
Get Your Hand Out Of My Wallet!

The other day a news headline caught my attention.  It was talking about big box stores such as Wal-Mart and Target lobbying for Amazon to be required to collect sales tax.
Big box stores are multi-BILLION dollar companies.  Amazon is only getting a small piece of the pie compared to Wal-Mart’s net revenues.   Anytime my family DOESN’T have to pay sales tax then I’m 110% in favor of it.  What in the blue blazes is going on here, folks?

E-commerce offers a small savings to my family by NOT tacking Uncle Sam’s calling card at the end of our bill.  Another perk to shopping online is, the Internet item is often times less expensive than our local Wal-Mart, Target or Best Buy. Okay that’s a joke.  Best Buy? Yeah, right?

While savings is a huge benefit, shopping online is by far my preferred method because of convenience for making general purchases.  Think about it, it’s 11:30pm, I located the new release movie at Amazon.  (A) Do I jump into my car to drive to Wal-Mart to buy it?  (B) Wait until the next day to make a special trip to Target to get it? Or (C) Go ahead and order it immediately online?

Chances are good, I’ll opt for choice (C).  Shopping online saves me time and money.  Who on earth likes to drive across town to buy anything?  Granted there are some people who really dig shopping at a physical store, but I am definitely not one of those people.  It pains me greatly to HAVE to buy groceries. Blah, what a chore!

There is no question shopping at a Super Wal-Mart is the best alternative for low prices on just about everything found elsewhere locally. My family spends hundreds of dollars every month at ‘Big Boxed’ stores including local grocery stores. These stores are not hurting for our tax dollars.

Why do any of these companies care about sales tax anyhow? It’s not like they have to pay it. We, the consumers, cover that for them. That’s why prices in the big box stores are more. I fail to see the relevance of the sale tax issue here unless it’s just a ploy by socialist moles in our country to continue to force the American people to fill their own pockets at our expense-literally! I’m afraid the old saying, ‘Nothing is certain, but death and taxes” absolutely holds true up even until the end.

We are taxed on our income earned.  We are taxed when we buy gas.  We are taxed on a new car purchase.  We are taxed on cigarettes and liquor.  Luckily, these are two vices which do not concern us, but exist all the same. We are taxed on apparel, appliances, food (stores and restaurants), land (sometimes by county, city, or both), vehicle registration, and in some cases death.

All of this burns my biscuits.  I just want to scream, “GET YOUR HAND OUT OF MY WALLET!”  Who’s with me on this?   Maybe, if we all scream loud enough, then we can send a message straight to Washington.

On a happier note….

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Hugs, Cathy

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