
13-03-2025 Vol 19

The sing-off between The Dandy Warhols and Skye

Don’t tell me it’s another new month already? Yep, the calendar says it’s September 1st and it’s time for another Battle of the Bands. Last time, I featured a Blondie classic. Stephen is really going to hate me for this, but I’m going that route again. Actually, I’ll be pitting two new rivals neither of which will be Blondie for the heavyweight title in the sing-off cover song Call Me! (This is for entertainment only and is not included in the battle, so please do not vote for Blondie.)

Allow me to introduce to you two new-to-me artists going head-to-head in today’s showdown.

First up, is an American rock band from Portland Oregon. Gosh, I’d love to see the pacific northwest! Focus Cathy, focus!   Anywho, this group came together in 1994 and released their first major record cut in ’97 with Capital Records. I bring to you Courtney Taylor-Taylor and his merry band members: Peter Holmstrom, Zia McCabe , and Brent DeBoer who are…  The Dandy Warhols!

Next is a British singer/songwriter who started her career also in 1994 with four brothers forming a different band who released five albums with this female lead vocalist.  The band split in 2003 giving her the opportunity to spread her wings cranking out two solo albums. Give a listen to Skye!

Do you know which band you like the best? Are you going with The Dandy Warhols or Skye?

Voting is open to everyone visiting my site. There is no wrong vote, except if you don’t vote. You can start by telling me in comments which artist you like best and why (optional). Then, I’d like you to do me a favor in telling your friends to come by to get in on the action. The more the merrier!

I highly recommend you swing over to listen (and vote on) more epic battles underway on these amazing blogs!

Now, if you’d like to know how this works and/or how to join all this madness fun you can check with Stephen (at the top of the list),  the official BoTB list keeper!  😉

Thanks for joining in on the fun. This is Curious as a Cathy signing off with have a bandtastic day and I hope you’ll decide to come tomorrow for a few giggles with my newest edition of Friday Sillies and other fun stuff!

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30 thoughts on “The sing-off between The Dandy Warhols and Skye

  1. These are both good. I got a kick out of the name “The Dandy Warhols”…. HAHAHAHAHAHA! And Skye had what sounded like a Jew’s harp (that buzzy “boing” sound) in her version… I think I’ll choose her.

  2. Cathy, you and Michele (and anyone else) should just get a party bus and come on over here to the Pacific Northwest. You can’t stay at my place…… (it’s too small for any of that!) but I’d hang out with you all. And Janie is right – it’s getting expensive to live here. Been close to homeless a few too many times!

    I liked Skye well enough, and the backing music was interesting, but I really liked the Dandy Worhols and the direction they took with the song.

    Great Battle! LOVE LOVE LOVE me some Blondie.


  3. Hi Cathy! I’ve always liked this song by Blondie. Skye was too ‘wispy’ for today’s mood.Show my vote for The Dandy Warhols. It was rocking.

    P.S. Stephen will always ‘do’ you right!

    Meanwhile, I’m waiting to hear from the auto-shop for the arrival of a repair part… from California! I’m hoping they’ll “Call Me”

    1. Dixie, I hope the auto mechanic called ya. 🙂 I have you down for TDW. This is the tightest battle I’ve had in a long time. It’ll be interesting to see who wins it. 😀 PS: Stephen is great! He likes poking at me like that every now and then, so I like to rib him back. He’s a sweetheart! 🙂

    1. Mike, thanks for popping in to vote in this round of BoTB. I have you down for TDW! Have a good weekend, my friend, and I’ll be by your place soon.

    2. Mike, this is turning into a tight battle. Each vote is offsetting the next. This is kind of exciting! Gotcha down for Skye. I’ll be by your place next!

  4. I vote for Skye becUse I really liked her rendition and the styling of this famous song. She made it her own. The other seemed a little lack lustre to me

    1. Birgit, so glad you came by to vote.I have you down for Skye. This is turning into a better competition than the last, so I’m excited. I’ll swing over to see you in just a few! 😉

  5. Tweeted! I like your Tweet thingy. It makes tweeting so easy. I vote for The Dandy Warhols. I’ve never heard them before. Their sound grabbed me immediately. Different and unusual. Good choices. I hope you get to visit the Pacific Northwest. We lived near Seattle for three years. It was beautiful. We took day trips to Mount Rainier and other cool places. After we moved away because my ex-husband got a different job, a lot of people from California moved to Seattle and the surrounding area and real estate prices skyrocketed. Our sweet house that I would have been happy to live in forever went from about 105k to 350. And we had a fifteen year mortgage! I hated leaving that part of the country.


    1. Janie, glad you like the Twitter widget. Debbie uses this one, I think, and that’s how I came to use it on my blog. I really like it, tool. The Pacific Northwest seems like a place I could be happy living at, but I’d like the chance to visit there before I made anything permanent. Thanks for stopping in to vote. I gotcha down for The Dandy Warhols bringing the tally 3 to 3.

  6. The Dandy Warhols have a definitely interesting sound but I guess overall I’d prefer listening to Skye’s version so please give my vote to her.

    And I too so want to do the Pacific Northwest! It’s been calling my name for years. My dream is to winter here in Austin and summer in Portland or Seattle… Maybe one of these days I’ll actually get there!

    Fun battle!

    Michele at Angels Bark

    1. Michele, gotcha down for Skye. I tell you what’s calling me now today is New England. We are going through our 2004 vacation pix from there because DD#2 and her hubby are going to Maine in a few weeks and we thought it would be fun to show them our pix. Of course, DD#2 has seen them but it’s been a long time. So, this will really get them more excited than ever for their trip. Oh well, maybe next year DH will have a good job and we can plan a super duper trip to Maine. 🙂 Thanks for stopping in to vote!

  7. CATHY, what did I ever do to you? Why you hate me so?

    Seriously, this wasn’t too, TOO bad. I liked both covers better’n the original, and I vote for SKYE overall. Wasn’t wild about her “sweetness & light” vocals but the Reggae rhythm appealed to me.

    I need to go listen to some Tom Petty now to wash this taste out of my ears.

    ~ D-FensDogG
    ‘Loyal American Underground’

    1. Stephen, I feel nutin’, but love for ya! I knew you’d think I was out to get ya or something, but I just had to bring one more Blondie cover to the table while I’m on a roll. It comes as no surprise that you like the rival bands better than the original. I half expected this from you after I learning your dislike last round. I’m glad you liked the reggae style of Skye version. That’s what I liked about it, too. Her vocals are decent, but I was hoping to find a gal with a better voice. Thanks for putting up with my Blondie picks two times in a row. I promise next time to do something else. Have a good evening!

      1. For your next round let me recommend Justin Bieber since he still has some good songs that haven’t been used yet for BOTB. Stephen loves Justin.

        Arlee Bird
        Tossing It Out

        1. Stephen, LOL Well, with my memory I’m sure to forget it before the weekend is over, so you aren’t in any real danger of being subject to Bieber material PLUS I’m not a fan. Of course, I’m not armed with a secret weapon to use against you any time. 😀

  8. Hi, Cathy!

    You are my first stop on the BOTB circuit today. Happy September to you!

    I always liked the Blondie original but, a few years ago, another blondie stole my heart by releasing what I consider the new definitive version of “Call Me.” Her name is Maria Brink and she fronts the Los Angeles metal band In This Moment:

    While I enjoyed both covers offered in your battle today, I had no problem picking the one I prefer. Skye has a lovely singing voice but I didn’t care for the arrangement. The Warhols get my vote because their synth pop version is darker, more mysterious and therefore more fun and interesting.

    Thank you, dear friend Cathy!

    1. Tom, I considered In This Moment with Maria Brink, and I’m not sure why now I decided against this cover. They are really a cool band and I definitely like them, but I think I was looking for something a little different. I think I achieved it at least to my ear, but maybe to not everyone else’s. Well, see how it goes. I got your vote for The Dandy Warhols, my friend. Thanks for taking time vote!

  9. Hi, Cathy; I can’t believe it’s Sept, already! Summer goes by much too quickly. 🙁 I love this song and have heard The Dandy Warhols version before. Skye was new to me. The reggae flavour of her recording was interesting, but I didn’t care of her vocals at all. Too “girly” (Shady will love that! 🙂 ) Please give my vote to The Dandy Warhols.

    1. Debbie, I agree summer is zipping by way too fast. I’m not complaining, though. I’m looking forward to temperatures cooling down, but you probably know that already. The bluesy reggae style of Skye is interesting and I really wanted have two similar versions of it, but she was the best I could find easily. It’s funny that you thought Shady would go with her. In fact, he also picked The Dandy Warhols like you. I guess y’all are thinking alike today. Got your vote recorded. I’ll be by a little later!

      1. What I meant was, Shady would like that I said Skye has a “girly” voice. He’s always teasing me about that! (I don’t like girly voices.)

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