
24-03-2025 Vol 19

Sugar Mountain View from Blue Ridge Parkway

Welcome Kittens & Dawgs! When we were in Blowing Rock North Carolina in April, we eventually got around the road construction before getting back on the Blue Ridge Parkway.  I failed to get the overlook name but if I remember right this is south of Linville Falls hiking trail.  It was a breathless view and I decided to shoot a panaramic.




Look again, this time for the arrow to the left.



In the distance is a hotel ontop of Sugar Mountain.  There are no markers indicating this but we know the area.   You can open the photo in another tab to enlarge for a better look.  I did take a picture with my Big Girl camera, zooming in a bit the hotel is more visible.  Can you see it without enlarging the image?  If not, click on it!



Visit Sugar Mountain Lodging site if you want to learn more or just to see the hotel better. They have a few photos scrolling at the top of their page.  We visited the lodge many years ago but didn’t stay.  It was part of one of our family outings.  I think it’s time for a revisit!




I’m joining the  Wednesday Hodgepodge community this morning to answer the following six questions posed by our host, Joyce. This is an excellent way to get to know your fellow blogger and you’re invited to play along.



1. Summer is upon us this week in the Northern hemisphere. Tell us three things on your summer bucket list.  I don’t have a bucket list.  Why do people see themselves as getting old or over-the-hill or life is going to end soon?  The cycle of life means we all will make that final journey someday but a bucket list seems too gloomy.  Why not make it a wish list of things to do?  Why not embrace every single day celebrating life to its fullest? Thinking about my summer wish list this is what I’d like to see happen… 1.  Find a new home 2.  Buy 3. Begin the move .  These really are wishful things.  We are very picky on what we’re looking for in our next home purchase so realistically I don’t think I will find it before summer ends but I am working the listings harder this year than ever before and I’m praying for God’s direction to lead me down the right rabbit hole to find our ‘dream house’.


2. Something fun you used to do as a kid in the summertime?  There were many fun things I did as a kid but I guess one of the best things we did was play in the creek.  The water was always cold and it felt really good on hot days.  The things we did as kids.  You couldn’t pay me enough to stick a single toe in a creek much less my whole foot! It’s way too nasty these days. Talk about filth! UGH


3. Rooftop or backyard? Why?  Definitely not rooftop.  I’m scared of heights.  I’d say backyard but we don’t have much of one, so I’d rather so side yard.  There’s more room for us to sit outdoors if we had a lovely patio which we don’t but I hope in our next house that we have either that or nice screened in porch.  That’s what I really want a screened in porch.  I hate fighting bugs during the summer and they’ll absolutely eat me up!


4. Do you read food labels? Place importance on them? Make an effort to find out/care about where your food comes from?  Yes, I’m a food label reader.  There are certain foods I need to check to make sure that honey isn’t in the ingredients because of DH’s allergies.  When I look for sugar-free items, I’m careful for now to only get products made with Splenda.  I also check product manufacturing country.  I won’t buy it unless it’s made in the USA.


5. A song you’ll have on repeat this summer?  I don’t know that I’ll have any one song on repeat this summer but like always I’ll be listening to mewsic.


6. Insert your own random thought here.  I don’t know about you, I know tomorrow is the first official day of summer but I already see the days fleeting past me.  It seems one month fades into another like a blink of an eye.  Plus, we got a prelude of summer weather for weeks now and I’m finding it really hard to live in the moment.  You know, trying the whole not wishing the days away, I’m so ready for fall to get here mentality.  But…I’m trying. Really!  I’m not getting any younger, in fact, I’m speeding my days passed me and that’s something I can’t get back.  I need to throw on the brakes of life and enjoy the hot, sticky, nasty weather.  Soon, it’ll be gone!  That being said, next month, I’ll begin my semi-hiatus in Blogosphere which means I will only be doing one post each week and that’s on Mondays.

Last week, I used this image to create a starry night drawing and as promised I’m sharing this with you!










Have a good day and please join me tomorrow for more fun!




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45 thoughts on “Sugar Mountain View from Blue Ridge Parkway

    1. We visit Kentucky several times throughout the year usually but haven’t been in a few. Hopefully, we can change that this year. We’ve visited many of the historical sites. BTW, you didn’t leave a trace back to your blog in comments and your gravatar profile doesn’t list it. Just wanted to throw that out there for you. 😉 Thanks for stoping by!

  1. I have been on the Blue Ridge parkway . My mom and I took my grandfather and my dad with us. We made it as far as Roanoke before we turned toward home. I had hoped to celebrate reaching a certain weight loss goal by going down a water-slide this summer, but that might not happen this summer, because I gained some back and my dog is dying from kidney failure.

    1. Cynthia,

      We’ve driven the entire Blue Ridge Parkway in segments finally completing it 2015. 🙂 We’d love to return to revisit some of the spots north of Ronoake again like the Peaks of Otter Lodge. That’s a really pretty place. 🙂 Weight loss is a horribly hard and painful job. There are always setbacks like regaining weight and life in general. The thing is to just keep on top of one’s priorities and fall back into what’s proven to work to meet one’s goals. I need to really crank up my A-game. I’ve been too much of a slacker lately. I’m sorry that your dog is in poor health. I know that’s very stressful. Thanks for visiting!

  2. Looks like we are both househunting! We once had a rooftop, but hardly used it, it was too much trouble taking everything up! Give me a yard and fresh air anyday – ok in Bangkok, I’ll settle for a balcony!
    Good look with your house hunting

    1. I don’t think I’d enjoy a rooftop as much as I would a nice screened in porch or even an open patio with a firepit. That just appeals to me better. Maybe, we’ll both find ourselves in new homes within the year. It sure takes time, especially when you’re picky like us! Thanks for dropping by!

  3. Thanks for your visit, returning the favour. Your mountain pictures are great. Takes me back to when we visited Australia last year. Yes time does seem to move faster as you get older. I hope you find the home you’re looking for. We’re empty nesters now but have decided to stay put for the time being. We love our house and its location but it will eventually need to be swapped for something more manageable, just not yet!

    1. Wendy,

      We should’ve moved years ago but persuading DH that’s what we needed to do took a lot of work. He finally got on board after spending so much time around the house during his last job lay-off. Thanks for the return visit. I certainly appreciate you stopping by! 😉

  4. this is a cool sketch but since I saw the starry night one first … I love the starry night.

  5. It’s been so long since i’ve been to the mountains, i would love to have some time to spend in a hotel on a mountain top.

    You are right about bucket lists, i prefer just a wish list, too.

    1. Mimi,

      Perhaps next year you can vacation in the mountains. You can inspect for cracks inside your eyelids just as well as there as you do at the beach. 🙂

    1. Claire,

      We love going to the mountains! It’s always great to get away for the day, especially when it’s so hot. We usually get a break from the heat. Sometimes, the weather is really moody which is often brings even more refreshing temps. 🙂

  6. 2 more days and we’re on way to the quaint little mountain town of Blue Ridge! 😀 I don’t have a bucket list either. It’s now or never. Great sketch, Cathy!

    1. Eugenia,

      Well…I hope you guys have a smashing good time. If Blue Ridge is in northern Georgia, then you might want to visit a little southwestern North Carolina community called, Highlands. We like going there sometimes on DH’s off Fridays but we haven’t been this year yet.

        1. Eugenia,

          We’ve been to Brevard, NC many times. It’s another quaint town. Have you seen the white squirrels in Brevard? We had a chance to see them a few years ago. In fact, that might have been the last time we were there. Anywho, I snapped a few pictures of the white squirrel while there. I shared the images HERE if you want to see. 🙂 Thanks for sharing the website for the city of Blue Ridge. It looks so cozy, just like a place I would enjoy exploring. I never tire of seeing the mountains in the background for these communities! Have a good time!

  7. I just read your bio, and am thinking that we have led parallel lives. Our miserable summer started before the end of May and won’t end until late September, but I am with you there all the way. This time of year I spend a lot of time wondering what it would be like to live in Colorado or Wyoming.

  8. Did you go to the hotel on the ridge? I bet the views there are incredible. I’ve always wondered how similar Blowing Rock is to the imaginary Mitford.

    1. Marti,

      Since I have not read any of Jan Karon’s books I couldn’t say if there are any similarities between Blowing Rock and her make-believe town of Mitford but I bet ya she drew inspiration from the town for her books. Have you looked at Blowing Rock on Google maps? You can do a street view and that might help your imagination. I think no matter where you live, everyone probably will complain about summer’s heat. The good thing about living in the mountains is you do get those evening cooldowns which are really nice. I recall when I was a girl in southern WV how cool early mornings sometimes were in the summer. Looking back on it, it sorta marvels my mind.

      PS: I looked at some Jan Karon’s book covers and yes, I see a close resemblance to the town. The book covers look picture purrrfect for small town living! They are quite stunning, giving the beholder a cozy feeling. 🙂

  9. That hotel on the ridge reminds me of a place in Lake Tahoe called the ridge. It’s on top of a mountain too and the views are spectacular. Here’s a link if you want to take a look: The Ridge Tahoe Resorts. I’ve stayed there several times and enjoyed it very much.

    I don’t have a bucket list either.

    This weekend we’re having a heatwave. I’m not looking forward to temps nearing 110. Oh well.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday, Cathy. Big hug. ♥

    1. Sandee,

      I bet the view from The Ridge is amazing judging by the photos and no doubt it feels amazing (temperature-wise) there, too. Our temps aren’t quite as hot as yours but with the humidity, the mid-90s is very miserable conditions. There are times my clothes feel damp to the touch. Last weekend, I was glistening so badly which I hate! I felt like a lumberjack instead of a girl. UGH! I don’t like that at all!!

  10. That certainly is a breathtaking view! Mountains of all kinds are so majestic. My hubby is battling cancer so he does have a list of things he’s like to do/see. And, you’re so right in trying to keep the thoughts of making each day count. I wish you well on your house hunt. We’ve built two houses and I always ended up with things I’d have changed when they were finished!

    1. Lisa,

      WOW, I’m sorry to read your husband is battling cancer! I hope his prognosis is good. Sometimes we don’t see what we should do until we’re faced with a health crisis. Hopefully, y’all are going through this storm with flying colors. I’ll certainly say keep your husband in my prayers. God bless and thanks for stopping by!

  11. Gorgeous site. It makes me wish I’d go visit. Soon, Cathy…. And I enjoyed your Q&A. Does anyone NOT read labels anymore? If I don’t find a list of ingredients, I’m beyond suspicious.

    1. Jacqui,

      Heavens, NO! I’m dumbfounded by the people who pick things up, tossing it into their cart. without checking ingredients, where it’s made, freshness date, or price even! No ingredients list? I don’t think I’ve stumbled across that problem before but I have seen some purrrty vauge listings. I think what it all boils down to is a lot of people really don’t care. They say they do but they don’t.

  12. My kids both mused that they were surprised we’re already halfway through the year. I guess that is what the official first day of summer denotes (obviously a little past 🙂 )

    1. Claire,

      I think everyone from all age groups notice this year zipping by quickly. I think it’s largely due to our busyness. At the start of the year I always mark my new calendar with events and that sorta depresses me. I really need to stop doing that. lol

  13. That is an amazing view. Nice sketch too. I hope tyou find the house of your dreams soon.

    1. Thanks, Ellen! I hope we do, too. I’m sure it’ll happen sooner or later. If we weren’t so picky then it would happen faster. 🙂

  14. I wish we had mountains in Nebraska (where I live). They are so pretty. I have to do with bluffs. Not quite the same thing.

    1. Alissa,

      I’ve not been anywhere further than St. Louis. It would be interesting to see everything beyond the gateway to the west!

  15. We covered part of our patio and then decided it was impractical here in the deep south for outdoor living. So several months ago, we screened it in and we absolutely live out there now. I hope you get your screened back porch soon.

    1. Libby,

      That sounds wonderful, a screened back porch! We have some friends (now divorced) who have a summer home in the western North Carolina mountains and it was always such a joy to sit on their screened back deck in the summer. That was a great way to spend a lovely evening in among good friends who happen to have the purrrfect entertainment environment. 😉

  16. Lovely photos Cathy I like your sketch too was amazing what you done with it last week 🙂

    Yep time goes so quick to me the older I get the quicker it seems to go heheh!

    Have a panoramictastic week Cathy 🙂

    1. Thanks, Steve! I’m glad you like the daytime sketch. I used to think age was the reason why time went by so fast but even young people say the same thing, so I think it’s because we’re preoccupied with too many things taking away that live in the moment atmosphere we knew as kids. I’m blaming technology on this one! 😉

  17. Such beautiful and lovely shots. Thanks for sharing them. Thanks for hosting and I hope that you have a wonderful rest of the week.

  18. WOW! Awesome shots, Cathy! We don’t have the 4 seasons here; it’s forever summer! In a way, I think it’s a good thing ‘cos you won’t feel sad when your fave season is coming to an end. And you are always assured that the sun rises and sets at approximately the same time every single day throughout the year!

    1. Veronica,

      I rather enjoy the 4 seasons. It doesn’t always sound like it, especially during the extremes but I do like it. The changes give me a greater appreciation for each passing season and it allows me to look forward to each one. It takes a little adjusting to the time change but it doesn’t bother me so much these days as it once did. 🙂

  19. Hi, Cathy!

    Your big girl camera did a tremendous job on those panoramic pictures taken from an overlook on Blue Ridge Parkway. I clicked all the way through to jumbo size and clearly saw the hotel atop the mountain. The view is indeed breathtaking.
    I agree with you about the concept of a bucket list. It sounds sad, like a list of dying wishes. In motivational seminars I learned that you should never allow yourself to come to the end of a list of goals. Keep adding more so that you are always busy, always striving. It’s good for you. The year is rushing by, I agree. I believe you are 13 years younger than Shady. These are critical years for us, when we can either make it or break it. I was around your age when I became more determined than ever not to give in to aging, to stay fit and trim, exercise regularly, eat right and think young. It’s working. If you start to slow down and stop challenging yourself, stop moving outside the comfort zone, you will age in mind and body. I can’t see either of us doing that. Like you I don’t look forward to long, hot. sticky summers and I am routinely bitten by insects, maybe because I’m so sweet. 🙂 Mrs. Shady can spend hours outdoors and rarely gets bit. Your sketch is pleasing to the eye. Your artwork never fails to bring a smile to my face.

    Enjoy the rest of your week, dear friend Cathy!

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