Skywatch Friday

#SWF: Clouds in the valley

Whew, I didn’t EVER think this week would come to an end! I guess that’s what happens after one has been lazying around (not really) while taking a blogging break, eh? lol The truth is, I miss DH. We had a blast spending time together. He’s my best friend and I’m his BF. But, you’re not here to hear this drippy sappy stuff, huh? Instead you wanna check out my Skywatch Friday contribution!

And, for my #WW bloggers, as promised here is the view I mentioned. I hope you’re not disappointed.

Image captured from Mile HIgh Campground off the Blue Ridge Parkway just north of Cherokee, NC
Image captured from Mile High Campground off the Blue Ridge Parkway just north of Cherokee, NC

It was a very chilly 48° and windy. Did I say windy? It felt more like a hurricane strength at times and that nip. Whoa, was it cold! But… oh so exhilarating! It was fun for the moment. However, I would not have been a happy camper, if I had to stay out in it for a long time. Remember, I’m a fragile southern flower who does not fair well to extreme climate changes.

That’s a wrap for this time. Thank you for making me apart of your day.  Until we meet on the other side of the lens next, have a foto-tastic day!



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