
16-03-2025 Vol 19

Sun peaking over the East TN horizon & FFFFF

Linking up with Skywatch Friday

This week I have been busy doing much-needed chores. One thing is I am in the midst of organizing my collection of EZ-Cling mounted (no wood block) rubber-stamps.  I have a ton of them. Okay, so I exaggerated a bit. The point being is I have a lot of them and they are in a horrible mess. At best, I have each stamp contained in its own plastic bag.

I decided to print images of the stamps I have to tuck instead each plastic bag for easier identification of the stamp. After I have completed this step, then I will go through my stackable plastic drawers that I use to hold all of my stamps and supplies to set up a better system to make life a little easier for me every time I venture to make hand-made greetings for someone.


It’s been some time, but this morning I am joining Feeling Beachie for her nearly world-famous Follow Friday Four Fill-in Fun.

Feeling Beachie

Hilary’s statements are:
1. Don’t you love when you get to spend time with you spouse? I not only love mine, but I truly like him.

2. I wish there was an easy way to make my tummy fat-free without having to work out some hard, but I would settle for a routine that actually flattened my tummy, as in pre-motherhood flat, if possible without a tummy tuck. I am thinking there is no such solution short of having a procedure.

  1. When I hear the word nippy  I always think of the movie Christmas Vacation scene with Chevy Chase and the beautiful lingerie sale lady. That’s just too funny!
  2.  My dream get into a larger home with a couple of acres is still out of reach, but I am hopeful one day my dream will come true. 

If you’re looking for some laughs, then check out this week’s Friday Sillies!




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14 thoughts on “Sun peaking over the East TN horizon & FFFFF

  1. Hmm, I am kind of torn on your #4. Yes, I always dreamed of a farm with all the trimmings, too, but a larger place also means a ton of more work for you. And that I could do without

    1. Yes, there would be more work involved with a larger place, but the way I see it is with a place too small then there is just about as much work to find new spots in your home for your things. This is one of the biggest headaches that I have. As you can imagine after being married nearly 35 years then we have accumulated a lot of stuff and we out grew this house at the onset of parenthood. lol

    1. I was blessed to have a long weekend with DH. We had a lovely time relaxing for the most part, watching movies/TV series, playoffs, and doing a little shopping. Now, it’s back to the weekly routine stuff. At least this will be a short week with Friday just around the corner. 🙂

  2. #4 I share that dream. I fear it will finally happen once all the kids move out – and we don’t need the bigger home. ha
    lovely picture! I tried getting a few similar shots of the sun filtering through the trees in our local nature reserve the other day — but I kept getting these coloured specs on the pictures too. I think it’s the reflection off the lens. Sometimes it’s kinda pretty — but mostly it takes away from the overall shot. will have to figure that one out.

    1. Oh, I really want to get into a bigger place. We are debt-free and I know our credit is very good, but to go back into debt when we are 20 or 30 years away from retirement seems crazy. However, I know if we don’t do it soon then the changes are we won’t ever and that kinda makes me sad. I am trusting God to open the door on this. I know He will show us the way.

      The light spots on the camera lens is more easily detected than with old 35mm cameras. Sometimes it’s nice & sometimes not so nice. Have fun with your camera!

    1. I know there is NO way to get a truly flat tummy after kids unless you have tummy tuck, but it’s only a matter of time before gravity takes over again. I conclude: flat tummies are for the youth and motherless, neither which I am.

    1. The morning blue sky was so rich Tuesday morning. I just love having a day to greet me like this. Thank you for stopping by. It’s nice to meet you!

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