Wayback Wednesday

The Fittest Vs the Raunchiest

Welcome to Wayback Wednesdays!  Angela, the lovely hostess, has appointed me as her side-kick for this mid-week walk down memory lane.  Today, we’re going to travel back in time to… 2003.


The Fittest!
 Lance Armstrong Wins 5th Tour De France Victory!


I thought this bit of news history would continue to motivate me with my new morning exercise regiment.  I’ve committed myself to spinning 7 miles each a.m. I can pretend, I’m taking some of those grueling mountains like Lance, except with one small difference.  I’m biking from the comfort of my living room on my stationary bike.  Don’t laugh! At least, it’s an excellent way to kick-start my day!

The Raunchiest!


Let’s not forget, Johnny Depp’s hilarious and somewhat charming performance in Pirates!


To some, Depp has a certain sex appeal sporting black eyeliner as Captain Jack Sparrow.  I don’t know if I’d go so far to say this but I loved him in this role!  In my opinion, this is the best of the Pirates of the Caribbean movies. All the others have fallen by the wayside and that’s just too bad!

I suppose it could be argued that Depp had to be quite fit to maneuver some of those crazy stunts in Pirates, but I’m pretty certain he had a stunt double. Both men handsome in their own right, right? Yet, only one clear winner. The fittest title goes to… Lance Armstrong!

To participate in this blog hop you don’t have to follow a bunch of rules!  Nope, it’s really quite simple! Just link up your blog, twitter, or Facebook below (only one please):

Visit as many of those on the linky that you wish. It’s all about having fun.  Please leave a comment, telling me you’re now following or that you’d like for a return visit.  I’ll be sure to pop over to see you!

It’s your turn to go way back, Wayback to 2003!





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