Random Tuesday Thoughts

The Filthy Truth

Oooo, I hear laughter (not) in the rain…Yep, it’s another rainy morning here in the Tennessee Valley which brings me to another Random Tuesday Thoughts post.  It seems of all days of the week, the rain decides to fall on trash day. What’s with this anyhow?  It gives me a sense of a curse looming over my head or something.  That is if I believed in curses, which I do not.
When I was a kid, I loved the rain.  It was such fun to get outside after a storm and splash in the puddles.  Do you remember liking this, too? Let’s face it, I’m not a kid anymore and while the temptation is there to stomp around in some warm rain puddles I don’t wanna play in the rain anymore.

Why am I ranting about the rain anyhow, you’re wondering?  I remember not in the very distant past I alone was in charge of getting the garbage curbside and it without fail rained nearly 90% of the time. Yes, I mean on trash pickup day.  I don’t mean light sprinkles, but torrential downpours. Hubs would have been happy to do this chore, but every time we sat the garbage at the curb the night before something or someone would destroy the bags. Trash spilled all over our drive, along the road, in neighbor’s yards, in the ditch line, and just about anyplace else you can name. That’s no fun. Thankfully, now my big strapping son can do this for me.  =D

Speaking of trash pickup…last week we got the garbage to the curb, no problem.  It sat at the bottom of our drive all day, untouched until DH came home. That’s when I discovered the garbage man didn’t come by.  Was he running late?  Were they on a day delay because of the 4th holiday?  I didn’t know the answer to these questions. It peeved me to find out the trash didn’t get picked up. I was certainly going to find out the why to my question.  Unfortunately, I had to wait until the next day.

The thing about having to push something off til the next day is, it has a way of getting pushed out of my head, too. That’s what happened. By the time I remembered to call the city about our trash not being picked up the previous day then it was mid-morning.  IF the garbage man was on a day delay schedule, then we missed getting the garbage to the curb. in time.

As luck would have it,  they told me they were a day behind on their pickup because of the holiday.  Fine, I have no problem with this.  Why on earth didn’t they post something on their website, though? The only thing she could tell me is the crew was out working in my area, but she couldn’t tell me if they had been on our street yet.

I was cordial with the lady.  I suppose, I felt partly responsible because I should have known better to check on before the 4th holiday.  I’ve made this goof up in the past. I’m a slow learner, what can I say? Make no mistake about it, from this point forward I will be phoning ahead inquiring on the status of my scheduled garbage pickup for upcoming holidays.

The rain eased up so DS was able to get the trash down…two weeks worth at that. What a dear son I have, right? Hooray for the kid! The filthy truth of it all is, garbage pickup can’t be all that fun of a job and one I would not want it. I’m very glad to have city services like trash pick up. Sure, we pay for it with our tax dollars but still I’m grateful to have people who do these sorts of jobs. So, a special thank you — who ever you are!

Sending some love to Stacy for hosting the random rebellion movement yet another week. It’s always fun.  If you would like to get in on the erratic thought process of your fellow bloggers, then click on the button below.

One more stray thought before I go, have you read my work-in-progress? If not, then I really need feedback from young people (Moms or grandmas input needed, too), ages 5-9, would be totally appreciated.  Check out the last part to my story, What’s Happening to My Teeth, part 5 (finale), and kindly leave your thoughts for future improvement to my manuscript.

Have a terrific Tuesday!

More Tuesday memes…

Magical Mouse Schoolhouse



  • Stacy

    Can you send some of that rain our way?  We sorely need it.  Unless it makes things even more hot and humid than it already is. 😉 

    We had a day delay for the 4th, too (I called the guy house sitting for us to remind him earlier in the week – but he forgot, put the trash out on the ‘normal’ night, then when it wasn’t gone early enough for his satisfaction on the day delay, pulled it back in.  Needless to say, having full garbage cans when we got back from vacation (when we were expecting them to be mostly empty) was not cool.)  😉  At least our garbage service does post on their website about the delays – too bad yours doesn’t, it’d save you a phone call (and headache!) 🙂

    Thanks so much for being such a diligent rebel with me, Cathy!! 🙂

    American Pickers & Motel Fail, Fun Vacation: RTT Rebel

  • cathykennedy

    @e57ff103661400072007351e898be9a0 I like the scent of rain, too, especially in the mountains. Thanks for visiting!

  • kristynann77

    Hello! I am your newest follower from the Blog Hop! Love your site…Hope you can come follow my page at
    Have a wonderful day!!!

  • Jessica Kielman

    I completely understand!  We are in because of the heat!  Need to get out!Visiting and now following via To The Top Tuesday Blog Hop…hop over to my blog and follow back if you like…

    Jessica K  

  • Claire

    Our trash is always one day later if there’s a holiday so it was not Friday but Saturday. I hate that though b/c it was SUPER full. Argh. Happy RTT!

  • Xmasdolly

    Hot & muggy here in Illinois.  Staying in today until my appointment at the doctor.  Love  your Post today.

  • VandyJ

    We get a  day delay–but then our pickup day is Monday, so they always have to catch-up after the holidays.

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