I’m wondering what just happened with these nippy temperatures.  It’s completely crazy, but quite normal for this time of the year, though, isn’t it?

Did I say it’s Thursday?  I believe I did.  With that,  it’s time to dash over to Amanda’s for Thursday Two Questions to play today’s routine meme. Be sure to link up and play along.

Yesterday, I climbed onto my soapbox to rant a little in my post, Get Your Hand Out of My Wallet.  This would be a good time to merge my rantings with Thursday Two Questions, don’t you think?

The cost of living keeps going up and it boggles my mind to think how anyone can afford to shop at full retail price. I pride myself on squeezing as much savings out of every purchase online.  It’s sort of like a game.  

1) Do you have any cool tricks for getting a better deal with online purchases?  Amazon is one of the best all around one-stop shopping sites for just about anything we want to buy.  On the occasion, I have must look elsewhere there are a few things I do to see if I can increase my savings. 

First thing I do is check to see if I can go through Ebates shopping portal to take advantage of earning a small percentage back on my purchases at the online store I need to buy from.  For example, if I need to make a purchase from Puritan’s Pride or JcPenney or Office Depot, Best Buy, or Wal-Mart.  These are just a few of my regular online sites I shop from where I can get some extra savings by going through my Ebates portal.  Here’s my portal link if you’d like to check it out…    This is something I’ve done for a couple of years now and it’s totally free!  You’re not going to get rich doing this, but the savings adds up and before you know it, you’ll get a big fat check of $20 or more.  The most I’ve gotten at one time has been about $60.  They issue checks every three months. 

Another thing I routinely do while using my Ebates portal is, I Google online coupon codes I can apply to my order.  Sometimes, I find a promo code for free shipping or 10% off.  Small savings, true, but they eventually accumulate over time.  And, it makes me feel good about helping my family.

2)  How do you feel about this lobbying nonsense to force e-Commerce in collecting sales tax?  If you read my post yesterday, then you know, I’m definitely NOT in favor of sales tax being imposed on the consumer for Internet purchases.  This is just more government intervention trying to choke the life out of the hard-working American.  You may have figured out by now, I’m not a fan of big government.

Don’t forget to link up with Lori by clicking her link here…Enquiring Minds Want To Know
1. Have you ever traveled outside of the United States?  Nope and to be quite honest, you’ll not get me to EVER travel anywhere which I must commute by plane or boat.  I’m a big chicken.  {Buk, buk, buk, buk} Hey, I didn’t say I was proud of it or anything, just stating a well-known fact. 
2. If you could pack up today on a vacation and money was no issue where would you go?  I feel like I have déjà vu.  Has this question been asked before?  Or maybe, I’m thinking of another meme.  Anywho, if money wasn’t an issue then I’d buy one of those lovely large tour bus like RV where we can pull a small vehicle behind us and then skip all over the US.  It would be so awesome to visit all the National Parks out west.  Also, I would like to visit Canada.  This would take at least a year or two to do right.  But, you said IF money was of no concern, right?

3. Is there somewhere in the United States that you have never been that you would like to visit? There are a lot of places we haven’t been in the US.  We haven’t travelled any further west than St Louis.  Just think about all the popular hot spots in National Parks and any one of those would just about do.

Daily memes are always a nice way to unwind.  I hope you had fun reading my answers.  If you want to make me especially happy today, then don’t forget to leave a comment.  Have an awesome day!




  • JamericanSpice

    I try to shop sales and get only what I need. I would love to coupon better too.

    2. I’m not on board with the ecom tax either, but alas govt will try to find anyway to get your money.


  • Self Sagacity

    Hi Cathy, I used to use Ebates religiously. It’s a good way to get cash back.
    I shop online because the incentive is to save on taxes…I would be a little less inclined to shop online if taxes were imposed.
    Thanks for joining TTQ. Have a wonderful weekend.

  • DoanLegacy

    1) I haven’t figured out where to get coupons online yet..

    2) I have heard that if you purchase more than $100, you’ll have to report it and pay for taxes, which I really don’t think the government should have a hand in it..

  • JamericanSpice

    I try to shop sales and get only what I need. I would love to coupon better too.

    2. I’m not on board with the ecom tax either, but alas govt will try to find anyway to get your money.


  • Cathy Kennedy

    @Margaret…I’m not an accountant and don’t understand the laws very well. That’s interesting you HAVE to report when you make an online purchase which is taxed, though. I’m very thankful this isn’t the case for us.

    @Self Sagacity…I’m with you that shopping online without sales taxes is a huge incentative. However, I would still shop online because of the inconvenience just as long as I was getting an over all good deal.

  • Self Sagacity

    Hi Cathy, I used to use Ebates religiously. It’s a good way to get cash back.
    I shop online because the incentive is to save on taxes…I would be a little less inclined to shop online if taxes were imposed.
    Thanks for joining TTQ. Have a wonderful weekend.

  • Margaret Duarte

    I don’t shop much online, but when I do it’s a book through Amazon, which I usually buy used. The used ones are almost like new.
    2. Here in California, I already have to report my online purchases if they did not include tax, or so my accountant says each times he asks me if I have anything to report.

  • -☼-Icy BC

    1) I love shopping online, since I can compare prices for the same merchandise with different websites. I shop at eBay most often.2) I’m with you on this issue! The government wants a piece of everything we have and then blow them all up for nonsensical causes!

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