Friday Fill-ins

Friday Fling with 5 Crooked Halos, Hilary, & Java

Did I get your attention with my blog title? Come on…everything doesn’t have to be about sex.  Technically, fling can mean a brief period of relaxation and indulgence according to the Urban Dictionary. That’s what I’m sticking to buster!

This is one of my on Fridays for blog hopping, but before I started my fun let me share a little humor with you and invite you to check out Friday Sillies #3. My small contribution in kicking off the weekend with some laughs and smiles.

Now…this first meme I haven’t participated in for a very long time. I hope she doesn’t run me off when she finds I’ve linked up. I believe you’ll enjoy playing along with her. She’s a really funny gal.

1. What movie do you love to quote? This is an easy one…maybe not, but the first one that pops in my mind is Christmas Vacation.  That movie is chockfull of funny one liners

2. Have you ever ridden a motorcycle? When my husband & I were dating, he took me a ride on his small bike on some dusty back roads in WV.  It was an okay experience, nothing I would never want to do on an open highway for sure, though. Call me chicken and I would have to say “Pluck-pluck-pluck!”

3. What’s your favorite thing to do on a rainy day? I love curling up on the sofa in something cozy either watching a good movie or taking a nap.

4. Do you prefer a bunch of small gifts, or one really big, (expensive) gift? You can call me crazy, but I’m perfectly happy either way.  Overall, I’d rather get small useful gifts that are an everyday part of my life.  Oh sure, jewelry is a nice or cool electronic gadget (hint-hint: iPad) would be nice, but…I’m always delighted just to be thought of and really it’s the thoughtfulness behind the gift that matters the most.  Yes, I’m serious!

5. Do you ever lose track of days and show up somewhere wrong? Lose track of days – yes, all the time! Thankfully, I don’t drive (we’re a one-car family) so I’m not in any danger of pulling a stunt like this. My husband did tell me of a former co-worker who did just this. She had a doctor’s appointment and not only drove to the wrong location but for a different day. I thought that was hilarious.

Rules for 5QF: Copy and paste the following questions to your blog post, answer them, then watch for the linky post to appear Friday morning! Also, feel free to play along on Twitter or Facebook AND don’t forget the most important rule of all: HAVE FUN!!

  1. What movie do you love to quote?
  2. Have you ever ridden a motorcycle?
  3. What’s your favorite thing to do on a rainy day?
  4. Do you prefer a bunch of small gifts, or one really big, (expensive) gift?
5. Do you ever lose track of days and show up somewhere wrong?

Now, it’s your turn!  Link up below…

Next on my agenda is a trip to the beach, but not just any beach, though. I’m visiting Feeling Beachie in her fun meme…

Each week, Hilary lists four statements with a blank for you to fill in on your own blogs. If you want to join the fun and come up with four fill-ins of your own, please email them to If used, she will add you as co-host to the hop!

This week’s co-host is Irene from the Soap Box. She came up with the last two statements!

Hilary would LOVE it if you could please help her spread the word about this hop…. So, please tweet, FaceBook share, and add the linky to your post…

This week’s statements:

  1. I have never been to ___
  2. I hate to admit it, but sometimes I tend to be ____
  3. If I didn’t have___________________I’d be completely lost
  4. _________________________is always the best feeling at the end of the day

My answers are:

  1. I have never been to any of the National Parks out west and am aching to go!
  • I hate to admit it, but sometimes I tend to be a procrastinator. Yes, it’s true. I put things off to the latest possible day sometimes. I use to be notorious for putting things off like paying bills until I got hit with late charges a few times. That’s when that stopped.
  • If I didn’t have the internet I’d be completely lost. (It makes me wonder how I lived the better part of the last 32 years of my life, as that’s how long I’ve been married.)

  • 4. Slipping into a warm shower is always the best feeling at the end of the day. (Technically, I don’t take a shower just before going to bed, it’s after I’m done with all my house chores and exercising.)
    Please add the Follow Friday button to your post or your blog.

    Please follow Hilary and her co-host, if one is listed. Leave a comment! Hilary will follow back!

    Please link your Follow Friday Four Fill-In Fun post to the linky below. PLEASE grab the linky and add to your blog post…

    Finally, I’m heading over to Java’s place, Never Growing Old, why not follow along with me?



    p style=”text-align: left;”> The RULES to join in are very simple!


    p align=”left”>1. Grab the button

    2. Add your link to the list

    3. Visit as many other blogs as you can

    4. Follow the ones you like (and comment on their blog to say that you are following)

    NOTE: PLEASE leave your blog address when you leave a comment!! Sometimes a blogger can’t always be found your web address through the google info page!!

    Link up below…





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