
15-03-2025 Vol 19

The Best of Ray Parker Jr

orGood-morning, kittens & dawgs! I was close to blowing off today’s post but then I realized I had it nearly finished. I’m beginning to think with my return to “normal blogging” I’m taking on more than I can handle.   Okay, I can do this! Really, I can do this! I just need to relax. Breathe. And enjoy!

Things are just about to calm a bit in my life. I think I finally got all my necessary appointments out-of-the-way for this year.  *cross fingers* DH is a different story. He will have regular follow ups probably for many, many months to come.  We’re thinking if his eye surgeon thinks it’s a good idea to wait until next spring to have the surgery needed to remove the oil bubble (from the retina re-attachment process). Dr. P says sometimes the retina will detach after removing the oil bubble so the longer it’s left in then changes are better the retina will not separate. Our concern is his vision as his lens continues to deteriorate. It’s very frustrating for him. Kindly continue to keep him in prayer. Thanks!

We almost witnessed a wipe out on the interstate yesterday. I closed my eyes for a few seconds to catch a little nap on the way home from the store when  scary sound jolted them wide open to see a Hunda slide sideways across three lanes. All I can say, that driver is lucky because there was nothing close to him or us! He recovered avoiding a horrible accident but damage was done to his car. DH said he went up on the concrete medium nearly toppling over before sliding across the highway.  God surely had His hands on that driver and us. I shutter to think about what if traffic had been heavy.

Good grief, can you believe it Friday is the first day of autumn? WOW, this year is scooting by!  This week summer is taking its last stand with temps in the low to mid-80s.  When it’s sunny, THAT’s just too warm to suit me, too! Next week things is forecast to drop the upper 70s for the high.  I always look forward to drinking hot chocolate in the fall but I’ll have to wait a few weeks to enjoy a steaming cup piled high with miniature marshmallows or Readi Wipp.

I think I’ll bake some cookies. Which sounds the best to you, oatmeal raisin, molasses (soft ginger cookie), or chocolate chip? I think all three sound yummy and it’s going to be a tough decision! I know which ever I decide will delight DH (a.k.a. “Cookie Monster”)!

Okay enough random jabbering. It’s time for some mewsic! In Jingle, Jangle, Jungle’s It’s All in the Name series, she reminded me that Ray Parker Jr is more than the Ghostbusters theme song singer. That being said, here’s a 9 song playlist I created for your enjoyment while you’re visiting this morning or surfing the net.


What Ray Parker, Jr song do you like? Is there another by Parker you like but didn’t make my playlist?



This is what the hop hostess says… I got this idea from Glamour magazine. You can link up any day of the week. All you have to do is make a list of what you’re okay about. Simple! Please do not link up a post that has nothing to do with “Hey, It’s Okay”. It’s rude.


It’s okay….

  • to just stare at the sky looking for cool shapes in the clouds. It’s wonderful to take time to enjoy the simple things and to be a kid again. We get too busy in our grown up world to celebrate the beauty all around us.
  • to look forward to all things autumnish – baking, falling leaves, pumpkins, cinnamony scents, nippy temps, cozy fleece socks, and snugly sweats.
  • that I’m excited about getting my new iPhone. Mine is four years old. I’m afraid to upgrade to iOS 11 today because of its age and I’m certain it’ll put a huge drag on everything making it impossible to open apps properly. Also, at this stage the battery is squirrely not holding a good charge sometimes dropping sharply. One day it completely died while I  was running errands leaving me without a convenient way to communicate.

That’s a wrap for this morning. I’m hopping over to Stacy’s for Random Tuesday Thoughts and I’m going to check in with Les from Ink Interrupted for her “Tuesday Coffee Chat” link up but I’m not sure she’s back in the groove yet. You’re welcome to come with if you want. I hope to see you  back tomorrow for my mid-week fun with not-so Wordless Wednesday and the recent return of Way Back Wednesdays!

Have a terrific Tue

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5 thoughts on “The Best of Ray Parker Jr

  1. I like some of Ray Parker Jr.’s music. Sorry about the eye situation. That must be scary for him. I like molasses cookies and oatmeal raisin. You can skip the chocolate chips…too ordinary. Have a great Tuesday. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Ray Parker did some listenable music, but it was never appealing enough to me to want to add any of it to my own music collection.

    It’s almost hard to believe that fall is here and winter will soon follow. I’m riding the crest of the years, but my mind and accomplishments are still trying to keep afloat somewhere in the ocean of my past. I get so tired!

    Age keeps on bringing new surprises and many of them I could do without.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

    1. Lee,

      I think we may have one of Ray Parker’s CD but I haven’t looked at our older mewsic in forever. It’s so much easier to stream it from YouTube or iTunes or a number of other sources than to actually get up and pop a disc into the player to hear. I’m no anxious for winter but thankfully we’re pretty moderate with a brief period that’s really cold. Now that I said that, this winter will probably be horrible. lol Unfortunately surprises do come with the aging process. I find keeping active helps to fight against joint stiffing. The thing I really dislike is I feel vibration even more throughout my body after walking on certain surfaces. Recently, I’ve taken made a few short treks (less than 2 miles) on our streets and WOW, did I ever feel it! It took me a couple of days to recoup. I find it so strange considering I use my elliptical daily for 60-90 minutes daily which is far easier than my feet pounding the pavement.

  3. My heart and prayers are with your DH. My Sweetie and his twin brother were blind from retinopathy of prematurity, and gained sight at 6 months. They’ve had to watch everything closely about their eyes ever since, so you have my prayers that your DH’s retina will heal properly and stay that way.

    My understanding is that chocolate chip is America’s favorite cookie, and i heard one person said “Raisin cookies posing at chocolate chip cookies are the reason I have trust issues!”

    1. Mimi,

      I heard the same thing about raisin cookies. lol However, I do like raisins in my oatmeal cookies. DH can do without them, though. Thanks for the prayers! Oh dear, your hubby and his twin have vision issues ever since birth! Man, that’s gotta be hard to have that weighing on one’s mind all the time. Have a good day!

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