Tag: Coffee Chat
March 21, 2017
Cathy Chats, Tuesday Tunesation
CAAC presents Robert Rudolph and the Family Band on Tuesday Tunesation
Good morning, kittens & dawgs! Tuesday Tunesation featured musician is new-to-me. Looking for more artists with a bit of that…
March 14, 2017
Cathy Chats, Tuesday Tunesation
Lucky Charms + Tuesday Tunesation with James Morrison
Good morning, kittens & dawgs! Tuesday Tunesation featured mewsician is new-to-me. James Morrison is an English singer/songwriter who rose to…
March 07, 2017
Cathy Chats, Tuesday Tunesation
Some One I Miss + TuesdayTunesation with Eddi Reader
Good morning, kittens & dawgs! Last week, The Sound of One Hand Typing, introduced to me to Eddi Reader covering…
February 28, 2017
Tuesday Tunesation
Retro Motown style of Mayer Hawthorne Tuesday Tunesation
Good morning Kittens and Dawgs! Starting now and until further notice, I’m gonna pulled together multiple daily posts into a…
February 21, 2017
Movie Review & Giveaway: 1 NIGHT (ends 03.07.2017) & Who Do You Trust?
What if you could go back in time without changing the outcome? Would you? Good morning Kittens & Dawgs!…