Skywatch Friday

#SWF: A Tennessee morning sky

Wow, the weekend is here already! This has been a stressful week with our refrigerator acting up at the start. I thought for sure we were going to have to buy a new one, but so far so good! Let’s keep our fingers crossed! I haven’t been using my big girl camera much lately, but on trash day I snapped a photo of the morning sky. It looked rather plain. Dissatisfied with the photo, I sprung into action. I wanted for some time to use overlays in Photoshop and never got around to experimenting with it until now. I turned this photo

into this….


You can download the bird overlay for Photoshop free at Obsidian Dawn. All they ask is that you give them credit or you can purchase it. Thanks for providing this cool tool!

~All images captured with my big girl camera ~ Nikon D7000 & preferred lens Nikkor 18-105mm zoom, unless otherwise noted.~

I wouldn’t go so far to say it’s amazing, but it was a fun first attempt. Do you use a photo editor to alter your images or do you prefer to keep them as is?

Thank you for making me apart of your day. Feel free to join my WW linkup party today and let me know you were here by leaving a comment.

Sharing with photographers across the globe in Skywatch Friday. Have a foto-tastic day!




error: Please contact me for permission to download. Thank-you!!

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