Tag: Kim Carnes
July 16, 2023
Monday's Music Moves Me
Dancing to Kim Carnes’ Music
This week’s theme is whatever music moves you which is a great opportunity to continue with the process of absorbing posts…
October 05, 2021
Top Ten Tuesday
10 ‘Eye’ Song Titles, Tips That Could Help Slow Down Cataract Growth, Vision Humor, & Tuesday4
Howdy-hi, folks! As I said on Sunday, today might be a conglomerate of bloggy memes rolled into one post. I’d…
September 30, 2020
Wild Wednesdays
Another look back to 1997 at memories from West Quoddy
This is my third installment at looking back on memories from our 1997 family vacation. Today, I’m taking you north…
October 02, 2018
Cathy Chats
My 25 Favorite Female Actresses, Part One
How are y’all doing, kittens & dawgs? Here it is Fall time again. How did this happen? Not that I’m…