Friday Fun Stuff

US National Cycling Championship #photos

It’s September and summer is just about gone. The weather is pleasantly nice. I guess we have Harvey to thank for the cooler temps. Something good always comes out of the bad I always say and this is proof. This is my first Friday post in a long time. This summer I slacked way off in Blogosphere to the point you’d think I wasn’t around but I was. Mostly tending to the huge blog clean up repairing or deleting broken files, and other issues with my site.  Photo ops were few and far between but I looked for them every chance I could. In June, Knoxville hosted the US National Cycling Championship. The winner from this competition represented the US at Tour de France or at least I believe that’s what I read. I failed to keep up that but anywho here are my Nikon moments!

In downtown Knoxville banners like this hung on street posts. I shot through the windshield to get this picture.

Like so much of what’s going on in our life lately, we did not plan to go downtown to see if we could watch the bicyclists. It just happened. In fact, we were heading to the Super Wal-Mart to do our shopping when DH suggested the side trip to try to get a glimpse of action.

This is in the Old City. I didn’t know how long it would take the cyclists to get back to this point, so I snapped this photo and waited. We were just about to leave when we heard some commotion. A positive sign the bicyclists were approaching.
As they approached, I climbed up on a bench to see over the crowd and to capture the moment. Cowbells and whoops greeted the cyclists. I felt happy for the racers as they rushed by the crowd.

We hung around for just a few mintues before deciding to look for a better advantage point to see the racers better and boy am I glad that we did!

My first attempt to catch the action. I wasn’t completely happy with how this went so we hung around for them come around again.

The first time I had my lens zoomed in too much, so I pulled back a bit to not only get that wide angel sense but when the cyclist went by me the action was very visible and that’s what I wanted!

There were a lot of vehicles following behind the cyclists. This is only a small sample but there they go and so being satisfied with the thrill a possible a once in life time shot to see such a competition, we headed on our way to tend to our errands.  It really was exciting, though.

I’m sharing my Nikon experience with other global shutter-bugs joining the Skywatch Friday linky party!

This summer as I mentioned, I spent a lot of time cleaning up my blog and while going through my “Drafts” folder I found this vintage video that made me smile. Hopefully, it’ll make you smile, too!

I’m back with Annie and Ellen playing along in their Friday Fun!

1FFBadgeThanks for hosting, ladies!

  1. September bucket things-to-do list (I don’t have a “bucket list”. So, I changed this to “things-to-do list” instead.):  1. Bake a batch of chocolate chip cookies or oatmeal raisin cookies or both 2. Enjoy a cup of hot chocolate loaded with lots of marshmallows.
  2. If I came with a warning label, it would say “once home with you, can’t return, lose, or shake. I’m yours until the end of days – yours or mine, which ever comes first”. This is something DH discovered too late. lol
  3. Truth be told, I’m really glad summer is coming to an end even though I tried my best to live in the moment and not wish my days away but I hate the heat! I’m really loving the cooler temperatures brought on by the hurricane season but feel horrible for anyone affected by Harvey and now Irma. Saying prayers for everyone in these areas. God bless!!
4. I would rather do something creative – blog, photography, photo-edit, sketch, … than do house chores. What’s the fun it that?

In closing, I want to ask everyone to say prayers for those affected by hurricane Irma. Some are going to get hit hard…really hard. My thoughts and prayers are with you. Be safe and God bless!

Weather related playlist tracks:

  1. Luke Combs HURRICANE
  2. Jars of Clay FLOOD
  5. Bob Dylan HURRICANE
  6. Neil Young LIKE A HURRICANE

That’s a wrap for now. You’re invited to hit the dance floor with “Remembering 9/11” mewsic theme on Monday’s Mewsic Moves Me!

Have a laughtastic weekend!


 For more social media network fun and inspiration join these ladies below

Friday Features Linky Party






















  • Literary Feline

    You took some great photos of the cycling race, Cathy! I bet that was exciting to see in person. Hot chocolate with marshmallows and chocolate chip cookies sound really good! I just wish it were cooler here for it. I’d rather do most things rather than the household chores. LOL Thanks for sharing. I hope you have a great week!

    • Cathy Kennedy


      Oh yes, it was thrilling to see the cyclist on the streets of Knoxville and to photograph! I love opportunities such as this to join in on. I love hot chocolate and chocolate chip cookies, but not necessarily together. I’d rather have coffee or milk with my cookies. I can’t handle having too much sweets together. Thanks for visiting. I’ll see ya soon!

  • Alana Mautone (@RamblinGarden)

    We used to have a cycling race event called the Chris Thater Memorial every August where I work, in Binghamton, New York. It was so cool seeing the cyclists in a residential neighborhood (near to where Rod Serling of Twilight Zone fame grew up, too). This year the race was taken off the cycling organization’s schedule – as it was a memorial race for a local cyclist killed by a drunk driver years ago, cancelling it was sad. But it made me appreciate your pictures all the more, because I’ve done this spectator thing, too!

    • Cathy Kennedy


      It was fun to do this and I’m glad we took time to breeze by to glimpse some of the action. I think it’s really neat when Knoxville hosts events like this, too. It brings folks here who otherwise may not visit. That’s too bad to hear about your local cycling event getting canceled. Perhaps, next year they’ll put it on again.

  • Birgit

    The cyclists really lovenwhat they do and I love your pictures especially seeing the paloton…if I remember what that is called. I love watching the Tour De France but I will never cycle:) I like your answers and to be honest, I find farts funny. I don’t have a bucket list for September except to get better and see my mom. Right now, I am not looking too far ahead

    • Cathy Kennedy


      I like riding a bicycle but haven’t in years. I won’t ride mine on public streets. That’s just too dangerous. There are too many mean people out there who get the jollies out of throwing things are swerving toward ya to make you wreck on purpose, plus you have more idiot drivers out there who aren’t trying to hurt you but do dumb things putting your life in jeopardy. We used to love taking our bikes to Cades Cove in the Smoky’s. They close the loop road early on Saturday morning to traffic but will open it to cars around noon. It’s great fun getting there super early like 7ish with the cooler temps lingering in the air and the fog is lifting off the fields. That’s a fabulous time to spot wildlife, mostly deer but occasionally we see a bear in the distance. I’m okay with that but if a bear gets close then I’m like, “I hope you are full of berries”. lol You crack me up. I have to agree with what you think is funny I think is funny, too. Do remember the campfire scene from Blazing Saddles? The first time we watched that movie, I nearly fell off the sofa laughing so hard and even to this day it breaks me up. I’m not sure why “breaking wind” is so funny but it is. Of course, if we did that in real life then we’d be so embarrassed. I hope you get better really soon, so you can go see your mother. You’re in my thoughts and prayers, dearie! {{{hugs}}}

  • David E. McClendon Sr.

    What about a batch of chocolate chip oatmeal raisin cookies? We are glad to see the cooler temperatures, too. We’ve dropped into the 80s. We hope this cooler weather stays.
    Have a great weekend.

    • Cathy Kennedy


      We hope the cooler temps stay, too. Our extended forecast looks nice (upper 70s for the highs & upper 50s for the lows), so this will be very nice. I can’t believe it’s almost the middle of September. This year is evaporating on us, isn’t it?

  • John Holton

    I don’t think I’ve ever seen that commercial. Funny stuff!

    Great pictures. As much time as I’ve spent in Knoxville, I’ve never been downtown.

    • Cathy Kennedy


      Downtown Knoxville has changed a lot in the 38 years we have lived here. We hope to take one Friday soon to revisit the Old City and downtown. I’m especially interested in the Old City since it’s getting a total make over from the way I remember it in the early 80s. Since you never visited this part of town, you don’t know what to compare it with but if you ever find yourself in Knoxville again then you may want to drive through downtown.

  • 15andmeowing

    Nice photos of the bike race. Thank you for participating in the fill-ins- welcome back! To-do list does sound better than bucket list 🙂 I am thrilled that summer is over too, I can’t stand the humidity. Your answer to #2 is sweet. DH is lucky. Have a great weekend!

    • Cathy Kennedy


      I’m glad you like the to-do list better than a bucket list. I’ve never been fond of the idea of a “bucket list”. That sounds like you’re either getting old or not long for this world. Why not approach life with a happier perspective instead of a “this is the end” view. That’s funny you should say, DH is lucky. He often says this but the truth is I’m the lucky one! 🙂

  • mimi

    What a nice adventure to stumble upon with the bikes.

    It’s no fun doing chores unless you are getting paid for them!

  • Arlee Bird

    You captured the action of the race well. Photos #2 through 4 look like they were taken on Jackson Ave. I used to work at 125 E Jackson and walked that street often after being dropped off the bus on Gay St. It’s changed a great deal since the 1970’s, but still I think I recognize it in your photos.

    I haven’t ridden a bicycle in nearly 50 years. They say you never forget how to ride. I guess I’d like to try again though I might be kind of nervous about it.

    Now off to do some housework.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

    • Cathy Kennedy


      Very good eye! You’re right, the race started on Jackson Ave. Here’s a map of the race course, if you’re interested. The Old City has changed a lot since you worked downtown. In fact, DH and I want to go back this fall on a Friday to walk around. They’re still doing work in the area but oh, man has it changed so much and it’s really looking nice. They’ve converted those old warehouses into restaurants and shops with apartments in the upper portion. It’s really nice! Most of the photos I took on Hill Ave. There’s a Regal Cinema on Gay Street with a large parking garage one street behind them and Hill runs behind the garage. That’s where we were standing. It was a great place, too. Have you been in downtown Knoxville since moving away? If not, you’ll be amazed at the changes. Yeah, they say you never forget how to ride a bike but I can tell you from experience you are a bit unsteady or at least I was the first time to ride after some time passed. Word of caution, don’t try to tackle little hills when you get back on your bike. That’s what I did and being so out of shape I could climb it with my bike. I mounted mid-way all winded nearly wreaking and when I did my lower shin scraped across the toe clip making a nasty cut. That ended my ride. DH soon took the toe clips off so I wouldn’t ever do that again. I never liked those things anyhow, so they aren’t missed. 🙂

    • Cathy Kennedy


      Thank you for the invite, I did link my WW post on your site but I didn’t link this one, though. I shall do that right now! I’m happy you enjoyed the photos. Have a great week! 😉

  • McGuffy's Reader

    I get the music, but am not a dancer. You are fun, my friend. I am happy that you find music as a haven, too. Good Dylan video. I love Dylan, warts and all…so to speak. He is a May Gemini, like me!
    I am glad you are back. I missed you. I need to see what hops you are joining or hosting. Let me know!
    Love & hugs, my conservative friend. *wink*

    • Cathy Kennedy


      Well…you know I co-host Monday’s Music Moves Me, so you’re welcome anytime to hit the dance floor and I host “not-so Wordless Wednesdays”. Anything else I do, I’m just tieing in with other daily memes. I’m just here for the fun, social interaction of others! {{{HUGS back to you}}}

        • Cathy Kennedy


          You’re welcome to join my not-so WW linky party and of course, you’re always welcome to dance with me on Mondays. We post themes every other week but we aren’t picky about that even. All we care about is having fun on the dance floor with our blogger friends. So, don’t worry if your mewsic isn’t in tune. You’ll be welcomed to boogie with us! 😉

  • Suzanne Gunter McClendon

    Those are nice shots of the bicycle race, Cathy.

    In regards to the cookies, I vote both! I like hot chocolate with lots of marshmallows, too.

    I bet your dh is very glad he’s “stuck” with you. 🙂

    ICK I don’t like the summer heat either and I most especially do not like the mosquitoes. They are here, some times worse than others, all year long. Right now they are horrendous because of all the flooding. I don’t know why Heavenly Father invented mosquitoes and I’m sure He had a good reason, but I wish they’d go away. 🙂

    AMEN to your #4!!!

    Prayers going up for all those in the path of the newest storms and thanks so much for the prayers for our area here on the Texas coast.

    Have a blessed weekend. 🙂

    • Cathy Kennedy


      I haven’t made cookies since Christmas. I used to make the frequently when the kids were home. DH can eat a truck load of them, too. We keep a lot of store-bought ones on hand for his snacking. This boy really can go through cookies, too. I call him my “Cookie Monster” if that tells you anything. 😀 Yeah, I don’t know what God was thinking when he created mosquitoes but I know He had a good reason. I just wished He fixed it so they wouldn’t eat on me. lol

    • Cathy Kennedy

      Some of the cyclists wore brightly colored shirts but not nearly as much as I thought. When we go to the mountains, we’ll see bicyclist wearing race wear like this and I’m thinking, “What’s the purpose for this?” These bicyclists aren’t competing, so why copy the pros? I haven’t ridden my bike in eons. We used to like to go to Cades Cove in the Smoky’s and when we did, I just wore regular shorts or jeans, nothing fancy. I guess I didn’t look “cool” but I enjoyed riding my bicycle all the same. Thanks for dropping in!

    • Cathy Kennedy


      Thanks! I realized that the YouTube video I selected for “Friday Sillies”, I accidentally deleted when I inserted the playlist. Oh silly me! Anywho, thanks for stopping by to look at my photo captures of the cyclist. It was cool to see this event. The day was really nice, too. I hope you’re not in Hurricane Irma’s path and that you have a good weekend!

        • scr4pl80

          It’s really a myth but when it is hot but calm and cloudy we say it is earthquake weather. When everything seems still but there is really a lot going on. Tonight the temperature was in the high 70’s but we had thunder, lightning and rain.

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