Thursday Two Questions

Thursday Two Questions – Halloween edition


And, it’s time to play Thursday Two Questions!

1. What are some of your fondest Halloween or Autumn-time memories?

When I was younger, Halloween was an annual event for us to walk a round after dark all dressed up with a group of kids collecting a bag full of goodies. We got the usual store-bought miniature candy bars, but a few families did really cool things like make candied apples or popcorn balls.  I even remember one family doing spooky things to their lawn and even frightening us as we arrived. That was always fun.  And, of course, we all loved watching, It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown.  This is something we still enjoy even now.


2.  Do you participate in the Trick or Treating fun?

We aren’t interactive with Trick or Treaters anymore. Our street is usually desolate on Halloween night and that’s okay by me.  You don’t know whose going to be at your door. However, we do our fun things. I like making caramel corn, pumpkin shaped sugar cookies, and caramel apples. We’ll usually watch a fun not too scary movie, as we are not into blood and gore flicks.  You get enough of that on the evening news. And, yes I do buy a couple of bags of candy. I can’t resist. I have a humongous sweet tooth, but I’m not alone, as does my husband and son share this common trait, too.

Now, it’s your turn. Give me your answers to these fun questions!


  • Self Sagacity

    Hi Cathy,
    I have very fond memories of Halloween in third grade and fourth grade, I can’t even remember who I went trick or treat with, but I did. Those were the only occasions I get to go out at night. You made me think now, I can’t believe my mom actually let me buy a costume then.

    I am fully supportive of my kids in dressing up and giving out candy to the neighborhood kids.

  • SquirrelQueen

    I don’t remember Halloween activities as well as I remember our trips to North Georgia in the fall to see the leaves. We would also stop at an orchard and pick apples.

    We live at the end of a cul de sac in a very quiet part of town. All of our Halloween visitors are neighborhood children accompanied by their parents. It is a very wholesome environment for the kids. It is also a very rare experience in this day and age.

  • Krislin Neo, Ting (Syracuse Pike)

    🙁 🙁 I can’t answer both of your questions since there is no Halloween here.. 🙁

  • Caren Gittleman

    I remember having my first kiss the day AFTER Halloween right when I turned 13 (I had turned 13 on Oct 20)…a boy I liked had pushed me on Halloween and tried to take my candy (to me that showed he liked me…what an idiot I was lol)….the next day the kiss “happened!”
    My husband and I don’t have trick or treaters because we are in a condo and it is not permitted here…but we are going to the Lions game Sun and I am going as a “Lion!!”
    Grrrrrrrrrrr….I LOVE this time of year!

  • Cathy Kennedy

    @Judy….ah hayrides and hotdogs by a campfire. Now that sounds wonderful!
    @Margaret…your childhood fondiest for Halloween reminds me of my own. What fun!
    @DoanLegacy…yeah, we have great memories too going trick or treating with our kiddos. It’s fun to see the feastivities through our kids’ eyes.
    @Donnie…how cool, the 50s dress up. I love that era even though I wasn’t born then. We use to have a 50s day at school and that was so much fun!
    Thanks ladies for playing Thursday Two Questions with me!

  • Donnie

    My fondest memories is a party I went to as a young mom and my husband dressed up as 60’s like characters. Fonzy like and the poodle skirt. We had such a good time and Don was so hot…don’t know why he doesn’t dress like that all the time…lol…

    We don’t participate in the Trick or Treat because we’re in a retirement park and they have a party and no little ones here.

  • DoanLegacy

    1) I didn’t celebrate Halloween as a kid, but I have great memories celebrated it with my children going trick or treat, and classroom parties.

    2) Yes, we still go trick or treat with my son’s friends and family.

    Thanks for joining us!

  • Margaret Duarte

    Halloween was always a special time in my life as a child and I continue the tradition with my children and now my grandchildren. Trick-or-treating was one of the most exciting activities in my life. Dressing up as someone or something else brought about the freedom to act out in ways I would never have done normally. And then all that candy! That we didn’t have to share. Enough for weeks of eating pleasure! A child’s dream come true. The answer to your second question is yes. We decorate the house with pumpkins, witches and ghosts and fill zip-lock bags with store-bought candy and then enjoy passing out candy to all the neighborhood kids.

  • Judy Sheldon-Walker

    Kathy, thank you so much for your heartfelt answer.

    My favorite autumn memories are of church activities. We would have hay rides and hot dog roasts, sit around a campfire and sing songs and share testimonies. I would usually be hoarse the next day. 🙂

    For a of years I worked retail and could not get Halloween off, but now that I do, I have a few trick or treaters come.

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