Wayback Wednesday

Wednesday’s Meme LineUp

Angela from Mommy Time Out has made me co-host of Wayback Wednesday. Today, we’re going to travel back in time to 1999. I hope you’ll decide to join in on sharing some of the memories.

Columbine. One single word needed, right? The horrifying news of two disturbed teenagers: Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold murdering 13 and wounding 24 people in the worse high school shooting in the US. What once seemed like a sanctuary for parents’ children shattered before our eyes on that fatal day, April 20th.

Barbie, as in Barbie Doll turned 40. Playing Barbie Dolls with my best girl friend, Anita, was one of my all-time favorite pastimes as a kid. We could spend literally hours on end dressing them up, letting the go on dates with Ken, and playing house. Yes, house! I grew up during the 60s when it wasn’t an ugly thing to be called a House Wife. Shame on NOW (National Organization of Women)for making young girls feel like this was an awful aspiration. Have you ever seen some of these women from NOW? Let’s just say, the ones I’ve seen are not your Barbie look-alike.

Dr. Jack Kevorkian….better known as Dr. Death was found guilty of second-degree murder in the assisted euthanizing of Thomas Youk by lethal injection.

The big bad news for 1999 was the impending gloom and dome of the Millennium bug and the Y2K problems.  I’ll admit it, I was scared. Thanks to the constant bombardment of the media, no one…I mean no one could escape the IF‘ this happens, then THIS is happens scenario. Despite the terror placed in most of our minds by fear mongers everything turned out okay. No power interruption! No financial meltdown!

What did I learn from this whole ordeal? I’m never going to give into fear again.  I’ll be as prepared, as prepared can be for the time we live in. In the near future, IF, really it’s not a question about if it’ll happen, as much as when… someone climbs on their soapbox declaring world-wide disaster is coming, then I’m not going to cave to the madness.

Who remembers the e-mail virus, Melissa?  It’s beyond my comprehension why such genius minds who can launch a vicious computer program across cyberspace wrecking more than 1 million computers and $80 million in damages use such talent for the good of mankind.  Maybe, these said geniuses could be making $80 million instead. Perhaps these sorts of people are against capitalism. Now, that wouldn’t surprise me! There’s a lot of that going on with the whole “Evil Western Culture” and all.

Wrapping up Wayback Wednesday, I do have one memory which makes me proud. A small town boy from McDowell County West Virginia (my home town county) rose to fame. Author, Homer Hickam’sRocket Boys debated as motion picture under the title October Sky  here in Knoxville. The story is wholesome, fun, and dear to my heart.

Visit The People History for more facts on 1999!

It’s your turn to go Wayback Wednesday! What memorable events do you remember? To participate in this blog hop you don’t have to follow a bunch of rules. It’s simple! Just link up  your blog, twitter, or Facebook below (only one please) . Kindly leave a comment letting us know You are now our newest follower and we’ll pop over to your lovely blog.

Link up here!

Can you help me? Wayback Wednesday has low traffic participation. I’m trying to figure out ways to make it more inviting. What do you think of it? How could it improve? Is this something you would be interested in joining every week?

Our weather is a mild 61 degrees. Not bad for mid-November, but we’re under gray skies and rain. This makes it feel cooler, though. I wonder what the weather is like in Patrice’s neck of the woods? Let’s click over to…

find out and Chit Chat On the Farmhouse Porch!

  1. Where would you take the blogger group for a chat, if they came to your house? My home is so small, but the best room would be the living room. We can sit around sipping our coffee while we catch up on the latest juicy gossip in each other’s lives. Who knows with the holiday approaching, I may find something tasty to go with the coffee.
  2. How do you handle “toxic people”? They’re the ones  that are very difficult to be around and generally don’t bring out the best in us. Simple. I don’t allow myself to be around them. Problem solved, next! Really now, I don’t know of any truly “toxic people”.  I could say my children are rather toxic at times, especially when they were going through the teen years. That was a period which definitely did not bring the best out in me. lol
  3. In high school, were you the athlete, the cheerleader (actual or just your personality), the geek, the social butterfly, or lost? I was a combination of cheerleader, social butterfly, and lost. My personality is very bubbly. Hints the cheerleader within. Due to my friendliness I adapted rather well with many social levels – the élite, the nerds, the cast aways, and the somewhere in-between. Deep down, though, I always felt a little lost. I blame that more so on my low self-esteem than anything. If only I could have a do-over with the knowledge and self-confidence of my 40-something years then I’d be a dynamo kid!
  4. What’s your favorite thing made from apples? I would have to say apple pie is my favorite, but I prefer to eat them out of hand.
  5. Do you do most of your shopping in stores or online? Grocery shopping is 99% done at local Super Wal-Mart, Sam’s, and grocery stores. I hate it, too! All other shopping needs I happily do online. This is so convenient with far less hassle.  If I could do all of my grocery shopping with similar pricing as Super Wal-Mart or Sam’s, then I do it online. Unfortunately, bulk shopping is the only way you can buy for most of these items and that’s not too practical. However, I recently did buy Bounty paper towels and Scott bathroom tissues through Amazon. The savings was a little less, but the aggravation of getting a large package of paper towels or bathroom tissue into the car was completely avoided with this transaction. =D  
Follow me next to From This Side of the Pond with Joyce in her mid-week meme…


1 . What song reminds you of a specific time in your life and what is it about that song that makes you remember? Silly Love Song always takes me back to 1976. I believe it stands out in my memory so fresh because of a break up, my first love. Actually, it was more of an infatuation when I look back. However, I thought it was the real deal when I was 13. What did I know, right? lol

  1. What’s something you’ve given up on? Worrying.  It use to be I’d be tied up in knots thinking about things which were completely out of my control. Finally, I had to release all of my concerns over to God. Since that time, I’ve been a happier person. I’m not saying worry never slips in to  my thoughts because it does. However, as soon as I recognize it I pray over the matter and soon God fills me with peace.
  1. What’s something you’ll never give up on? Praying for those I love. Everyone needs prayers. Sometimes, we know what’s facing those we love and other times we don’t, but God places a burden on my heart each time someone has a need or in trouble. Usually, a few days later I learn the details for the convictions placed upon me to go to God about someone. Isn’t that amazing?
  1. If you had to cook something from scratch in the next hour what would it be? Fried eggs? Okay, not the answer I’m sure you’re looking for. I guess at a moments notice, I can always whip up a batch of chocolate chip cookies easily. Cookies anyone?
  1. Have you started Christmas shopping? Decorating? Listening to Christmas music? Absolutely! I have the tree up. Last night, we had to dash to the store to buy new lights. We’re going to give the LED mini lights a try this year. Our old ones repeatedly have had problems of either not working at all or part of the strand won’t work. After putting on four strands the tree Monday to discover the remaining lights weren’t usable, then we knew it was time to do something else. Today, I’ll get the lights on. Oh yes, I have played Christmas music while I’m doing all these things, too. I love, love Christmas music! It’s the most wonderful time of the year….


  1. What do you know about your parent’s wedding? Hmm, I use to know more than I do now. It seems like they went to a justice of the peace. I can’t remember for sure what my mother wore now, but I’m sure it was simply a nice dress.
  1. I can’t believe I am having wonderful success with this detox diet I’ve been on. In the last two weeks, I’ve lost 3.5 pounds. Of course, I’m continuing to exercise like I always do and naturally I frugal with what I eat, but it’s clear to me by adding 2 tablespoons of lemon juice to warm water every morning and eating at least 2-3 pieces of fruit each day is beneficial to helping my digestive tract. We’ll see, if the progress continues in the coming weeks. I’m very excited to see how this goes.
  2. Insert your own random thought here. Are you interested in children’s fiction for girls ages 8-13? If so, I have some wholesome books, which belong to my daughters I’m trying to find a good home for. Interested? If so, read Books! Books for Sale!!! (Alphabe-Thursday)! This weather is absolutely bonkers! Last week it was so chilly and this week, it feels like spring. Super-duper crazy!!!! I’m in warp mode. I’m rounding out all of my Thanksgiving to-dos. Preparing dinner for a large family gathering is new to me, but cooking for a big crowd isn’t. In the early to mid 80s BC(before children), we were a part of a monthly social click consisting of several couples from our Sunday School class. We would met in one couple’s home for dinner and entertainment. It was a lot of fun and that’s when I really began learning how to cook.
    This concludes another hump day of fun. I’d love to hang around, but I have chores to tend to. Have a wonderful week!


  • Joyce

    Women and worrying-they seem to go together : ) Silly Love Songs was one of those songs that got so.much.airplay. I’m a fan of Paul though : )

  • Amiee

    I am trying really hard to quit worrying also. It is tough though! I think to some people, it just comes naturally to worry. My husband rarely worries, and I wish I could be more like him!

    Cookies sound delicious 🙂

  • Stephanie V

    Apple pie is winning the contest, it seems.
    I never played with Barbies as a kid but I’m making up for it now. I volunteer to prepare Barbies for adoption via our thrift store. My job is to clean them up, dress them and make their hair beautiful again. I love my job.

  • Homeschool on the Croft

    I love the look of the October Sky movie… must rent that one for one of our family movie nights… it looks like it’d be suitable, wouldn’t it?
    It’s strange – everyone seems to choose ‘lost’ at least as part of what they feel about the high school years. I guess that stage of life is so full of uncertainly, yet in school, you’re surrounded by others who *seem* so sure of themselves. I guess we were all the same deep down.

  • Patrice

    We sure have a lot of folks who like apple pie. I’m right there!
    Your description of yourself in high school really hit home with me. It sounds like I could have written it. Perhaps we all learn to deal with others on different levels that come from different aspects of our personality. It’s funny how I wouldn’t have told you I was lost then, but I can look back and see it so clearly.

    Have a good week!

  • EmptyNester

    First, YES! I would love some of your cookies!

    I prefer shopping online too-much easier and I don’t have to confront nasty shoppers!

    I had friends across all the boundaries too. I liked it that way!

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