Thursday Art Date

A little girl in a pumpkin patch #harvest #art theme

I’m not sure what I will do from week to week as I get back into gear with my normal blogging routine but I knew almost instantly when I learned of Rain’s harvest prompt what I wanted to draw…pumpkins, which reminded of how much I liked drawing them when I was a kid.  Isn’t it funny how you get those little flashbacks? Alright, here’s my weekly doodle, a little girl in a pumpkin patch.

I used my iPad Procreate app to sketch this scene and when I look at it now, I’m reminded of our daughters when they were small and how insistent DH’s late mother, also known as ‘Mamaw’, was for them to wear a hat outdoors. Definitely not a bad idea.

Thanks for stopping in with your coffee for a peek at my masterpiece and …oh yeah for not spilling it on my artwork. lol.  It’s been a super pleasure to share my sprinkle of talent I have with you this morning. 😘 If you like to see what others are bringing to the art play date, then I invite you to high tail it over to Rain’s Garden to browse through the gallery of artistry!

Tomorrow is DH’s off Friday, so I’ll be MIA in Blogosphere but I hope you’ll decide to join me on the dance floor with ‘your choice song picks‘ on Monday’s Mewsic Moves Me on Sunday! Have a doodletastic weekend!

X💋X💋, Cathy


  • Rain Frances

    Hi Cathy! 🙂 I LOVE YOUR PUMPKINS!!! We are N’Sync with our doodles aren’t we? 🙂 At first I thought, my gosh, her girl in the pumpkin patch looks like ME! I’m just missing the overalls, but as I strive to be more of a hillbilly, I may get a pair or two! 🙂 Great sketch! And yes, wearing a hat outdoors is a must. Actually I wear hats indoors too! Sorry I’m so late to visit, yesterday was monthly shopping and I’m still recovering!! 🙂 Thanks so much for joining in!

    • Cathy Kennedy


      What’s this you’re a farmer girl and no overalls? You need to change that in a hurry! lol It’s funny, I got to thinking about overalls the other evening, maybe because of doing this illustration but I’ve lived in hillbilly country all of my life and I have never owned or worn overalls. I’m not much of a hillbilly, am I? lol As a kid, I never thought about wearing a hat. It wasn’t until after we had children, my late MIL had issues with skin cancer mostly of the face so it made us think more about it. These days if we’re outside for long periods then we’ll put on a ballcap for a little protection. BTW, never worry for not visiting. We all have a life away from Cyberville. My blog door is always open! 😉 I’m playing catch up this morning, so I’ve gotta jet!

    • Cathy Kennedy


      I’ve heard of a pawpaw patch but honestly, I don’t know what a pawpaw is. Hmmm…okay, I learned these plants like water, that they taste like mango and the fruit’s flesh is more like a ripe banana. I definitely can say I have not had pawpaw after reading the description. Have you? 🙂

    • Cathy Kennedy


      Yep, I know this year is zooming by! The first day of fall is just less than a week away. It certainly doesn’t feel like it and I hope some cooler temps move in before long. Summer is really stretching out. I think this is the warmest September I can remember.

    • Cathy Kennedy


      My late MIL had problems with skin cancer especially on her face from years of gardening and wearing no protection, so she was sure to safeguard her little grandkiddies from the damage. Thankfully, they were never interested in sunbathing but they have gotten sunburns from outdoor activities despite using protection. Thanks for visiting!

  • Sandee

    I love your sketches. You’re most talented.

    Your MIL was very right about that hat too.

    Have a fabulous day and long weekend, Cathy. Love and hugs. ♥

    • Cathy Kennedy


      Thanks, darlin’!

      Yes, my lovely MIL was right as rain!! Keeping out of the sun is very good for the sun. Skin cancer is a big concern but it ages the skin something terrible. Golden skin looks pretty but it’s really not good for the appearance in the long run.

    • Cathy Kennedy


      You know I’ve never been in a pumpkin patch? My grandparents grew squash but I don’t think pumpkin. As a kid, I recall being super amazed by images of ginormous pumpkins at state fairs. I always wanted to see them in person! Pumpkins certainly are festive and speak fall loudly. 🙂

  • Andrea

    Well you certainly have perfected the art of pumpkins as well as your beautiful little girl. Pumpkin patches are an annual visit in our house as the farmers around here have little fall festivals with pumpkins, corn, face painting, haunted houses and pony rides. It is a beautiful time of the year with the temperatures cooling and the colors warming. And then comes winter … ugh! Though I have to admit to loving snow, I don’t like the cold gray days. So Enjoy the fall, Cathy, while it lasts.

    Andrea @ From the Sol

    • Cathy Kennedy


      Oh, how fun that y’all attend such a fun autumn event! That would be so cool to do. I’m very much looking forward to fall temps to return. It’s been too hot for me. Thanks for dropping by. I’ll see you soon!

    • Cathy Kennedy


      Really, you can’t tell the difference? That’s cool! When I use the different effects to create my drawings I do like how it looks but wonder how it compares to the real deal. Yeah, my illustration puts me also in a fall frame of mind and it’ll be here soon enough in less than 2-weeks. Thanks for dropping in!

  • Thomas Anderson

    Hi, Cathy!

    I’m back home temporarily and happy to be relaxing for a spell and sipping my coffee as I visit you at CAAC.

    There is something magical about pumpkins, isn’t there, dear friend? As a boy I always got excited when they started showing up in stores and at farmers markets around this time of year. I always begged my parents to buy me one so that I could carve a Jack-O-Lantern for Halloween. The annual York Interstate Fair runs during the first half of September, and every year the horticultural hall displays rows of gigantic pumpkins. You should have seen some of those huge blue-ribbon winners. Your drawing of the girl in the pumpkin patch is excellent, Cathy. I can feel the weight of the pumpkin as the girl tries to lift it. The fact that she has hoisted the pumpkin onto her lap and the position of her torso, arms and legs accurately convey the impression that she will have a bit of a struggle to stand up while bear-hugging the large, heavy gourd. Well done!

    Thanks for sharing your torrent of talent with us, dear friend. Have a nice Thursday and a safe and happy weekend and I’ll be back to see you Sunday for 4-M Monday!

    • Cathy Kennedy


      I’m delighted to see you visiting and relaxing this morning while viewing my latest art piece. I’ve seen photos of ginormous pumpkins never in real life. That must have been an awesome event to attend as a boy. I like seeing the pumpkins spread across a big field for sale. I think only one time in recent history do I recall driving past a real pumpkin patch. I think it was very late in the season and what was left wasn’t much. I’m not even sure how it caught my eye but it did and I had wished I could’ve seen it in its full glory. Thanks for taking time to spend a little time with me this morning, dear friend. Have a good day!

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