
23-03-2025 Vol 19

A sneak peek #art

Today’s theme is What do you see? As you may know I am doing the April A to Z Challenge again. This will make my 7th year to participate. One thing that keeps me anchored is to do my artwork ahead and so today’s prompt works perfectly. I am only going to give you just a peek of the sketch I’m fixing to work on in Procreate.


Thanks for stopping in with your coffee for a peek at my masterpiece and …oh yeah for not spilling it on my artwork. 😉

It’s a super pleasure to share my newest illustration with you this morning. 😘  Follow me to Rain’s Garden to browse through the gallery of artistry!

I’ll be back tomorrow with an edition of Friday Fun Stuff chockful of giggles, fill-ins, & more! Come join the fun!

X💋X💋, Cathy

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20 thoughts on “A sneak peek #art

  1. Oh I like that Cathy!!! It’s very mysterious right now!! 🙂 I can’t wait to see the finished piece!! Please let me know when you post the finished piece. We are starting to pack and I have to plan a visit to New Brunswick at the end of the month and I have been missing a lot of posts lately!

    1. Don’t worry about a thing! If you need a co-host to cover for Thursdays let me know and I’ll help out if you want! 😉 Have fun moving and settling in your new place!!

  2. You sure know how to capture your audience … a sneak peek will do it every time and it is after all “what we see” as Rain’s prompt states. So I will definately be back to see the finished product … so far so good, Cathy 🙂

    Andrea @From The Sol

  3. I adore seeing how the artist thinks, sneak peeks keeps us all coming back for more. Fabulous work, hope to see how it all comes to be.. Hugs Tracey x

  4. I’ll enjoy your sketches next month as I did last year. Beautiful.

    Have a fabulous day, honey. Love and hugs. ♥

  5. the sketch is beautiful, what i see. It’s great that you are showing it to us, which fits in well with the rains theme. Good Day, Elke

  6. Hi, Cathy!

    Happy Thursday Art Date day, dear friend! I often wonder how you find time to produce so much blog content year ’round. The A to Z alone would keep me busy for months in advance as I’m sure you have been. I can’t wait to see this sneak peek black & white image come to life next month. (It looks as if it could be a self portrait.:) You have me Curious as a Cathy to see the entries in your month-long A to Z marathon.

    Have an artastic day, dear friend Cathy!

    1. Tom,

      Oh you flatterer! Unfortunately, she is not a self-portrait but anyone can imagine that she is this woman looking out into the evening sky. Blogging keeps me busy…too busy if you ask me but I enjoy the routine. I feel like I’m doing something important if for no one other than myself. This is the structure needed allowing me to keep interests alive which in turn makes me feel alive. Thanks for dropping by this morning, my friend. Now it’s time to get back to my artwork. 🙂

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