Tag: Skywatch Friday
September 03, 2021
Friday Fun Stuff, Recipes
Friday Fun Stuff Sept 3rd Edition
I’ve restructured how I’m doing things on Fridays. I decided to split my Friday Funnies (formerly Friday Sillies) into its…
May 28, 2021
Friday Sillies
Who loves Fridays?
May shot by like a speeding bullet and here we are on the last Friday of the month. This weekend…
May 14, 2021
Friday Sillies
Dog gone ain’t that funny!
Mrs. English is rolling in her grave. I used the word she most hated for us kids to use, “ain’t”. …
March 19, 2021
Friday Sillies
Get your smiles on, it’s Friday!
Hi, thanks for making me a part of your day. I’m not doing so well in Blogosphere. Ever since I…
March 05, 2021
Friday Sillies
March in like a lamb, random funnies, & fill-ins
Here in Knoxville, TN March came in like a lamb. I figured with the windiness we got this past Sunday…