
15-03-2025 Vol 19

April A2Z Art Sketching through the Alphabet “N”



Hello, Kitten & Dawgs, thanks for sticking with me this month for the A2Z Art Sketching Through the Alphabet and today’s prompt is the letter “N” for Nightingale.

I penned a poem to accompany my artwork called The Nightingale’s Song.


The nightingale waits for her mate.


Sadly, she must wait a little longer since I ran short on time to sketch another nightingale to perch beside his lover. 🙁

Mondays are all about the mewsic and I can’t let it pass without sharing some tunes with ya and you’re invited to step out on the dance floor with Monday Music Moves Me ladies – Marie, Stacy, Colette, and myself! The music theme is “Freebie pick” this week, so that means anything goes!

Just a reminder, I am just a co-host and I do not manage the linky party intended for anyone with a mewsical post. All other entries are subjected to being labeled or deleted. Now, party on! 😉


Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.

Hopefully, what I share with you every day will encourage you to do something that interests you that you’ve long put off because like me you just don’t think you can. My advice is, just do it! Maybe, you’ll be surprised. I know I was! 🙂

Not so fast, kittens & dawgs! Did you vote in round two of #BoTB on Saturday? *nodding of heads* NO?  What nifty, neat “N” words should I sketch next? Note your suggestions in comments and I’ll give you a nod (link back) should I use yours! 😉

I’m heading off to link up with other fellow AtoZers and you’re invited to come along.  I’ll see you on tomorrow for the next installment of Art Sketching through the Alphabet!

A2Z Art Sketching Through the  Alphabet post recap:

  1. “A” for Angels
  2. “B” for Boys, little
  3. “C” is for Cows, Chicken & Chicks, and Big Cats
  4. “D” for Dog
  5. “E” is for Elephant, Eagle, & Elk
  6. “F” is for Fence, Fox, & Frog
  7. “G” is for Girls
  8. “H” is for Horses
  9. “I” is for Iris
  10. “J” is for Jack & Jill
  11. “K” is for Kanga & Roo
  12. “L” is for Lighthouse
  13. “M” is for Mermaids



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41 thoughts on “April A2Z Art Sketching through the Alphabet “N”

  1. A woman of many talents!

    And I know that nightingale does not mind waiting for her true love.

    I love your art Cathy!

    And I am reading a book called The Nightingale right now too 🙂

    Thanks for the music and art.
    Still lifting your family up in prayers. *HUGS*

    1. Hey Cathy, I saw where you were in Knoxville …my niece lives there and will cont. to live there after she graduates in May from UT. Nice meeting you. And thanks for coming to the blog.

      1. Pam, That’s cool! I think your niece will like living in Knoxville. We’ve been here almost 38 years. It’s home sweet home to us! Have a good day and happy a2zjing!

  2. Oh my gosh, I love this tune and the story behind nightingales! I think what they really are are fairies in disguise. I mean really…. think about it! I’m sure you agree! Big hugs and thank you so much for sharing and joining me in my quest for people who love music as much as we do. Also, if you have any themes send them on over.

    1. Marie, It seems I’ve read the story of the nightingale a long time ago. I may have read it again to understand your comparison but if you think they are fairies then maybe they are! I’ll send you some mewsic theme via email. I’m always delighted to help. Thanks for dancing with me today, my friend! XX

  3. This post has it all, Cathy! 🙂 Beautiful music, a lovely poem and an artful sketch. I think it works well with the lone bird. Both ‘Nightingale’ songs are new to me. Happy third week of the A to Z!

  4. Did you do the blackletter calligraphy on the first picture, or did you just add it with GIMP or something? It looks very nice. The picture is great, too, and you can’t go wrong with Yanni and Carole King.

    I voted in your battle, didn’t I?

    1. John, I used Pixelmator photo-editing software to add the text to my sketch. I’m glad you liked it. Yes, you voted in my BoTB! Thanks for visiting. I’ll hit the dance floor with you in a moment.

  5. I enjoyed your poem alongside the illustration today. Hopefully at some point in the future you have a chance to complete another drawing where the nightingale is united with its mate.

    1. Shirley, thank you for visiting. I appreciate the kind words about my Nightingale and the accompanying poem. Poetry isn’t my forte but every now and then sometimes, the words just pop into my head like magic. The timing was just purrfect as I feel the poem really adds depth to the illustration.

    1. Tamara, Is a Nightingale the same as a Mockingbird? I know little to nothing about birds. That’s really pitiful I know but it’s true! Now, I’m gonna have to check this out. 🙂 Thanks for visiting. I’ll be over to your place in a bit.

    1. Thanks, Patrick! It’s always a pleasure to have you stop by for a dance or peek at my posts. Have a tunetastic afternoon. I’ll see you soon, my friend!

  6. A lovely drawing and the poem is superb. I hadn’t heard either pieces of music before so that was a bonus to me. When I saw ‘nightingale’ my first thought was A Nightingale Sang in Berkeley Square.

    1. Sally, While doing my research for “nightingale” songs I did see the one you mentioned but I was not familiar with it before. Vera Lynn had a lovely voice and I preferred her’s to Manhattan Transfers’ cover. Thanks for visiting and have a have a good day!

    1. Mary,

      All month I’ve tried my best to tie my sketches to any mewsic I shared. It makes my heart smile when friends like you notice the connection and appreciate it. Thanks for your kind words. You’re a sweetheart! I’ll see ya soon!

  7. This is a beautiful art work of a nightingale and reminds me of a fairy tale. The music seems to just be perfect with this

    1. Birgit,

      Oh goody, you picked up on the whole fairy tale thingy! That’s precisely what I was going for when I created this illustration. It just fell magically in place. Thanks for visiting. I’ll be by to see you soon!

  8. Hi, Cathy!

    Just like the nightingale, I am answering your call and making a nocturnal visit to CAAC. The mewsical piece by Yanni was both relaxing and inspirational, a welcome change from the synthetic drum beats that drive many of today’s popular recordings. My eyes grew wide as I began listening to Carole King’s “Nightingale.” For me that song is a long lost oldie. I swear I haven’t heard it since the mid 70s when it was a hit on the radio. I thoroughly enjoyed listening to it again tonight in conjunction with your nightingale theme.

    Your sketch of the lone nightingale patiently awaiting the arrival of her mate touched my heart, Cathy. It is beautifully drawn, a delightful composition. I also think it’s a good thing you ran out of time and didn’t add the second bird because it is better this way, with the bird on the branch waiting and yearning. Another great 70s song comes to mind – Carly Simon’s “Anticipation.” 🙂 Your poem is terrific, too. You are a poet as well as an artist and I admire your work.

    I hope you and your family had a wonderful Easter, dear friend Cathy, and I wish you a safe and happy week ahead!

    1. Tom,

      Thank you for your lovely comment. It always pleases me when readers such as you enjoy my contributions. The A2Z challenge has given me a new outlook turning wishful thinking into something more. I hope to use to this challenge as a springboard to illustrating my own children’s book. I haven’t been this excited about a new pursuit in quite some time and the encouragement I’ve gotten is the confidence booster needed to step things up. 🙂 Our Easter was nice and I hope that you and Mrs. Shady had a lovely Easter Sunday, too. Have a great week, my friend and thank you for making my morning!

    1. Ellen, your compliment means a lot coming from a regular poetic as yourself. I mean you’re awfully nifty coming up with the right words that flow nicely. 🙂 Thanks, my friend!

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