
14-03-2025 Vol 19

Tag: Feline Friday

Friday Fun Stuff Sept. 17th edition

Howdy-hi, folks!  I actually knew a cat like the one pictured above.  She was really a nasty furball and only…

Summer to Back 2 School Humor

Howdy-hi, folks!  In the past I’ve doubled down on Friday to bring you a hodgepodge of bloggy connections.  I’m switching…

Friday Fun Stuff Sept 3rd Edition

I’ve restructured how I’m doing things on Fridays.  I decided to split my Friday Funnies (formerly Friday Sillies) into its…

Who loves Fridays?

May shot by like a speeding bullet and here we are on the last Friday of the month.   This weekend…

Dog gone ain’t that funny!

Mrs. English is rolling in her grave.  I used the word she most hated for us kids to use, “ain’t”. …
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