A-Z Challenge

#T?T Intention #a2zchallenge

Nearly one-third of the A-Z Challenge is behind us, I question, what’s becoming of this month? And, what topic will I choose to cover for today’s prompt? I am a fly by the seat of the pants person pretty much when it comes to composing blog posts.  I usually have a subject lined up, but getting it down in advance is rarely executed. By my omission of guilt I need to say all my well thought out, best intentions are slow in coming.

Merriam-Webster online says Intention is the thing that you plan to do or achieve: an aim or purpose.

My intentions for others are always good, and I followed through. When my children were small, I had the best of intentions of keeping them from harm, so installed electrical outlet covers and cabinet latches. For those I love, I show them I care by sending personal hand-crafted birthday cards. Not all good intentions are forgotten.  However, I do find many missed opportunities.

I mentally figure out what I want to do, and inscribe my goals somewhere prominent to not lose sight of my aim. Despite all the good intentions in the world, if I fail to put action to my plan then it doesn’t get done. Case in my point, my biggest intention flop is my New Year fitness goals.

I want to burn off unwanted pounds, but I am always slow on the uptake to getting my plan moving till the last moment. Two weeks ago, I decided enough is enough and if I want to fit into some of my summery things then I needed drastic measures. Okay, I  kicked myself into gear finally with slow progression toward my goal.

Why do the best of intentions go undone?

I think there are many reasons why intentions aren’t carried out. I am  not saying they are good ones, but nonetheless sub-conscience acts that inhibit me from time-to-time, such as…

  • too busy
  • not properly prioritized
  • lack of enthusiasm
  • emotional upheaval
  • procrastination

I may intend to buy batteries for the smoke detector when picking up milk and bread at the grocery store, but forget. Often times, a hectic day leads to putting things off, like adding those batteries to my ongoing store list. Unless I decide to place importance on small things by not pushing them off, then I will always forget the batteries in my life. Perhaps, that was a poor illustration in getting my point across, but hopefully understood.

Having been there, done that, I am now ready to implore a new attitude direction. I don’t want to have future regrets for intentions (big or small) forgotten or put off.  I found an inspirational quote, I would like to share….

“Live with intention.
Walk to the edge.
Listen Hard.
Practice wellness.
Play with abandon.
Choose with no regret.
Appreciate your friends.
Continue to learn.
Do what you love.
Live as if this is all there is.”
Mary Anne Radmacher

Note: I am unsure, if Mary Anne Radmacher is the author of this little quote or not, but it’s a nice thought nonetheless. Google pointed me to it.


  1. We all put things off for another day, on scale from 1-10, how successful are you to achieving your intentions?
  2. What advice would you care to give to help others to live an intention complete life? (if there is such a thing)
Please join my NO-RULES Thursday Thoughts linky party below:

Jenny Matlock Thursday Two Questions Self Sagacity.com border= Mama’s Losin’ It




  • Jemima Pett

    I think most best intentions simply aren’t important enough in the great scheme in our lives, for whatever reason – most easily seen in the ‘I know I should…’ intentions. If they really mattered to us, we’d do them.
    Which reminds me… I have something important to do today lol
    #Team Damyanti
    Blogging from Alpha to Zulu in April

    • Cathy Kennedy

      Good point, but oddly I honestly know the things I intend to do are important to me and yet I find other things to do keeping me from what “I know I should” being doing. Thanks for stopping by! I’ll be by soon.

  • IcyBC

    I have many intentions to do lots of things around the house, and I did some, but old age and achy won’t allow me to finish. So once I stopped, everything else stood still. I guess all we can do is do our best!

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