Tag: country
March 31, 2015
Battle of the Bands
BOTB: Man of Constant Sorrow
Hello, kittens & dawgs! I wanted to get a day jump-start on the first round of Battle of the Bands.…
February 02, 2015
Monday's Music Moves Me
4Music Breaking Up Is Hard To Do Series Part I
Good-morning, kittens & dawgs! February is the month of love, and we typically think romance with Cupid sporting hearts to…
October 21, 2014
Wordless Wednesday
Rural life
This month I’m taking a hiatus. There will be no featured photographers, but I’m keeping the linky party going and…
July 31, 2014
Skywatch Friday
SWF: Almost Heaven WV
Good morning, my lovelies! Earlier in the week, I danced to Hometown, USA songs, which inspired me to share these…
July 27, 2014
Monday's Music Moves Me
Hometown, USA songs
I grew up in McDowell county in southern West Virginia. This is home of the Rocket Boys from Homer Hickam’s…