Random Tuesday Thoughts

Winter is Over and Other Random Thoughts This Tuesday

Depending on where you live, it’s official, winter is over! My northern friends may be saying, “Says who?” For those of us fortunate enough to live in the south, then we know winter is pretty much behind us. Not that we have had much of a winter or anything because we usually do not. Call it a good thing or not, that’s just the way it is here in the Tennessee Valley.

DD#1, age 4

Don’t get me wrong, though. I love our mild climate. That being said,  I’ve learned one thing, there is no need to rush into packing away my sweats just yet.

DD#2, age 2

It’s sort of funny at the start of the month I began thinking about the Blizzard of ’93.  Do you remember that storm? How could you not unless you weren’t even born yet or way too little, right?

Our weather was all spring-like. We had just gotten the girls their first swing set which delivered earlier in the week and ready for assembly when WHAM! the storm of the century dumps almost two feet of snow on us bringing with it some biting temperatures. Knoxville won out as being the coldest spot (-22) in the country the day after the blizzard hit.

It never fails every year to turn cold again after Spring is official. Not before spring has sprung, but soon afterward. In fact, the chilly temperatures have been known to flip-flop through mid-May before the season stabilizes. That absolutely drives me crazy! They call this cold spell, Dogwood Winter or Blackberry Winter and usually fall at the same time.

Do you know how these two winters earned these names? If you haven’t guessed it, this occurs when there is a reversal in thermal currents causing that dreaded cold snap lasting a few days or even as long as week around the time the dogwood and blackberry blooms appear.

My experiences with Dogwood/Blackberry Winter has been like a crazy roller coaster ride with on again and off again springtime weather. This period often lasts for a month. It’s common during this time for someone in the house to get sick. That’s never fun! I have one request, “Oh be kind to us, Mother Nature. I have too much to do this spring.”

Last week, I began sorting through our mound of photo albums. One of the homeschool families is going to put together a slide show presentation of the seniors set to music. Someone did it in 2008 for DD#2’s graduation, which was heart-warming, comical, and even tear-jerking. But, it was beautiful!

Photo captured on DS’s first day home and the only picture of him sucking his thumb, after that, it was nothing but a pacifier for him.

Yesterday, I scanned pictures from three albums and I’m only up to DS’s second birthday. I believe I may be in for a little trouble trying to narrow my photo crop to the 10 or 15  suggested number. And to think, I thought I was going to have problems coming up enough pictures. Dah looks like I was wrong – again!

Speaking of graduation, my task has been to secure a photographer for the ceremony, which I did. As good fortune would have it, one of the homeschool families has a son-in-law who happens to be…you guessed it a professional photographer – Jonathan Howe. He has agreed to photograph the ceremony at a very reasonable price.

DH & DS couldn’t work on the tree removal project this weekend because it was wet. In order to tackle the job once and for all, DH decided to take a day off from work yesterday. The boys spent all day on it. The good news is, the tree is not resting on the house. The bad news is, DS is going to be busy, busy, busy getting that pine tree sawed into pieces for the city to take off.

I’m VERY thankful he is old enough to do this sort of work. Do you know how difficult it is to cut a tree with a bow saw? Yes, I said bow saw. It’s extremely hard to do! I know, I’ve tried it before. This was in the day when our kiddos were too young to do such jobs and I was Super Mom! Yeah, right I know.  Phew!  wipe brow I’m glad those days are farrr behind me and I have a strong DS to take up the slack for his mama and DH doesn’t have to do the job all alone. I have two incredible men in my life, don’t you think?

I’m a day behind on blog hopping and this first day of spring is forecast to be a gorgeous day. The downside is I have a zillion and one things which are all musts on my to-do list but the inner me is screaming, “Play hooky and go outside to sit in the sun!” The weatherman says it’s gonna be 85. We’ll see what I can do about enjoying the promise of a delightful sunny blue sky outdoors.

For more random Tuesday musings or simply some fun visiting a friend over a cup of coffee, then hop with me. First up, filling in for Keely @ UnMom with Random Tuesday Thoughts is…

Take a few minutes to enjoy a cup of coffee with your bloggy friends, as you enjoy some random reflections, considerations, or broodings. While you’re at it, join in on some random fun create your own post and link up! Have a terrific Tuesday!

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  • Shawn

    I live in Florida so my winters are always mild but I have to agree, it seems like no one had any good winter storms, kind of scary actually. Hopefully our summer will be as wonderful.

    I have a soon to be senior, I so need to get on with completing her scrapbook. Where has all of the time gone?

    Thanks for linking up with us!

  • Impulsive Addict

    I’m really ready for spring so I hope that winter is behind us but I live in oklahoma so you really just never know. I could go swim in the lake in my backyard. All the rain we got over the last 24 hours is INSANE!

    Thanks for linking up with us again!!

  • Paul Craig

    Spring came here with a bang, 24 degrees and sunny. I know all about using a bow saw, we call it a Swede saw or as my city friends say a “Sweet” saw. had way too much practice with those.

  • Stacy Uncorked

    I’m with allstarme – I’m not sure we actually had an official winter this year…no significant snow, no freezing cold temps. It’s been more spring-like all winter! I’m hoping that doesn’t mean a deathly hot (and annoyingly humid) summer. I’d be happy if it just stays like it is all summer long! 🙂

    My hubby took yesterday (and today) off to get some stuff done in the yard since it seems the weekend weather doesn’t cooperate much. Great that your hubby and DS got the tree all taken care of, aside from the cutting-up part. You cut up a tree with a bow saw? You ARE Superwoman! 😉

    Groundhog Hypothesis, Menopausal Mother Nature, Truancy and the Phone Princess

  • JamericanSpice

    I think I’m getting used to US weather that now I can expect the turn of the weather during spring. I can only hope to hold off on the sickies. I always get sick. Kids bring it home or I”m just vulnerable.

    We parents have sooo much photo, we need a photobank 🙂

    I know the bow saw will be healthy? 🙂 If I can say that, but why not a chain saw? electric?

    I say healthy because I know a bout of hard work is good for the body and soul.
    I’m gearing up now to mow the whole lawn, front and back. I’m way better than I was when I first had to do it. Now I dont even pat myself on the back. But for sure I”ll buy myself a pie 🙂

    Good luck with the nice Spring!

  • VandyJ

    Spring is teasing us. It lulling us into a sense of contentment and I just know it’s going to dump snow on us here soon.

  • RoryBore

    I am celebrating Sprung Spring on chat this morning!
    although, I have not put away all the winter clothing yet either.

    And yes….playing hookie would be so much fun!! I say go fot it.

    Thanks for joining the chat today! (linky now open)

  • Marti

    Spring has slid in here in Phoenix, today is supposed to be warm, that little cold spell we just has was to remind us of the wonder of spring. It’s fun to go through old photos. I have scanned a bunch of mine, and end us spending way too much time remembering. Have a good day.

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