Tag: blog hop
April 17, 2023
Monday's Music Moves Me
Life is magical
How was your weekend? Ours was fun. We spent Friday night in Greensboro, NC and early on Saturday we got…
April 10, 2023
Monday's Music Moves Me
Lenka takes the 4M dance floor along with Apr 1st BOTB outcome
Good day! I hope y’all had a nice Easter weekend. Ours was quietly and restful. For BOTB participants the results…
April 03, 2023
Monday's Music Moves Me
When I’m fragile
How was your weekend? Ours was great! We spent Saturday with our son and his wife shopping for baby things. …
March 27, 2023
Monday's Music Moves Me
A 10-song playlist of Four 80s Bands I don’t remember
On Thursday, my dentist fixed that chipped tooth I mentioned but in the examination he discovered decay underneath one of…
March 06, 2023
Monday's Music Moves Me
CAAC sponsored 4 Day Music Festival with Lindsey Stirling
Welcome to Monday’s Music Moves Me! I have a few things I want to share before the party. In my…