Wordless Wednesday

Falls and Fallen Logs #WW

Welcome Kittens & Dawgs! It makes me happy you decided to join me for Wordless or in my case not-so-wordless Wednesday fun. Let’s give a round of applauds to this week’s featured photographer….

 Raquel Jiménez

Congratulation, Raquel Please go by to see what’s new on her site and while you’re there be sure to leave your footprints behind in comments.

A couple of weeks ago, we spent the day in this part of the mountains. It was a gorgeous day and an unexpected find. Not that we didn’t know about this place, but we never ventured this portion of the park. Silly us!

Upper Tremont Rd falls beside road
Upper Tremont Road in the Smoky Mountains

This is a tiny portion of a larger waterfall. You’ll want to return on Friday to see another image of falls. I love how the two trees and carpet of moss frames the bottom edge of this photo.

Upper Tremont Rd in Smoky's fungus on fall tree

This is sorta interesting. I don’t know why such strange things like fungus growing on a tree fascinates me and yet it does.

Upper Tremont Rd Smoky Mountains fungus on fallen trees

What have you been shooting with your camera lately? Do you enjoy people, scenery, or a combination of both best?

May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind always be at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
and rains fall soft upon your fields.
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of His hand.

Have a fototastic day! 😉



  • Comedy Plus

    Love the kitties. So precious.

    What a great walk you had. I would have loved to do this. Did this as a kid, but there are no forests for me to explore here.

    Have a terrific Wordless Wednesday. 🙂

  • Srivi

    Wonderful shots! But if I have to pick one I would select the one where fungus is growing on the tree…:) Very well captured! Now I am waiting for Friday to see some more pictures of this beautiful place….
    Have a great week ahead … 🙂

    • Cathy Kennedy

      Thank you for visiting, Srivi! Yes, please come back on Friday to see more. I hope to go back to this spot in the mountains when the weather is nice again to take a nice long walk.

    • Cathy Kennedy

      Steve, East Tennessee is the perfect home for us. We were looking at the possibility of living elsewhere for job opportunities, but we just can’t pull ourselves from this area. We don’t want to move north because it’s too cold and south is not only too hot, but it’s flat. So, we decided even if it means DH getting a job in Chattanooga which is a two hour commute one way then it might be worth it going that route until something in town opens up. He made that drive for 10-years, so we know what to expect if he manages to get something there. Thanks for stopping in for a visit, my friend!

  • Rorybore

    Now I am very eager for the Spring Thaw to arrive, so I can hear the sounds of a running waterfall again. It’s all ice and snow right now. Even with a few mild days here and there. Well, mild here is still around or just below zero. ha. Gorgeous shots. Such a beautiful place you live in.

    • Cathy Kennedy

      Les, our temperatures are like a yo-yo ~ a few warm days and few cold days. Unfortunately, we are experiencing colder temps. By the end of the weekend things look VERY promising, so I’m really excited. East Tennessee is a beautiful part of the country, but I would love to visit Canada someday only it has to be in the summer. lol Y’all have some spectacular landscapes and old architecture worthy to see in person. Who knows maybe someday we’ll travel to your neck of the woods. Thanks for stopping in for #WW, my friend! ?

  • Jill Foley

    I absolutely love to notice the details in the forest….like the fungus growing on trees. Here, we have moss and lichen that so thickly covers the trees that it looks like it’s dripping from them. And the ferns that grow up and down the tree trunks always make me stop and wonder….

  • Thomas Anderson

    Hi, Cathy!

    These marvelous pictures remind me of my father. He loved the outdoors, loved to take us vacationing in the Poconos and the mountainous areas of north central PA, and loved to take pictures of falls, fallen trees and carpets of moss. One picture of a pristine, unspoiled, natural setting like this one in the Smoky Mountains is worth a thousand selfies.

    Thank you, dear friend Cathy!

    • Cathy Kennedy

      Tom, You know my parents had a camera. It wasn’t anything fancy, but it was good enough to capture the moment. The best of knowledge they never took photos of landscape. It was all about family & friends moments. That’s fine, too. We didn’t take family vacations because there was little to nothing left over to spend on such a treat, but one time I remember we visited my aunt and her husband near Williamsburg, VA. That’s the closest thing to a family vacation that we ever had. All my folks had to do was pay for the travel expense and it seems we visited the replicas of Columbus’ ships. I don’t think we did much else, but I was only 13 and my memory of such things not so good. I do remember using my Polaroid to take a few pictures, but I don’t know what became of those. I reckon my parents hung on to them. Now, I’ll have to remember to ask my mom the next time we speak. 😀

    • Cathy Kennedy

      Mary, thanks for the nomination. I am happy to accept. It might be a few days or even a couple of weeks before I can schedule a post, but I’ll do it. Thanks for the visit and for saying you like my blog. You’re a sweetheart!

  • XmasDolly

    Well, those are some interesting photos you got there girlfriend. Me? All we got is SNOW SNOW AND MORE SNOW…. I’m so sick of SNOW!!! 🙁 hAVE A GREAT DAY I would love to come out and visit your neck of the woods some time. It looks beautiful. HUGS

    • Cathy Kennedy

      Marie, I can imagine you’re very sick of snow about now. I know I’m tired of the cold, cold, cold! Thankfully, spring will be here soon. I know that doesn’t mean the weather always cooperates, but at least we’re going forward the right direction. lol Thanks for visiting today!

  • Arlee Bird

    I used to spend a lot of time with my friends in this area. There is a spot under one of the bridges where we’d go swimming. Across the river at one place there is a set of waterfalls and if you hike up the mountain you come to a pathway that I guess used to be the bed of a logging railroad.. Did a lot of hiking back in those parts of the Smokies.

    You’re making me homesick again.

    Arlee Bird
    A to Z Challenge Co-host
    Tossing It Out

    • Cathy Kennedy

      Lee, sorry for making you sick for home, but I guess it won’t be long before you make a trekk back this direction, eh? I’m eager to return to the Upper Tremont Rd community to walk the trail at the end. I just can’t believe we haven’t ventured that part of the park before now. Silly us!

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