Cathy’s Pinup Girl #AtoZChallenge art sketch series (‘S’) announces last week’s #BoTB winner

Good morning folks, before you take a look at today’s A2Z art sketch I want share the results of last week BoTB. I asked y’all to cast a vote for your favorite song pick between James Taylor ‘Letter in the Mail’ and Wilco ‘Box full of letters’. It was a close battle with JT barely squeezing out Wilco in this round taking the victory with a mere two ballot lead. Congrats to James Taylor for winning this round of BoTB and many thanks to all for played along, ‘Your Smiling Face’, makes my days in Blogosphere always a fun experience. 😉






As long as burn out doesn’t set in, I’ll have another BoTB ready for May 1st and I hope you’ll decide to come by to pick your favorite and if  ya wawnt share your opinion why. 

Now it’s time for my daily inspired Pinup Girl illustration which was done by Gil Elvgren. Before I knew what Elvgren titled his painting (one source referred it as ‘Swing’), I titled my ‘Swinger’. lol

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I remember when I was a kid, I loved to swing! I would go higher and higher trying my best to touch the clouds with my toes. It never happened but it felt like I came awfully close. 😉


Please read: Aces being wild birthed the idea of my new mid-week hop WILD WEDNESDAYS (#WildWednesdays) and all personal bloggers are invited to promote yourself. Share your photos, artwork, music, musings, randomness, or more! Warning… NO CRUDE CONTENT and spammers will be DELETED without prejudice. Thank you! 

Thanks for stopping by today.   I hope you’ll come back again tomorrow for another illustration in Cathy’s Pinup Girls Art Sketch Series. X💋X💋, Cathy

[tweetthis]I just visited Cathy’s Pinup Girl #AtoZChallenge #art sketch series, and I think you should, too! #swinger #pencildrawing[/tweetthis]
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