Wayback Wednesday

Wayback Wednesday & Hodgepodge

November is coming to a close, a new month will start tomorrow, and the most wonderful time of the year is now in full swing – Christmas!!!

Last week, I was so absorbed in Thanksgiving preparations that I couldn’t make time to take part in the meme I co-host. That’s pretty bad now, huh? If this is your first time visiting then, let me welcome you to this edition of Wayback Wednesday.  Angela from Mommy Time Out is our hostess, so please be sure to visit her. I hope you’ll decide to join in with sharing some of your memories.

Today, we’re going to travel back in time to 2001 .

This was a horrible year for America, so much sadness and heart-break. Let’s think about something positive. How about some good vibes? What celebrities were born this year?

Ramona Marquez
Born: February 24, 2001
movie: Arthur Christmas

image borrowed from imdb

Jackson Brundage
Born: January 21st
TV series: One Tree Hill

image borrowed from imbd
image borrowed from imbd

Rowan Blanchard
Born: October 14th
Movie: Spy Kids: All the Time in the World in 4D

Image borrowed from imdb
Image borrowed from imdb

Maddox Jolie-Pitt
Born: August 5th
Famous parents: Angelina Jolie & Brad Pitt

Image borrowed from imdb
Image borrowed from imdb

It’s your turn to go way-back, way-back to 2001! What memorable events do you remember? To participate in this blog hop you don’t have to follow a bunch of rules. It’s simple! Just link up  your blog, twitter, or Facebook below (only one please) . Kindly leave a comment letting us know You are now our newest follower and we’ll pop over to your lovely blog. Thanks for the memories!

Let round out Wayback Wednesday with a little Christmas fun featuring this song from 2001…




Now, Let’s join Joyce for a bit of everything in Wednesday Hodgepodge.


1. Do you send Christmas cards? If so, about how many will you send this year? How do you display the cards you receive? Or don’t you? (gasp!)

Yes, I send out annual Christmas cards. In recent years, I’ve dropped the number of cards I mail out. Postage is too expensive and my response, meaning the those who reciprocate, keep dwindle every year. Really that’s so sad!

Now days, I usually stack my cards in my received mail pile for anyone to browse. Years ago, I use to hang the cards across a string.  However, I could never keep the string high enough for tall people to walk beneath without any worries and often times they’d fall off from time to time.

2. When do kids become adults?

Who are you asking me or the kids? lol My children always said, “I’m 18 and now an adult!” Guess what I was thinking? “Oh, really? You can’t prove that by me.”

Adulthood is a passage. Some kids get there quicker than others.  Our culture may believe a child is an adult at puberty or when a child can legally act on adult matters such a voting at 18 or buying alcohol at 21. I don’t think 18 or 21 necessary makes a child an adult, as much as the ability to make sound decisions with clarity and maturity.  Of course, some 18 and 21 year olds can do this is small measures, but I have found usually most children are better equipped to handle things better by their mid-20s. I’m not sure how these magical numbers became the benchmark of adulthood, but that’s what our society widely recognizes – except in the eyes of many parents, right?

3. Does your ‘beauty regimen’ change with the seasons?

You’re so right, Joyce, what beauty regimen? lol No, really I know what you mean, though.  My skin type is normal to dry, which is much easier to care for than someone with an oiler skin type.  The one thing I consistently do is use daily moisturizer. I don’t notice my face needing any extra attention, as much as I do my hands and legs which become severely dehydrated as the weather turns cool despite my water intake. I just can’t figure this one out for anything. I find I prefer to keep lip balm on my lips year round, but again during the cooler months I may need to reapply my lip balm a couple of times throughout the day. I blame this on my hydration problem.

4. What’s something you like to eat that might cause another person to turn up their nose?

I can’t think of a single thing, but when I was a kid my daddy use to eat pickled hogs feet. That sounds disgusting to me today, but I liked them when I was little. Maybe, it was because my daddy liked them and I just wanted to share that with him. I’m sure, if I enjoyed this delicacy today then there would be some who would turn their nose up and run. Run away fast!

5. Gloves or Mittens?

I like both, but own only gloves. Gloves are more versatile, but mittens do keep your fingers warmer. However, I hate having to take off mittens to grab something when its bitter cold. =D

6. What’s the longest queue you’ve ever been in? Was it worth it? Queue=line but doesn’t queue sound so much nicer?

Hmm, this is gonna be tough because my memory stinks!  Usually, when I get stuck in line it’s on the phone with a Customer Service Representative.  The longest hold has been 30-minutes, if I remember correctly. It would’ve been longer.  However, we did stand in line for the new iPhone4S a few months ago for at least an hour. I try to avoid getting stuck in a queue when out shopping, but on the phone one can’t pick these things.

7. Besides Christmas, what is one thing you are looking forward to this December?

My birthday! Yep, true, true in two weeks from this day, I’m gonna be the big 50.  It’s funny, I don’t feel like I’m half a century old. My mind keeps telling me other tales and frankly, I’m believing these stories. Have you noticed, what once seemed old isn’t so old anymore? 50 use to be regarded as “Over the hill”, but now I think “Life is just beginning!”

8. Insert your own random thought here.

Today, I have kicked off my first EVER compensated promotion. I want to invite you to read My Memories Digital Scrapbook Software Review & Give-Away Promo which I posted earlier this morning. I think this would make a great Christmas present to yourself, don’t you? This give-away will only run for one week, so get in on the action NOW!!!


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