Friday Sillies

Thanksgiving and Black Friday Humor

Who’s cooking your feast? I hope it’s not these bubbling idiots! 😉


This is too funny…


And, well…this one all I can say is, don’t you think Billy Crystal fits the part well?


Check out Black Friday Fights, Trampling, & Stampedes: 10 Unbelievable Videos. This is just ridiculousness. I am doing all of my shopping from the comfort of my keyboard. Thank you!

STOP THE INSANITY! Right? Nah…just go with the flow and have fun! 😉
Keep smiling and have a fantastic weekend!






  • Claudia Willison

    Hahaha- I’m with Leslie, laughing is good. And you chose some funny videos here. Well, I can say I wrestled our turkey successfully. Hope you had a great Thanksgiving, Cathy!

    p.s. there is no way I’d go with that kind of flow you’re showing us in the last pic, though…

  • Rory Bore

    Some good laughs to have with my morning coffee!
    Love the turkey and the kids one…….I guess they didn’t really think about why Thanksgiving = turkey! LOL

    I did some funnies for today too.
    Because laughter is a very good way to keep warm!

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