Cathy Chats

#Syfy TV shows #CatChat

Good-morning, kittens & dawgs! We love to watch TV shows in the evening while we have dinner, but rarely anything on broadcast. We do not like forcing ourselves into a certain routine of plopping down on the sofa at a given time to view the newest episode of our favorite show. Nope, that’s just not gonna happen, especially in the age we live in today.

Thanks to the technology of the internet and streaming video players, TV watching is now convenient to do. We can view our favorite shows without missing a single episode or time restraints. Isn’t that cool?

Recently, we found a couple new shows we’d never be able to watch because they air on the SyFy channel. Believe it or not, we are one of the few who do not have cable TV. We are hoping cable networks will make their way to the internet streaming platform as an a le carte option making it easier for people like us who don’t want to subscribe to an entire cable package. That day is fast approaching! Anyhow, back to the new programming treasures.  Do you like Science Fiction? I am discovering I like SyFy more than I thought.

First up, on Netflix….

Helix  At an Arctic Research facility doctors are exposed to a lethal antigen. The contagious people are vessels of destruction bent on infecting everyone in the facility and it’s only a matter of time before it makes its way into the world. The Centers for Disease Control is called in for help to stop the virus, but are they too late?   What is this mystery virus?  Will the CDC find a cure?   Watch season one to see for yourself!

Helix cast members left to right: Mark Ghanime, Hiroyuki Sanda, Meegwun Fairbrother, Kyra Zagorsky, Billy Campbell, Neil Napier, Jordan Hayes, & Catherine Lemieux

The writers seem to struggle with Helix. It starts slow, but by the end of the 2nd or 3rd  episode, the story line snagged us. I’m more curious than anything to see the direction the writers take Helix in season two and we plan to resume the series once its available on Netflix. On a scale from 1-5, I’d rate it about 3.

One day, while using my elliptical and watching the old Dark Shadows TV series on Hulu Plus, I saw a trailer for another syfi show that grabbed my attention.

Next up on Amazon Prime is….

Defiance season one  In the not-so-distant future in the wake of an alien invasion, the earth gives birth to a new world after the war settles leaving landscape permanently altered and several new species of life integrated among humans. It’s kinda like life all over in the wild west once again, but this time it’s a matter of survival not only for humans, but for extraterrestrials.

Cast members left to right: Tony Curran,  Jaime Murray,  Julie Benz, Mira Kirshner, Grant Bowler, Stephanie Leonidas, & Graham Greene

The season climax of Defiance left so many unanswered questions that I can’t wait to see how it all unfolds in season two. I’m eager for its arrival to pop up in our watch list. On the same rating basis as before, I give Defiance 4.5!

What do you think, are these TV series you would like to watch?

I’m joining Les from Time Out For Mom for Tuesday Coffee Chat this with this morning’s prompt: I think; therefore I have a headache.   Suffer from over-thinking?  Guilty of the thinking much?  Or, just.. .meh. 

I don’t know, if I have thought so much that I’ve gotten a headache or not, but sometimes I think too much at the wrong times, i.e. bedtime. That’s never a good idea to do a lot thinking when I am trying to sleep. At times, I can’t shut my brain off at night. I will lay for hours in bed trying to figure out a solution to whatever is bugging me. Usually it’s wasted time spent on a matter that’s out of my hands before I realize I need to turn it completely over to God. I ask for God’s help to release the situation entirely to Him and ask that He give me peace for a good night’s rest. Once I get to this point, I humbly lean upon the Lord while I drift to sleep. This sounds easy, but it’s not. It took me years to learn that I can’t do anything without God and until I accepted this truth then I my brain works overtime at all hours ~ day and night. I remind myself faced with turmoil of these words from the Bible.

5Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight. ~Proverbs 3:5-6 NIV

That’s a wrap for this morning. I’m hopping over to Stacy’s for Random Tuesday Thoughts and you’re welcome to join me, if you want. I hope you’ll hop & link up tomorrow for Wordless Wednesday. Have a terrific Tuesday!

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  • Kayla @ TheEclecticElement

    I’m a big Scifi person so BOTH of those shows sound pretty up my alley! I’m always looking for new shows to watch, too, so I thank you for adding two more to my ever-growing list 🙂

    I’m also a BIG over-thinker. It really is one of my major flaws; I stress myself out so much because of it and, like you, it usually happens when I’m trying to sleep. LOL

    • Cathy Kennedy

      Kayla, so glad I steered a couple a new Scifi shows your way to check out. Between the two show, I like Defiance the best! I think we’re all guilty of being active over-thinkers and sadly it all happens at bed time. lol

  • Rorybore

    My husband would probably like those shows. I am hit and miss with some Science Fiction shows: I loved X Files, and Fringe and Battlestar Galactica. But I never got in to all the Star Trek or the StarGate stuff as much as him. If they are well written – they usually draw me in though.
    I am big on Sherlock right now because it is on Canada Netflix now. It’s fantastic!!
    And thoughts fighting me when I am supposed to be sleeping is the big one too. Not worries or fears necessarily: I just think. stories, poems, music, what colour should I repaint the bathroom? just. STUFF. ugh. I tend to stay up late so that I am so exhausted I can just fall asleep.
    Great verse!

    • Cathy Kennedy

      Helix has that weird element like X-Files (I love that show, too) and you may like this show better between the two. Another good one you might enjoy is Haven. It’s also on the SyFy channel and is currently on Netflix season 1-4 (I think). In fact, I think Haven was filmed in Nova Scotia. Everyday stuff that keeps you from sleeping is bad, but it’s not as bad as worries/fears. That’s good these things aren’t the source of not getting enough sleep. But, I can relate to similar things floating around in my mind when my head hits the pillow at night. I find myself asking for God’s help at these times, too. I simply say, Lord please quieten my thoughts and allow sleep to come to my tired body. That’s usually all it takes. Oddly, it takes me awhile to realize this is what I need to do. My over-thinking is too powerful to notice that I need to release ALL cares at the end of the day so sleep can happen. Humans are strange creatures, aren’t they?

  • Jessica's Grace

    Falling asleep is difficult for me for these same reasons. It’s so much easier with my husband, though. He puts a tv show that I don’t care to watch on low while he strokes my hair and I drift to sleep (also with the help of some melatonin). It’s a system we have perfected and it works – for the most part.

    • Cathy Kennedy

      If I’m not having an over-active thoughts at bed time, then I find the best way to fall asleep is to snuggle against DH. He wraps his around me. Sometimes, he’ll stroke my head or back and that simply melts me and I drift right off to lull-lull-land!

    • Cathy Kennedy

      Really! I found the picture online and added my text. Is this a problem for you? If so, I’m happy to alter mine. I know you do a lot of reviews for pet products and I wouldn’t want to cause any confusion. Thanks for stopping by!

  • dcrelief

    I visit Dezzy at “The Hollywood Spy,” and right now he has these robot movie reviews. Syfy has gone into every realm of life, I think.

    Proverbs 3: 5-6 is a fave of mine too. Have a great week, Cathy 🙂

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