Cathy Chats,  Tuesday Tunesation

Lucky Charms + #TuesdayTunesation with @JamesMorrisonOK

Good morning, kittens & dawgs! Tuesday Tunesation featured mewsician is new-to-me.

James Morrison is an English singer/songwriter who rose to fame in 2006 with his début single, “You Give Me Something” (song number three on the above playlist) peaking at #5 in the UK and #1 in New Zealand. It became a hit in Europe, Australia, Japan, & Iran. I find his soulful, rock style is rather nice and easy to listen to while writing posts or reading others.

[tweetthis]Lucky Charms + #TuesdayTunesation with @JamesMorrisonOK! @RoryBore @RandomCoolChick #chats #music[/tweetthis]


This month, I putting together multiple daily posts into one.  I don’t know if this will make life any easier while I work on my April A-Z posts but that’s my hopes.

I’m joining Les from Ink Interrupted for Tuesday Coffee Chat this week and this morning’s prompt: Where are your Lucky Charms?  It’s St. Patrick’s Day this week, whether you are Irish or not, do you have any special totems or symbols of your culture?

Me Lucky Charms are in the cupboard, lassie. Where else would they be? 😉


I know you’re talking about cereal but I couldn’t resist being my usual silly self with this prompt.  When DD#1 began her junior year in our homeschool high school I knew I didn’t want to get our kids the typical class ring and that’s when I began thinking about our Irish culture.  That’s when I found this not-so-expensive Claddagh rings with our daughters in mind from Creative Irish Gifts.

We got DS one from the same site but either they no longer have it or I’m not remembering what it looked like.  He had a masculine style Claddaugh ring.

Many, many years ago when we use to get our annual Christmas bell from Helix Pewter & Copper just before they closed their business door for good DH got me small Claddaugh windchime.  I think it’s meant to be hung on a Christmas tree but I have hung by a cord from the ceiling.  It makes the slightest tinkling sound if I blow on the chimes.  What I’d like to get is a horseshoe to put on our door. While I am not superstitious, I do like the legion behind the hanging of the horseshoe of good fortune and is a sign that keeps Satan away, otherwise, I just think it’s a nice Irish decoration.  I bet I could find an old horseshoe at my in-laws’ place. I’m gonna have to look the next time we visit. 😉

That’s a wrap for this morning. I’m hopping over to Stacy’s for Random Tuesday Thoughts and you’re welcome to join me if you want. I hope you’ll hop & link up tomorrow for Wordless Wednesday.

I hope you’ll join me at midnight and link up with my mid-week meme not-so Wordless Wednesday.


Have a terrific Tuesday!













  • Stacy Uncorked

    HAHAHA! You know what’s funny? As soon as I read “Lucky Charms” on Leslie’s prompt, I immediately thought of the cereal. Nice job! 🙂 And now I’m craving Lucky Charms…. 🙂

    I’m so glad you checked out more ‘mewsic’ by James Morrison like you said you would! Love the song you chose today especially. 🙂

    And I love love LOVE the Claddagh ring you got for your daughter, and that you got a ‘masculine’ one for your son, too. Love the embracing of lineage and heritage! I think Irish anything is cool – I sometimes wished I were Irish vs. Swedish, but then again, being Swedish is cool, too. 😉 I often buy Swedish stuff from a bonafide Swedish online store – vs. picking up a Swedish-type thing made in China. 🙂

    Have a great week, my friend! I’m trying to get caught up – Hovering Hubby makes it difficult when he’s lurking about when he’s off work…heh, heh!!! No students this week, and spring break for him next week – I better make some lists for him to keep busy, because I need to really buckle down on my A-Z posts! 🙂

  • Rorybore

    Okay but can I confess? I really do like Lucky Charms cereal – LOL. I always buy a box when we go camping – and that’s the only time the kids are allowed to eat this sugary mess. And I sit by the fire with them and eat it too. haha Some things are just for the memories alone, right?
    I LOVE those rings. My pendant came from an Irish store too – like actually shipped from Ireland and I loved that about it.
    Really enjoyed that song too. 🙂

  • Birgit

    I used to love eating lucky charms and that was before they had the blue and rainbow hard marshmallow bits. I don’t have any lucky charm…I used to have a lavender and purple rabbits foot which is gross come to think of it…poor bunny. I have German Christmas ornaments and many have meanings behind them. The bright red mushroom with white spots means good luck, even though they are poisonous. The ladybug is good luck because, as the story goes, in the Middle Ages, a bug( can’t remember the name) was eating their crops so the villagers prayed to “our lady” -the Virgin Mary to help. Soon aft this brightly coloured bug came down and ate the other bugs and saved the crops!

    • Cathy Kennedy

      Birgit, I bought a box of Lucky Charms for us to have this weekend. lol The newer marshmallow bits are pretty but it seems in my childhood they only had little diamond-shaped marshmallows. That’s been too many years ago to remember but the cereal is still good. I love cereal! At least one of my uncles and I’m sure more of them carried a rabbit’s foot and I always thought it was gross, too. That’s an interesting tidbit to know about the bright red mushroom. We bought the kids a Tiddlywinks when they were small and it was in the shape of a bright red mushroom with white spots. I just thought it was cute but I bet it’s meant to represent good luck. Come to think of it, we still have it. I’ll have to remember this about Ladybugs the next time we get a home invasion. They are good for getting into the house every summer/fall. Maybe instead of killing them I should collect them so I’ll have exponential amounts of good luck! Thanks for sharing. I love reading stuff like this! 🙂

  • 15andmeowing

    I love the idea of a Claddaugh ring as a class ring, it makes it so much more meaningful. Great idea to get a horseshoe for the front door. I am very superstitious so the more good luck items, the better. 🙂

  • McGuffy's Reader

    Interesting. But, alas, I am so old school. I am a fan of Jim Morrison, as in The Doors. You do great with these posts. Your hard work shows. Hugs. And prayers. ❤

  • messymimi

    Even if you don’t believe in luck, it’s nice to keep the symbols of your heritage nearby. Happy Tuesday!

  • Thomas Anderson

    Hi, Cathy!

    I enjoyed the introduction of James Morrison. As I listened to the first song it occurred to me that, if his voice was a little more raspy, he would sound like Rod Stewart. In the second video which features Nelly Furtado, an artist I had on my blog a few months ago, the exploding objects in the room + the fire reminded me of the special effects used in the Rick Springfield video for “Rock of Life.” Go to the 1:00 mark of Rick’s video and you will see the similarities:

    I love to listen to wind chimes. They are soothing. The wind chimes would have been making a terrible racket last night because we had a powerful t-storm and a waterspout came ashore a few miles north of us, part of the nor’easter that’s striking the eastern seaboard. Luckily we didn’t sustain any damage here.

    Mrs. Shady loves to collect elephants for good luck.

    Have a happy Tuesday, dear friend Cathy!

    • Cathy Kennedy


      James’ voice is a bit raspy like you mentioned in the second vid and I really like it. He does sound a bit like Rod Stewart. I think I picked up on that when I listened to this playlist originally. You’re right there is a strong resemblance between Morrison & Springfield’s mewsic vids. I guess just about everything has been done before and it gets harder for artists to be unique.

      We got some rain last night but nothing like y’all. It’s really chilly here this morning. In fact, it’s forecast to be cool much of the week. I’m so ready for spring but I know y’all aren’t too eager for the warm weather to return.

      Do elephants symbolize good luck? We have some friends who like to collect jade elephants.

      Have a good day, my friend!

      • Thomas Anderson

        Hi again, Cathy!

        Yessum, in certain cultures the elephant is a symbol of good luck. I found these tidbits online:

        “Elephants are a symbol of good luck in many cultures. The ancient Chinese considered the elephant a symbol of strength, wisdom, fertility and longevity. A pair of elephants is used for protection. In India, the elephant is revered as the God Ganesh.”

        “According to the ancient Chinese practice of Feng-Shui, a decorative elephant must always face the front door of the home. This allows good luck to enter the home through the front door. The elephant must have its trunk lifted skywards.”

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