Tag: waterfalls
May 16, 2018
Wordless Wednesday
Soco Falls near Cherokee NC
Welcome Kittens & Dawgs! Photography hasn’t been at the top of my list since DH had retina attachment surgery more…
August 31, 2016
Wordless Wednesday
Affinity photoedit play Cumberland Falls Kentucky
Welcome Kittens & Dawgs to not-so Wordless Wednesday! A few years ago one of our day trips took us north…
March 02, 2016
Wordless Wednesday
Falls and Fallen Logs
Welcome Kittens & Dawgs! It makes me happy you decided to join me for Wordless or in my case not-so-wordless…
February 05, 2016
Skywatch Friday
Skywatch Friday Waterfalls on Canvas
It’s Friday, kittens and dawgs! Punxsutawney Phil calls for an early spring. Did you know the cute over-sized rodent is…
August 12, 2014
Wordless Wednesday
Cumberland Falls along with an American Indian Flutist
Good-morning, my lovelies! It’s hump-day already and we’re almost at the half-way mark of this brand new month. The last…