Skywatch Friday

SWF: Fall afternoon sky over Knoxville

Last fall, while DH & I took a little vacation time spent around town I captured this beautiful image on a glorious peaceful, October afternoon. I love the vivid blue sky and how the sunlight reflects off the tall amber grass. If  you look close enough, you can see the wind blow….

IMG_1815 oct2013
Prior to getting my upgrade to the 5s, I snapped this photo with my old iPhone4. Despite it being a dinosaur in cell phone technology, the photo processor in it was fabulous! Linking up with photographers across the globe in Skywatch Friday.

Do you feel it? I can!

This is the last Friday in September. The next time we meet it’ll be a brand new month, which means I plan to take a little break in October from blogging. I have scheduled posts in advanced and I may or may not drop in. My goal is to stay unplugged, but I will return visits in short order. Everyone needs a break or two each year, don’t you agree? Thank you for making me apart of your day.  Have a foto-tastic day!

How are things shaping in your sky view this week?


~All images captured with my big girl camera ~ Nikon D7000 & preferred lens Nikkor 18-105mm zoom, unless otherwise noted.~


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