Thursday Two Questions

#T2Q, #Roctober Mewsic Fest, #TMP, & Writer’s Workshop

Welcome back, Kittens & Dawgs! Here we are in the 10th month of 2018.  With our busy lives it almost feels like October snuck up on us but I know that’s not entirely true because while life is hectic around us, we have our nose stuck in the calendar all the time since we’re scheduling appointments left and right.

My T2Q are:

  1. What’s the one thing you’re looking forward to this month? Our fall colors generally arrive toward the end of the month but hopefully, we’ll see changes in the upper elevations of the Smoky’s and Blue Ridge Parkway.  I hope we can take a few trips to the mountains to see nature in her finest hour with my camera in hand, naturally.
  2. Do you decorate your home inside/out for the autumn season? I don’t decorate so much anymore but I used to like sitting fall mums and a pumpkin on the porch.  I’m not sure if I’m going to do that this year but I’d like to if the mood hits me.

This week Wandering through the Shelves TMP theme is Halloween Edition: Home Invasion.

There are two classic films and their remakes that fall into this category that we not love but own on disc.  The Desperate Hours (1955) flick with Bogie and then the 1990s remake starring Anthony Hopkins.   Cape Fear (1962) with Gregory Peck and Robert Mitchum and the 1991 reboot with Nick Nolte, Jessica Lange, & Robert DeNiro.  Usually, remakes can’t compete with the original but that’s not the case with these movies.  You like both the new and old.  A more recent flick is the 2011 production of Trespass (available on Netflix) featuring Nicholas Cage and Nicole Kidman.  It’s a good film and I recommend you watching it if you haven’t but I prefer the other two titles over it. 

Wikipedia has a pAwesome list of ‘HOME INVASION‘ films worth checking out.

Click button to visit, Kat!

Kat gave me the heads up last week where to find her weekly prompt list.  Hopefully, I’m in the right range of her list with picking my prompt choice.  Today, I’m sharing with you, SOMETHING FUNNY MY DAUGHTER SAID.

Our children had a fondness for climbing into daddy’s lap to look through the pages of whatever he happened to be turning.  On this particular occasion, DD#2 was nestled with her daddy with an encyclopedia. As DH turned the pages, DD#2 would quizzically ask her papa what this or that was and he’d always reply with an answer.

The page revealed an interesting image.

“Daddy, what’s that?” our 2-year old daughter wanted to know.

“That’s a human brain, Sweetie.”

She paused, thinking for only a second. “Mommy has a brain…” she said matter of factly. “but it’s not human.”


It took every ounce of restraint for him to not laugh his head off with her innocent response and one that DH told the whole family.  I red-faced took the ribbing but I figured she thought the brain was ugly and her mommy’s brain was anything other than ugly.

Please join me tomorrow in another cup of coffee and some giggles with Friday Fun Stuff

X💋X💋, Cathy

Click button to visit,  Mary


  • Patty

    Priceless and a sometimes painful reminder that kids do say the damnedest things!

    A favorite in my own family was an outburst from our middle daughter at age 5 and it took place at a crowded restaurant. My husband often worked long hours running our business and dining out with the family was a rare happening. But, there we all were, enjoying our dinner and, after some funny comment, he laughed long and hard. This brought a response from the aforementioned middle child…”Daddy, are you drunk…again?”. This also brought a fairly widespread silence from the surrounding dinner patrons.

    No, Daddy was not/is not a drinker but our kids were just used to him constantly being focused on work and not someone who laughed his ass off in public.

  • Kim

    Kids do say the darnedest things! I’ll have to check out some of the creepier home invasion movies from the list….like the ones that fall more into the horror category, since it’s October and all!


    • Cathy Kennedy


      All three of our kids said the funniest things at times. They were a good source of entertainment when they were small but then they did something horrible…they grew up. lol I don’t like slasher or creepy movies like “The Ring”. I like being a bit spooked but not wigged out my mind by the end of the film. My speed of scary is like “What Lies Beneath”, more suspenseful than anything else.

  • Joel

    I haven’t seen Trespass, in most cases Kidman keeps me away from films, but both versions of Cape Fear are very good. Love that they found a way to include both Mitchum and Gregory Peck in the redo. I slightly prefer the 60’s version but both are very tensely done.

    We match on the first Desperate Hours which is a terrific film but I disagree on the second which I think is weak overall, though Hopkins is good in it…but Mickey Rourke, UGH.

    I don’t usually seek home invasion films out so this week was a bit tough but I did manage to find three that I like.

    He Ran All the Way (1951)-After a failed stickup during which he kills a cop Nick Robey (John Garfield) ducks into a local public pool house where he strikes up an acquaintance with Peg Dobbs (Shelley Winters). Upon leaving he offers her a cab ride to her home and she invites him in. Discovering he’s pursued he takes Peg and her family hostage leading to a tense standoff holding the police at bay while terrorizing the family. This was the great Garfield’s final film before the stress of being blacklisted lead to his fatal heart attack at only 39.

    The Desperate Hours (1955)-On the run after a prison break Glenn Griffin (Humphrey Bogart), his brother Hal (Dewey Martin) and Sam Kobish (Robert Middleton) break into the suburban Indianapolis home of businessman Dan Hilliard (Fredric March) and his family and take them hostage while they wait for Griffin’s moll to show up with loot for a getaway. What is supposed to be only a few hours stretches into nerve jangling days as the woman doesn’t show. William Wyler directed thriller is a tense suspenser. Badly remade in the 80’s.

    Cul-de-sac (1966)-George (Donald Pleasance) and his much younger French wife Teresa (Françoise Dorléac) live in an isolated castle on a remote tidal island. American gangster Dickey (Lionel Stander) fleeing a botched robbery with his wounded sidekick Albie (Jack MacGowran) cross the causeway at low tide and take over the castle but then the tables turn. Roman Polanski directed this strange thriller with both dramatic and comic overtones. Leading lady Dorléac was Catherine Deneuve’s sister and a rising international star before she was killed in a car crash the year after this was made.

    • Cathy Kennedy


      I’ve always enjoyed Nicole Kidman on the screen. I like a good home invasion film if the good guys win in the end as they should. I can’t but think why aren’t the victims more ready but if they were then the story would come to an end too quickly and that’s not good for movie producers. lol Oh, well…the two flicks you picked different from mine are new-to-me. I will need watch trailers for each to see what I think about them. Thanks for visiting!

  • -Eugenia

    We put up minimal decorations, just to get the feel of the season. I did a closet hunt yesterday and dug out a few Halloween decorations. Kids can say the cutest things, indeed.

  • messymimi's meanderings

    Heeheehee! Kids really do say the darnedest things.

    We don’t decorate much, too many cats to tear it all up as soon as we get it out.

    Hoping this gets to you, i am having trouble commenting on all blogs now. The latest update has made it worse!

    • Cathy Kennedy


      I’m not sure why WP throws your comments into SPAM but there’s no reason to worry I’m getting yours. You left two this time. The other one I’m going to delete since it’s nearly a duplicate. I did notice you used your gravatar site to log-in. I get why WP threw that one in SPAM because there are no approved comments under that account but this one? I don’t know! scratch head Normally, I don’t get a chance to click “approve” right away, so there’s going to be a delay for it to show. Sorry ’bout that, dearie! Feel free to check back and if you don’t see a comment then shoot me an email. Otherwise, keep the faith that yours is resting in SPAM until I get around to it. 🙂

      Kids do say the darnedest things!

      Cats do destroy decorations! Ours loved the Christmas tree and nearly broke all our glass ornaments trying to get her favorite which happened to be a plastic Hallmark ‘Snoopy’ bulb from our first Christmas. lol

  • Arlee Bird

    I don’t bother decorating much for any season unless my wife insists. We have some holiday themed decorations that are up all year but they are not overly seasonal so that’s why we just leave them.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

    • Cathy Kennedy


      I keep all decorating to a minimum, even Christmas I don’t do as much as I once did. Maybe this will change once we get into another house. I hope so because I love festive decorations.

  • Mary B

    Do I decorate for Autumn? I let the cobwebs and dust speak for themselves 🙂 I will probably put up some lights for Christmas this year. Great song choice for your post today. Thank you again for the support!

    Jingle Jangle Jungle

  • Comedy Plus

    We don’t get a lot of fall colors here. Too many palm trees. I’d love to see fall done right though.

    I don’t decorate anymore either. I don’t want to fall off a ladder and break something. I used to really do it up big for Christmas. Three trees and Santa’s everywhere. It was such fun.

    Love the video. Not heard this before.

    Have a fabulous day, Cathy. Big hugs. ♥

  • John Holton

    Is the Blue Ridge Parkway the one that goes through the mountains from Asheville, NC to roughly Pigeon Forge, TN? We drove it around this time in 1992.

    Your kid was quite the little comedian…

    • Cathy Kennedy

      John, the BRP starts at Front Royal, Virginia and ends in Cherokee, North Carolina. Pigeon Forge is on the other side of the mountain. Kids are quite comical without even knowing it.

  • Birgit

    I believe I have seen The Desperate Hours but it has been a long time and I haven’t seen the remakes. I have seen both versions of Cape Fear and prefer the original. The girl, played by Juliette Lewis is just too stupid and idiotic and De Niro taking a bite and spitting;g it out is disgusting which I still have kept in my memory banks. I love the fall colours and the cooler weather plus I like Halloween. I don’t decorate much but I will buy some gourds for our Thanksgiving weekend.

    • Cathy Kennedy


      The remake of The Desperate Hours is very good. If you like Anthony Hopkins, then you’ll like it. It’s been a long time since I’ve seen Cape Fear and I’m not recalling the scene you’re referring to. Maybe that’s a good thing, no? Sounds gross! Oh, I love the fall colors and cooler temps. I’m not a fan of Halloween, though. I like the candy but I don’t like kids being on the street after night. The world isn’t the same as it was when we were small going door-to-door.

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