Monday's Music Moves Me

Singers/Mewsicians Celebrating Birthdays Today #4M

Attention: I encourage you to read my A2Z reflections post from Saturday regardless if you participated or not. Now, I have an appointment tomorrow which makes blogging difficult, so I decided to publish this a day early. Our mewsic theme this week is Singer/Mewsicians Celebrating Birthday on Monday. 



My first birthday guest is a new-to-me but I thoroughly enjoyed this recording.


Australian-born Anthony Fields celebrates his 54th birthday today. He is the guitar soloist in the above video and I felt it this song choice an excellent way to start the week, don’t you agree, Kittens and dawgs? 

Next up is a familiar artist to us all and if you haven’t heard of him, then what rock have you been under?


Enrique turns 42 and if you liked this song, then you may want to visit/revisit a past MMMM post featuring more of his mewsic. 

My last featured birthday boy is the youngest of the pack turning 29 today and formally a member of the UK band, Lawson, and lead singer – Andy Brown.

Lawson “Standing In The Dark”


Brown is a new-to-me artist who’s also known for Taking Over Me and Brokenhearted. He’s now a solo artist (sample his Seasons album) who now is billed as Adyn Townes.  I believe I preferred Brown’s singing when he was with Lawson then what I found on his bandcamp site but it was still a nice. I like broadening my mental mewsic library.

Thank you for including me in your Monday, kittens & dawgs!  I invite you to hit the dance floor with the M4 (borrowed from John at The Sound of One Hand Typing) gang XmasDolly, Stacy, Colette , and little ole me! 😉

What mewsic moves you today? ?


Before I go, let me announce last week’s BoTB winner in 3-Way “Take It Easy” showdown.  This was a hard pick for me. I was torn between Mamadear (uptempo female lead) and Firecracker Vida (traditional Eagle sound). In the end, I found Mamadear’s cover resonated well with me getting my vote but it wasn’t enough to help her.  She gave the victor a good run, though.


Totals: Mamadear – 5, Firecracker Vida – 7, and Faithless Street – 1

The rest of the week and maybe the next two, I’m talking it easy to regroup after the April A to Z Challenge. Not to worry I have two weeks worth of Monday Mewsic scheduled and if you leave your footprints here on my site, I will follow them back to you. I’ll see you soon. 😉

Have a good week, my dear friends!



    • Cathy Kennedy


      Enrique is a handsome man. 42 is the new 22, so he’s still a young man. lol Of course, men don’t get old. They become more distinguish so the more years that pass the better looking they become. Where’s the justice in that? All I can say is I’m glad I’m not in the dating scene and I have a husband who thinks I’m his princess. 😀 I’m a lucky girl! Thanks for popping in for the birthday celebration, my friend.

  • XmasDolly

    Now those two singers belong together! They’re both H-O-T, and I love their singing… He even sang with Whitney Houston! Woo Hoo… anyway Thank you for the introduction to your first & last tune… awesome!!! Great job on the theme my friend, but I just couldn’t find as many singers having birthdays today guess I was doing something wrong so it frustrated me so bad I grabbed anyone in May! bwahahahahaha Sorry I’m so late it was another one of those crazy days between business at the bank, doctors, taking blood tests, store and my granddaughter went back to my daughter’s. She graduates next week on the 17th and then moving in with me on the 18th can’t wait!!! woo hoo!!!! YOU TOTALLY ROCK MY FRIEND!

    • Cathy Kennedy

      Marie, my darling! Don’t ever worry about visiting me late. I count it a blessing whenever you stop by. I get busy lives. We all have them, don’t we? I’m glad you enjoyed my mewsic selections for this week’s dance party. I was pulling your leg about the birthdates but going with the whole month would’ve been a lot easier but I found our party goers did okay picking out some different singers/mewsicians, though. Congrats to your granddaughter’s upcoming graduation. I know you’re excited about having her move in with you. That will be nice, I’m sure. Have a great day and thanks for the dance, my friend!

  • Alana Mautone (@RamblinGarden)

    Thank you, Cathy, for allowing this kitten to join you all out on the dance floor! The Gaelic Heart is such mellow music and I’m listening to it now. ENT – yuck. I may be having a date with one in the near future myself.

    • Cathy Kennedy


      I’m sorry you’re having trouble with your ears, nose, or throat. My problem is my ear. I had an inner ear infection (I didn’t know it at the time) in December which I didn’t have diagnosed until late February because we didn’t have any insurance but I broke down and went to the doctor. After a couple of rounds of antibiotics and it still not completely better I decided I’d have to wait until we had insurance. When I went in April, I found I have fluid behind the eardrum and he prescribed steroid nasal spray to clear it up. This improved things a tiny bit and yesterday he said I can keep going with the spray or have him to make a tiny incision in the eardrum, vacuum out the ear, and place a hearing tube inside my ear. So, I opted to wait to see if there’s any improvement next month before going this route. *sigh*

      I’m delighted you decided to hit the dance floor with me and you’re welcome to join the party anytime. There’s always room for a friend! 😉

    • Cathy Kennedy


      I updated this post to include the totals. It slipped my mind to add the final count. Anywho, Mamadear – 5, Firecracker Vida – 7, & Faithless Stree – 1. As you can see the battle was really between two of the contenders and Mamadear didn’t lose my a huge margin. Thanks for the visit & dance, my friend!

  • Thomas Anderson

    Hi, Cathy!

    “Gaelic Heart” is so pretty, and Anthony Fields’ guitar “gently weeps” – it speaks honestly and expressively to us – a delightful instrumental recording and yes, a great way to begin a new week because the piece soothes the savage breast and inspires hope.

    I am familiar with The King of Latin Pop, Enrique Iglesias, but never heard “Heartbeat” before. I enjoyed it very much, especially since it features the vocals of Nicole Scherzinger whom I recently featured on SDMM in my post saluting her girl group The Pussycat Dolls.

    The UK band Lawson is new to me as well and I also like their sound. Andy Brown’s vocals are passionate without being overwrought. Lawson reminds me of the pop rock hair bands that sprang up in the early to mid 80s. I also listened to some of Andy’s solo album Seasons. His intimate vocals get right inside your head, don’t they?

    I am not surprised that Firecracker Vida pulled out a victory in your band battle. I enjoyed Mamadear, too, but F-Vida performed the song classic with more gusto and that’s why they earned my vote.

    If you are having your ear examined or worked on tomorrow I hope you get some results. I’ll be thinking about you. Have a wonderful week, dear friend Cathy!

    • Cathy Kennedy


      Thanks for dropping in for this week’s dance party. The birthday boys are different but offer the kind of mewsic appeal I enjoy and I”m glad you enjoyed the selections, too. You picked the winner in my BoTB. F-Vida indeed pulled off their cover with more Eagle bravado and I was a hair away from voting for the winners but something about Mamadear reeled me in at the last second. 🙂 Yes, I’m going to the ENT doctor today. We’ll see what he does. The steroid nasal spray seemed to work somewhat. I’ll let you know how things go. I appreciate your thoughtfulness and concern, dear friend. Have a goodo day!

    • Cathy Kennedy


      The Enrique & Nicole “Heartbeat” vid is a bit steamy. I usually just listen to the songs playing in the background and don’t always pay too much attention to the video. It’s a beautiful song!

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