Tag: donny osmond
April 19, 2022
2022 A-Z Challenge
Puppy Love
This is day 18 of the A to Z Challenge. Unless something miraculous happens with my artwork turn around then…
January 11, 2022
Tickle Me Tuesdays
10 Jan. ’72 Hot 100 hits with some random giggles
It’s week two of the new year. I’m continuing my slow pace to get back into things while still cranking…
February 08, 2019
Friday Sillies
Too Young #BoTB Results, Pig #humor, & more Friday Fun Stuff!
,Someone earlier in the week mentioned that the Year of the Pig. I know little to nothing about the Chinese New…
February 01, 2019
Battle of the Bands
2019 BOTB Round 3 Donny Osmond VS Michael Jackson ‘Too Young’ Sing-Off!
It’s DH’s Friday off. Normally, this my slot to dish out some giggles to round out the work week with…
June 19, 2012
Random Tuesday Thoughts
Weird Things I Do When I’m Alone to Celebrity Crushes to Other Musings
What do Tuesdays mean to you? For me, it’s my time to random up. Yep, it’s my one day of…