Wednesday Hops

Wednesday: Chit Chat on Patrice’s Farmhouse Porch & Hodgepodge

Who’s awake yet?  Me? I’m getting there. It’s Wednesday, we’re over the hump. The rest is all downhill, right? I’m so looking forward to the weekend.  Who knows, this may be a good time to check out the fall foliage.

For awhile, I’ve noticed Wednesday Hodgepodge blog hop, but never took the time to join in until now. This is my first time participating in Joyce’s mid-week meme, Wednesday Hodgepodge.

It’s rather fun to do these Q&As. This gives me an opportunity to learn more about my hostess, as well new friends through the blog hop.

  1. Have you ever been ‘asked’ to report for jury duty? Were you chosen to serve? If not, were you happy or disappointed?  Yes, I have. Every time I was asked to report it always happened during our home school schedule but thankfully excused each time. Personally speaking, I know I’m supposed to feel like this is my duty to do and I am certainly delighted as a citizen of America we have such an opportunity to participate in the legal system of deciding who’s guilty or not but I don’t think I’d be too happy if I ever HAD to do jury duty.
  2. On a scale of 1-10 (with 10 being very) how mechanically inclined are you? Give an example to back up your answer.  Mechanically inclined…well, I know some of the basics like how to check the oil and air pressure in the tires and of course fill my gas tank. I have hands-on experience with these things. On several occasions, I’ve assisted my darling husband with replacing the brake pads, cleaning the carburetor, changing the oil, and replacing a flat tire. I’d have to say, if push comes to shove then I can do some simple things to our car, even if it meant pulling out the owner’s manual to dig for the answers. Of course, I’ve helped my DH with many repairs around the home. So, I’d give myself a rating of  5 to be fair about it. I’m more comfortable with connecting computer peripherals and installing software than I am with mechanical stuff. Although, I can do computer related things on my own, I still like having my DH around when I have a monstrous task if nothing else for the moral support. =D
  3. Beets-cabbage-cauliflower-butternut squash…of the four, which is your favorite fall vegetable?  Traditionally I have pick pickled beets as part of Thanksgiving dinner, but I wouldn’t say it’s my favorite. I love vegetables! There really isn’t anything I don’t like. I may prefer one veggie over another, but I won’t refuse any of them.  However, butternut squash makes me think of autumn more than the others for some reason and if I had to pick one then I’d go with that choice.
  4. What do you recommend to overcome self-pity?  A reality check! It’s so easy to feel sorry for yourself, but find out how bad someone else is having it then it feels like a bucket of cold water being splashed in your face.  There is nothing more humbling than to learn how truly blessed I am when I learn of someone else’s sufferings. My pity party made me ashamed and then gratitude sinks in for life’s goodness despite whatever temporary set back I may be faced.
  5. Do you enjoy classical music?  Classical music is very soothing, especially when violins or pianos are in the musical presentation.  There is nothing like the way the soft hammering of pianos strings can sooth your mind.  For instance, I googled ‘soothing classical music’ and this YouTube selection was amongst the first hits…

The music coupled with the beautiful sunset across the ocean is simply relaxing. It allows you to escape to another place all within your mind.  I even enjoy relaxing instrumental music, too. It doesn’t necessarily have to be classical just so as it’s a beautiful melody.

Listen to this, it’ll just melt your soul….


  1. October is National Book Month, what’s on your reading list this month? Sad, but true I am not a book worm.  Don’t get me wrong, I do like reading.  It’s just I can’t seem to sit still long enough to read a novel.  In May, I got my first iPhone and I have since used the Kindle and iBook apps for reading a couple of books.  This seems to help me a lot. I can read a little at a time, my place is always saved, and I don’t see an enormous printed book – just a few paragraphs at a time.  For some reason, this simply appeals to me better. 

One thing I learned about myself is I really enjoy reading non-fiction stories. This is definitely different from my early adult years.  What recommendations would you suggest? I like true stories, which inspire you. You know that Phoenix rising out of the ashes kind of feel good feeling.

  1. What is your idea of ‘cute’ ?

Babies and small children are the epitome of cuteness no doubt about it. However, I love fuzz-ball kittens, shaggy haired puppies, fluffy yellow chicks, downy ducklings, and most other baby animals.  I tend to like small things and often time say, “Isn’t that the cutest thing you ever saw?” and I may be speaking of a small wrench or screwdriver or something like that.

  1. Insert your own random thought here.

Isn’t it funny, when you’re young you never think about age. Getting old only happens to old people.  Suddenly, you find yourself in your 40s and you realize old isn’t old anymore. Your mindset changes. You know your 50s, 60s, 70s are not all that far out of reach anymore. The hand of time begins to write lines across your face and wisps of silver speckle your hair.

Having never experienced social drinking or cigarette smoking or the love of sun bathing, other vices which add premature years to your face. For my dull, easy-going life I give thanks. People seem in awe when they learn I’m almost 50 and not 30-something.

Years ago, I learned that my exercise regiment was doing more for me than keeping my physical self in shape, but by being active it helps me to feel youthful and energetic. Another perk of to exercise I’ve discovered is, researchers believe it fights off Alzheimer’s and other memory loss issues.  This has been a concern for years. I believe I can handle being physically limited as time goes by, but to not remember those I love is a horrible thing to think about and I’ve heard it’s painful for those who look into your face to see they are not recognized.

In all these things, I give God my Creature, the One I love praise for giving me the intutiveness to not be drawn into bad habits and the tenacity to keep active even when I didn’t want to and a husband who has allowed me to be a SAHM. Growing old is inevitable, but how you choose to age is in your control. My strategy is to age gracefully!


Thanks Joyce for allowing me to jump in on your mid-week meme!




Now, I’m going to stroll over to Chit Chat on Patrice’s Farmhouse Porch. Would you like to come with me?

“Look ladies, Cathy is here!”

“Patrice, you always make me feel so welcome.”

“Grab a cup of coffee and pull up a rocker.”

“It’s a beautiful morning despite the rainy start. What have  you been chatting about?”

“Well, we were talking about our childhood and I asked the others did they have a way to earn money as kid?”

“Sometimes, I think about that. Where I grew up, as you know was in rural West Virginia. There wasn’t isn’t much back there for kids in the way of employment opportunities.  I occasionally baby sat for my uncle or aunt and I cleaned my elderly neighbors house sometimes.  This gave me a little pocket-money.  My first real job was working in the junior high school.  I got on a program offered for low income families.  I don’t know why more kids didn’t take advantage of this. Lord knows my family wasn’t the only one who qualified as low-income, but there was only myself and another kid it seemed who was choosen to do this work.  I worked as a janitor’s assistant. I earned less than $2 per/hour, which was minium wage at the time for couple of hours after school.  It was hard work, but it was really rewarding to get the paycheck. It taught me to appreciate having the opportunity to do what I was doing.”

“That’s wonderful they had this program for kids in your community, Cathy.  I was just thinking about another question, with the cooler weather coming on, does your body tend to run hot or cold? For instance, do you wear a sweater when others are in short sleeves or whenever everyone else is wearing a parka are you wearing a sweatshirt?”

“Most of my life, my body temperature generally runs a bit on the cool side. I believe it has to do with my size. With the weather begining to cool off now, I find myself slipping into sweatpants in the evenings while my husband and son still sport their shorts. Once winter cold settles in, then while I’m lounging around the house you’ll find a blanket pulled over my lap. When I’m out running errands, I tend to wear a light layer of warmth for the cooler months, but if I’m going to be outdoors very long then I usually slip on a jacket.  The summer months, though, I don’t think I ever get cold.  I’m more effected by the cold months than anything.”

“As you know, my computer skills are limited.  So, I was wondering, what’s your level of computer savvy?”

“You crack me up, Patrice! Really, you can only turn the computer on and check your email? I find this difficult to swallow. You have such a lovely blog. I believe you’re being a bit humble about how much you really know about technology.  I feel fairly confident with computers. I earned an AS in Computer Programming. My first job after graduating, I was a Computer Consultant – I sold computers, set them up, and taught my clients how to use their softwared, but my real hands-on experience came after I left the work force.  I have done more with our personal computers than ever while on any of my jobs. I’ve replaced hard drives, added RAM, formatted hard drives, reinstalled software, set systems up, etc.  I don’t consider myself wet behind the ears and yet I’m not a computer geek, so where does this leave me? lol?”

“Hmmm, I call you computer literate girl! Technology just isn’t my strong suit. I blame my generation for it, you know we didn’t have the advantage that most do today. However, here’s something I am more suited to cooking. When you have pasta, do you prefer a marinara sauce (red type) or a white sauce (fettuccine type)?”

“I’d have to say, over-all I prefer a marinara sauce to a white sauce. White sauces are generally too bland to suit my taste buds, but they are nice on occasion.”

“Speaking of food, I have one more thought. You’re going to hate me for bringing this one up, but what’s your favorite thing to put in brownies?”

“Bad Patrice! You know, I’m a chocoholic. Boy, that sure would go well with this cup of coffee about now, huh? Okay, let me get back to your question before I droole all over myself.  I like brownies best plain, but sometimes I like to throw in some walnuts.  However, I’d love to find a nice recipe where I can add caramels. Do you have a good one for with this addition you’d care to share?”

“Gracious, look at the time, ladies? I need to feed the chickens, groom the horses, chase a few dusty bunnies away, and…”

“We hear you, Patrice. It’s time for me to take off, anyhow. Thank you for having me again this week. It was such a joy to chit chat on your farmhouse porch for a while. Have a good day!”

Each of Patrice’s friends exchange hugs and smiles, before slipping away into different directions savoring the time spent amongst warm friends on an autumn morning. Until next time….be well, my friends!

If you’d like to join up with the chit chat session in your own personal blog post, then here are Patrice’s questions you can copy and paste:

  1. Did you have a way to earn money as a child or teen?
  2. Does your body run hot or cold? (Are you in a sweater/jumper when everyone else is in short sleeves or do you wear a sweatshirt when everyone has on parkas?)
  3. What’s your level of computer savvy?
  4. When you have pasta, do you prefer a red sauce (marinara type) or a white sauce (fettuccine type)?
  5. What’s your favorite thing to put in brownies?

Please, be sure to grab her blog button here to put on your post and be sure to link up with her. Tell her Cathy sent you! wink

Have a wonderful Wednesday!



  • Conny

    Hey from another Knoxville-ian!! I grew up in Kville but the Army sent us away … It’s ok though – I go back regularly to visit family. I miss East TN!
    Anyway, tickled I found your blog (or maybe you found me because I came here via you following MY blog, I think!?!!) – and glad you joined in on Hodge Podge 🙂
    PS Go Vols 😉

  • Joyce

    Welcome to the Hodgepodge! It was fun to read your answers and visit your blog. My inlaws are in Maryville : ) Go Vols! We lived in Knoxville the first year of our married life and we get back there fairly regularly. We love East Tennessee. There’s a lot to read here…I need to come back and I will. Enjoy your day!

  • Farm Girl

    Wow I like the way you did these questions too. I think it is cool you were a computer programmer. My husband started out as one now he has morphed into other things but it is always handy to have one in the family.
    Your early life is very interesting too.
    I enjoyed your answers this week.

  • Patrice

    Wow! I know a writer who likes dialogue. 🙂 You really classed up the chat. What a fun version of our time on the porch! My computer savvy is because of an incredible teen. Check out and you’ll see the one in my family who has tech skills.

    I love that you did something different with “Chats”!
    Have a great week!

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