Wednesday Hops

Wayback Wednesday, Chats on a Farmhouse Porch, What I’m Loving Wednesday

It’s mid-week… hump day…the rest of the week is downhill! However you look it, it’s Wednesday.  When I was in the work force, hump day is what I often called Wednesdays, and a sense of giddiness washed would over me.  I lived for the weekends after five days of hectic work.

After I became a SAHM, days blended together.  The weekends didn’t seem any different from the rest of the week, but as the phases of motherhood passed from the infant to teen years, then the weekend began to hold a similar reverence.  I once more looked forward to having downtime with my husband and children.

I’d like to invite you to join me in my mid-week par-taying! WARNINGNO alcoholic drinks allowed but intoxication is likely to occur through loads of fun with your blog friends.

What were you doing 25 years ago?

I turned 24 that year and we celebrated our 6th wedding anniversary in 1985.  I was working in downtown Knoxville with North America Insurance Administrator (N.A.I.A.), as their computer system’s operator. Honestly, it was nothing spectacular. We were using a network of huge (compared to today’s) desktops. We had limited Internet usage. In fact, I don’t recall using electronic data transmission until 1986.  My MOST memorable event from 1985 is we bought our first sport’s car, a dark maroon Toyota Supra!  It was really beautiful machine and a thrill to drive.

News has a way of temporarily eluding my memory until I refresh it by reading past events.  Here are a few highlights, which hold a prominent spot in my mind’s eye…

  • Hezbollah terrorist hijacked TWA Flight 847 en route from Athens to Rome.
  • Michael Jackson buys ATV Music (all Beatles’ songs) for $47-million. USA for Africa (musical talents included: Ray Charles, Bob Dylan, Michael Jackson,Billy Joel, Cyndi Lauper, Willie Nelson, Lionel Richie, Smokey Robinson, Kenny Rogers, Diana Ross, Paul Simon, Bruce Springsteen, Tina Turner, & Stevie Wonder) recorded “We Are The World” to raise money for famine relief.
  • James Bond (Roger Moore) returns in A View to a Kill  (theatrical release May 22nd) featuring Duran Duran singing the theme song topping the charts at #1 on July 13th.
  • Boris Becker took Wimbledon by storm winning the championship at the age of 17, the youngest in the men’s the division to claim the prestigious tennis trophy.
  • September 1st the discovery of The RMS Titanic

Angela invites you to revisit the year – 1985 and join the fun in Wayback Wednesdays!

BLOG TITLEI’m participating in Patrice’s newly formatted weekly meme, Chats on the Farmhouse Porch.  This is week #3. You may use her questions to launch your own daily post, but please be sure to display her blog button and kindly link up.

Grab a cup of coffee and join me, as we head to Patrice’s farmhouse porch to do a little mid-week chatting, shall we? (Click below button to link up with Patrice)

Here’s what we’re chatting about today…

    1. What color was your first car?  When we got married, I sort of inherited my husband’s first car, an orange Ford Fiesta.  In 1985, we bought our first car together.  This was so exciting! You can see it pictured at the top of this post, a deep maroon Toyota Supra. It was gorgeous!
    2. Do you dance or sing when you’re by yourself?  I dance and sing all the time. It makes no difference, if I’m alone or the house is full of people. I hold nothing back!
    3. What were your favorite and least favorite subjects in school? (I’m thinking high school or younger, but if you want to tell us about your PhD, go right ahead.) History was my favorite subject from about the 5th grade all the way through high school. I just love learning about the past.  Math was my nightmare subject. I hated it and it hated me! We simply didn’t mesh.
    4. What was the last dinner you made? Meatloaf.  For the last several months, I’ve been strictly having salads at dinner while my husband and son eat regular meals for the most part but they have graciously decided to lessen my burden by sacrificing good home-cooked meals for frozen dinners until I can reach my new target weight goal. However, I try to prepare at least one large, easy to prepare meal I can supplement every other day.  I like to alternate the TV dinners with a real meal.  This helps me to not feel so bad. I have two great fellows!
    5. Please finish this: “I feel naked without ———————.” (Now, you know there’s someone out there who will answer “clothes”. See. I caught you! 🙂 Make up!  I don’t feel so naked around the house without it, especially during the day.  But, when we go out, I need to put on my face paint. I’m certain the rest of the population is happy that I do this, too.  I would feel so weird without it. This may sound crazy, but in the evenings after I’ve showered, I like putting my face on, as I call it, so I can look my best for my darling husband.


King James Bible 1 John 3:1
Behold, what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons daughters of God…  

What I’m loving is I’m keeping true to my exercise regimen by riding my exercise bike 30 miles each day!
What I’m loving is the end of summer is drawing near with the prospect of fall’s imminent return.
What I’m loving is the blessings of  blogging which allows me to exercise my brain power in a fresh new way every day. 
What I’m loving is the ability to see the light at the end of the tunnel with financial obligations nearly disappearing completely in 15 months. Whoo-hoo!
What I’m loving is the gift of family – those I love dearly and treasure closely in my heart. Family is forever no matter what!

What are you loving today?

Have an wonderful day,





  • Patrice

    30 miles a day- Wow! I’m impressed. That’s fantastic. Thanks for joining in again this week.

    I understand the make-up thing because I used to do the same thing.
    Have a great week!

  • Pam

    I just cut meat out of our daily diet and told Hubs he would have to buy it and cook it himself if he wanted any. Funny, he didn’t seem to mind at all. LOL Great responses!

  • cathykennedy

    @38c3780c5bb4ba493083a34fc3dbc5ae I couldn’t cut meats from diet completely. I use lean turkey cold cuts on my salad.  Good for hubs for preparing what he wants without fussing.  We have good husbands, don’t we?

  • cathykennedy

    @31115ea5794a7bd31e77e00e7e507c59 Oh heavens, that’s hilarious! As soon as you get that posted let me know.  I’m thankful I only had to be a working mom for only 2-weeks just to give my notice and have been happy at home for the 23 years. =D

  • Cyndi Pride

    Hi there. Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment.
    Smart phones ARE the best!!
    So, way-back Wednesday… I was getting ready to go back to work as a teacher. I had an 11 month old baby and I was very proud that on the first day I had gotten him fed and dressed, gotten me fed and dressed and was ready to head out the door. Then… I heard my baby screaming. It was a ‘mad’ scream. I went to find him and he was sitting IN the toilet – leather shoes and all! I did go find the camera before I rescued him. Because I had to change him I was late to the babysitter and then late to work… it was just the beginning of dealing with things as a working mom!

    I’m impressed that you are keeping up your 30 minute exercise program. Good for you!

  • Farmgirl

    I need to get to Patrice’s questions. I like your car. It is so scary to read what was going on 25 years ago. I also like all of the things you are doing and 30 miles that is so awesome on your bike.
    I have two more years with my last student. Then I will be finished. The alarming thing I have noticed, is that since it has been so long the people that fought home schooling 25 years ago are gone and a new crop has replaced them. I have had to do new battles with our insurance company because they don’t recognize  me as a viable school. Things were said that I heard in the beginning years. I notice the HSLDA is having new fights to preserve our freedoms again. It goes so fast though doesn’t it? Thanks for sharing with me.

  • Laurencordle

    I am loving anything that brings cooler weather!!! and fall and christmas decorations! Happy Wednesday!

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