Wordless Wednesday

#WW: Poetic graffiti

Thank you for being apart of my day. I’m sharing today’s photo with these fine Wordless Wednesday communities.

This past winter while pulled over at one of the overlooks on the Blue Ridge Parkway, I found this. I don’t condone the defacing of public property, especially those of such scenic value. Nonetheless from an artist perspective, I found it interesting. I would like to say to this and all graffiti artists, I understand your desire to express yourself, but please find more appropriate places and leave nature unspoiled. Thank you!


Sending a round of applauds and cheers to this week’s featured photographer…

Simple Sorjourns


Congratulations, Cathi & David! Please, show some blog love by visiting today’s featured photographer and leave a sweet comment.

Let others know you’re in the spotlight by displaying…

WW featured photographerJust a reminder, each week I use random.org to pick a new photographer. I would like the opportunity to put your blog on display. To win a chance in the spotlight, then join the linky party below with your photographic wonder URL.

Starting tomorrow, I’m taking a break from cyber life. Not to worry, I will return your visits and I scheduled in advance my posts for the month so you won’t miss a thing. Until we meet on the other side of the lens next, have a fototastic day!



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