A Hard Day’s Night BOTB Reveal

Jeez Louise, this wasn’t much of a battle! I knew going into it that Sons of Britches might have a real fight on their hands with Peter Sellers’ comedic rendition but seriously I didn’t expect this battle to be so lopsided. 

I love Peter Sellers in costume giving his “Hard Day’s Night” monologue but those good ole boys string rendition was super fun, especially with their hoots and so my vote is for Sons of Britches.  I probably don’t need to tell y’all who won,  though. Do I? In the end Peter Sellers took this showdown with a sizable lead 10 to 4 giving him the victory.  


I had forgotten that Peter Sellers also covered the Beatles’ song, “Help”.  


With more digging around on YouTube, I soon found another Beatles’ cover by the winner, “Can’t Buy Me Love”.





Special thanks to everyone who took part in this battle round!

A recap of how the votes fell….

Sons of Britches – Tom, Mimi, Stephen, Me

Peter Sellers – Lee, Debbie, Mary, Eugi, Ed, Birgit, Brian, Sandee, Diedre, John

To learn how others’ did with their most recent BOTB, you’ll find a list of participants in my side bar beneath the banner. My next battle is set for the first of next month. I hope you’ll join me for more battle fun at that time.  This is CAAC signing off, have a bandtastic day! 

FFO #10 Marilyn Monroe. This is my second attempt to draw Marilyn. The first time I shared my art only on FB. I uploaded that image to my library for those interested in seeing my progress.

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